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引用本文:黄志洵. 论有质粒子作超光速运动的可能性[J]. 中国传媒大学学报, 2015, 0(3): 1-16. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-4793.2015.03.001
作者单位:中国传媒大学 信息工程学院,北京,100024
摘    要:狭义相对论( SR)中运动的有质粒子的长度( l)、质量( m)、能量( E或W)随速度v变化。当v增大,l减小而m和E加大。如果v=c,运动粒子的质量、能量成为无限大。故Einstein断言讨论超越光速c是无意义的。然而在实际上从未发现过物体长度随速度增加而减小。对质量而言,Newton力学中质量与速度无关;质量随速度变来自1904年的Lorentz公式m = m01- vc 2[()]-1/2,即使它适用于电子也不能像SR那样推广于一切动体,实际上缺少“Lorentz质速公式适用于中性粒子和中性物体”的实验。故所谓“光障”不一定真的存在。

关 键 词:有质粒子  光障  超光速运动

Possibility of the Massive Particles Moving by Faster-than-light
Abstract:From the Special Relativity( SR) ,length( l)、mass( m) and energy( E or W) of the moving mas-sive particles can be varied with the speed v. When v The electron not only is a general moving body,but also a special charged moving body. So even v=c,energy are not infinite. We also know that as v is increased,the charge q and the force F is decreased. This is a good explanation for the Kaufmann’s experiment in 1901. The Bertozi’s experiment in 1964 was a similar incident,it can’ t prove the light speed c is a limit in universe.
In this article,we compare the present“light barrier”problem with the past“sonic barrier”problem. The results of the compressible fluid mechanics can be used to the faster-than-light research,and the developments of the aerodynamics will give good references to break through the light barrier. Before ultra-sonic airplanes appeared,people thought a shock wave with great density would pile up when an airplane flied at a speed close to sound,then the airplane could not fly passing through the shook waves. But,ac-cording to theoretical analysis and experiments, scientists has understood when v = c ( c is the sonic speed) the gas density will increase by no more than 6 times,not infinite. Then,engineers set out to de-sign and make supersonic airplane. In 14 Oct. 1947,US Airforce succeeded in making the first supersonic flight.…… We believe that the same prospect will occur to the so-called light barrier.
Base on the particle-wave duality in Quantum Mechanics ( QM) ,scientists can work along the path of particles or waves. In the past,people know that all microscopic objects behave either as waves or as particles,but never as both. But in recent advances of QM,papers will show a different perspective—it is possible to design experiments to demonstrate that a quantum object can behave both as wave and as par-ticle. According to this situation,we believe it is possible to design experiments on the matter waves. Be-cause several group velocity faster-than-light experiments was a great success,then we expect that the superluminal massive particles ( electrons or positrons) may be exists. ……In conclusion, the massive particle moving by faster-than-light is possible. But the experimental works will be complete in the fu-ture.
Keywords:massive particles  light barrier  moving by faster-than-light
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