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引用本文:李仲辉. 河南鲤科鱼类咽骨咽齿的比较研究(一)[J]. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1982, 0(1)
摘    要:<正> 一、前言鲤科鱼类以发达的咽骨和咽齿著称。关于鲤科鱼类咽骨咽齿的比较研究,在理论和实践上均具一定意义,对于研究鲤科鱼类分类是极其重要的依据,研究肉食性鱼类胃内容物时,一般饵料易被分解,不易辨认,而咽骨咽齿不易被消化,根据咽骨咽齿的特点可以较精确的判别各种鲤科鱼类。Shepherd氏(1912)简述17种鲤科鱼类咽骨咽齿的形态与食性的关系;朱元鼎氏(1935)对我国鲤科鱼类咽骨咽齿的形态曾作过软详细的研究;Istvanvasarhelyi氏(1958)作过利用咽骨判别鲤科鱼类的报告;小林久雄、前田孟等氏(1962)对日本产的鲤科鱼类也作过比较研究,曾编有详细的检索表作为鉴别标

Abstract:This paper reports the morphology of the pharyngeal bones and their teeth in 10 genera and 10 species of Leuciscinae。The writer has established the keys according to the morphological characters of Pharyngeal bones and their teeth for convenience to identification. 1。In Leuciscinae: Pharyngeal bones are always with distinct anterior angle but degenenerate Posterior angle: width 1.9~10.8 in the length, length 8.2~17.8 in standard body length of fish, anterior limbs and posteior limbs about equal in lengh Pharyngeal teeth One to three rows, always asymmetrical in number on both sides, the first row with 4 to 5 teeth, the second row with 3 to 4 teeth, the third row with 1 to 2 teeth。Teeth of the first row are moderately compressed and the grinding surface rather narrow and slanting, without serration. sharp at the apex, the second and the third row with small teeth without grinding surface。The teeth of Mylopharyngodon are flat and molar like, in Ctenopharyngodon with deep oblique grooves on either side. Key to the genera and species A. Teeth 3 rows B. Pharyngeal bone much elongated, width beyond 4 times in length. C. Breadth over 6. 5 times in length…… ……Elopichthys bambusa (Richardlson) CC. Breadth below 6. 5 times in length. D.The anterior limb is much longer than the posterior, the anterior angle distinctly produced, the pitted surfaoe smooth with a few moderate cavities, the third row 1~2 teeth…… Opsariichthys uncirostris bidens Gunther DD. The anterior and posterior limbs are about equal in length. with indistinct anterior angle, the Pitted surface rough, with a series of moderate cavities. the third row 2 tceth……Ochetobius elongatus (Kner) BB. Pharyngeal bones moderate in length, widtht below 4 times in length. E. Width below 3. 2 times in length, the first teeth of the first row larger, swallen at apex and shorter than others……Squaliobarbus curriculus (Rich.) EE. Width over 3. 2 times in length, the first row is not differentiated in size and form…… ……Zacco Platypus (Schlegel) AA. Teeth 2 rows F. Teeth with oblique grooves on either side…… ……Ctenopharyngodon idellus (C.& V.) FF. Teeth without oblique grooves G. The third row with 3 teeh.…… ……Leuciscus walekii (Dyb.) GG. The third row with 1~2 teeth…… ……Phoxinus lagowski variogatus (Gunther) AAA. Teeth l row H. Pharyngeals greatly elongated and thin, teeth strongly compressed, straight or slightly curved. ……Luciobrama macrocephalus (Lacepede) HH. Pharyngeals short and broad, teeth flat and molar like……Mylopharyngodon piceus (Rich.)
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