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引用本文:葛荫榕. 河南省野生毛皮动物资源的分布和利用[J]. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1983, 0(4)
摘    要:河南省野生毛皮动物有33种,分属于5目11科。以草兔、黄鼬、岩松鼠产量最高。其次是:獾、豹猫、貉、狐。较珍贵稀有的种类有:猕猴、金钱豹、金猫、大灵猫、小灵猫、水獭、麝、青羊、(?)羚等。其分布特点是广大豫东豫北平原仅有草兔,黄鼬豹猫、艾虎、狗獾、猪獾等能适应各种环境的广布种。大多数种类都集中于西部伏牛山区及南部大别、桐柏山区,以洛阳、南阳,信阳三地区为最重要的产地。据历年收购数量变动的趋势和调查访问资料分析,近年来,草兔数量呈暴发性增长。岩松鼠、獾、貉的数量略有上升。豹猫、果子狸、艾虎产量较为平稳。而黄鼬、青鼬、狐、豹、水獭、小灵猫、麝、青羊的产量明显下降,大灵猫、鬣羚、金猫、虎的数量极为稀少或已近绝迹。资源下降的主要原因是森林的砍伐,过度捕猎、任意收购及剧毒农药和鼠药的使用等。最后提出几点保护和合理利用资源的建议。

Geograplical Ditributior and Resouce Uitiliyation of farbearing Mammals in henan province
Abstract:This paper reports that thvrty-three Species of fur-bearing mammals have been recorded in Henan,which belong to five orders and eleven families. Among them most abundant are Talai hare, yellow weasel and rock squirrel. next to them are daurian badger, Hdog-nosed badger, leopard cat, Chinese reccon and fox. Comparatively rare species are rhesus monkey, leopard, golden cat, gem-faceed civet, little civet, otter, musk deer, goral and serow, On the vast eastern and northern plain there are only some euryocious specise which can adapt themselves to various enviroments.Most of the species inhabit in the Funiu Mountains in western part of Henan and The Dabie and Tongbai Mountains in southern part of Henan.Most important providers are Luoyang, Xingyang and Nanyang prefectures. According to changing tendeney in purchasing amount over the years and the date obtained through investigation and visit, it can be seen that in the recent years, the number of Talai hares goes up greatly, Rock squirrel, Hog-nosed badger and Chinese reccon increase slightly; Leopard cat, Masked civet and masked polecat have a stable yield, whereas Yellow weasel, yellow throated marten, fox, leopard, otter, little civet, musk deer and goral decrease markedly now, Gem-faced civet, serow, golden cat and tiger have almost disappeared. The resources destruction results mainly from the forest ravage, overhunting, wanton purchasing and environmental pollution because of using poisonous substances. In the last part of this article, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to protect and rationally utilize natural resources
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