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引用本文:朱济凡. 论我国林业发展的新战略[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 1982, 25(3): 1. DOI: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1982.03.001
摘    要:<正> 近年来,我们反复学习了党中央、国务院《关于大力开展植树造林的指示》、《关于保护森林发展林业若干问题的决定》等文件和胡耀邦、邓小平、赵紫阳等中央领导同志对林业工作的指示,感触很深,鼓舞很大。当前我国林业建设的形势发生了较大变化,正朝着正确的方向发展。新中国第一任林业部长、著名林学家梁希教授生前所描绘的“黄河流碧水,赤地变青山”这一壮丽远景如在眼前。 为贯彻党中央、国务院有关林业工作决议和指示,发展我国林业,雍文涛同志一九八一年十月在林业部作了一个具有战略决策性的《林业的形势和我们的任务》的报告。他在这个报

Abstract:According to the speech "Situation in Forestry and Our Task" delivered on Oct. 28, 1981 by Yong Wentao, the then Minister of Forestry, this article probes into the major points in the new strategy of the forestry development in our country.1 ) Forestry work should be focused on afforestation, forest protection and greening the country. This is the essence of the new strategy. In the past, the forestry work was unduly centered on timber production, which resulted in severe ecological disasters. Under such circumstances, strategical shift is something imperative. 2 ) The foundation of forestry theory and ideological basis of the new strategy is to recognize according to the laws of economy as well as the law of nature the important role of forest in an all round way. Needless to say that forest can provide timber and various kinds of forest products, but what is more important is that it has multiple functions and offers multiple benefits. 3 ) In the past, due to the influence of the "left" erronous ideology, the enthusiasm of the peasants was dampened, thus resulting in such damage as low survival rate of seedlings in afforestation. So we must now apply the Party’s policy to emancipate the minds of the peasants and bring out their initiative. 4 ) Backwardness in forestry science and technology is the chief cause which hinders the production of forestry. To solve this problem, great efforts must be made to raise the level of forestry science and technology, advocate scientific management and popularize forestry education. Only in this way, can forestry development be speeded up.
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