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Kinanthropometry Study of the Physique of Hong Kong and the Interior of China Correctional Services Recruits
Authors:Tsang - Ng Brenda  Chan Chee Kooi  Taylor GailInstitute of Textiles & Clothing  Hong Kong Polytechnic University  Hong Kong
Abstract:In this paper, the physique of the Hong Kong Correctional Services recruits were identified and reported. Kinanthropomctry has been applied in the study of Olympic athletes and researchers concluded that specific sports were correlated with a specific type of physique. Athletes involved in the same sports have a similar physique as well as body shape. Gold medal winners could be identified by their specific type of body shape. And athletes in different sport have different and specific body shape. Hence, by applying kinanthropomctry study, people in different occupations could be identified by their specific body shape and physique. The finalised body shape can be used as reference in the vetting standards. The somatotyping and anthropomctric input can be used to improve the uniform sizing system.
Keywords:kinanthropometry    physique    body shape    sam-atotyping.
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