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作者姓名:郑汉业  明惟俊  葛庆杰  张香国
摘    要:<正>1973-1982年在南京、杭州、无锡等地建立了试验林,对日本松干蚧进行了一系列综合防治试验。制定了日本松干蚧生命表,分析了松干蚧花蝽、大赤螨、瘿蚁等捕食性天敌的作用。试验表明,促使松干蚧种群数量下降的关键是在具备一定数量捕食性天敌条件下的苏云金杆菌蜡螟变种松干蚧品系的流行,这种杆菌的流行可导致松干蚧种群急剧下降至“经济允许水平”以下。秋季喷菌时间离10月上旬越迟,感病越低;喷菌时间在5-7月或11月及其后,效果都不好;春季3-4月效果中等。翌春温高湿低,特别是干旱,松干蚧杆菌病流行速度减慢。其机理主要是对雌成虫和初孵若虫喷菌时湿度要很高,喷菌后松干蚧虫体要积水才易感病。对松干蚧其他虫态用喷杆菌方法还不易使其感病。 试验还证明,六六六丁体对此菌有强烈抑制作用。过去各地使用过量六六六防治松毛虫,是招致松干蚧大发生的原因之一。

Abstract:Experiments on an Integrated Pest Control of the pine bast scale Maisucoccus matsumurae Kuwana have been carried on for ten years since 1973, in a pine stand on the campus of our college. An analysis of the data obtained from the continuous observation on its population fluctuation and its life table showed that the key factor affecting the population dynamics in a newly infested region was the predaceous insects and mites Elatophilus nipponensis, Anystis sp, Oligotrophus sp, etc. They not only fed on the scale, but also transmitted a pathogen, a kind of bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis var. galleriaestrain matsucoccosae of the pine bast scale. With these enemies, an integrated control of this scale has been successfully established in the pine wood of about ten mu on our campus for ten years. The stand has been growing vigorously and the population of the scale has gone down to a low level.At the same time, surveys were also made in other infested regions in Shandong, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Provinces and Shanghai municipality. It was found out that there always existed a scale source center, characteristics of which were: (1) pines grew too close, moisture high inside the stand; (2) resistance of the tree low, often accompanied with outbreak of secondary pests; (3) lack of effective natural enemies.Another IPC of the scale has been made in a wood of about 100 mu on the phoenix Hill near Hangzhou since 1978. After cutting down and removing the dead trees, natural enemies from our campus and Liaoning Province were introduced to the Phoenix Hill. Two years later, after about 4 generations, the population of the scale went down to about 5% of the original number, which was below the Economic Level (0.56 insect/10cm2) and the trees returned to normal growth.According to our experiments, populations of the scale will decrease rapidly if the pathogen is sprayed to the trees in the presence of some predaceous insects and mites.
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