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Tiantanbio: NIH 小鼠血液生理生化和脏器指标的测定分析
引用本文:郭羽,魏杰,王锡岩,张梦媛,胡涛,闵凡贵,王洪,岳秉飞. Tiantanbio: NIH 小鼠血液生理生化和脏器指标的测定分析[J]. 实验动物科学, 2016, 33(6): 45-49
作者姓名:郭羽  魏杰  王锡岩  张梦媛  胡涛  闵凡贵  王洪  岳秉飞
摘    要:摘要: 目的测定Tiantanbio: NIH( 天坛生物: NIH) 小鼠的血液生理生化和脏器指标,并进行差异性和相关性分析。方法选取4 周龄和8 周龄Tiantanbio: NIH 小鼠各30 只,雌雄各半,麻醉后采血,测定17 项生理和13 项生化指标,解剖并测定主要脏器质量和脏器系数,分析各指标性别和周龄间的差异,并进行脏器质量与体质量的相关性分析。结果差异性分析显示,血液生理指标中,白细胞、白细胞亚群和血小板相关指标是主要差异项目; 血液生化指标多数都会受到性别和周龄的影响; 脏器质量雄性高于雌雄,并随着周龄增加而增大,脏器系数则随着周龄增加而减小。相关性分析显示,除胸腺外其他脏器质量均与体质量显著正相关( P < 0. 05) ,其中雌鼠肝脏、雄性肾脏与体质量的相关性最高。结论性别和周龄都会影响血液生理生化和脏器指数的变化,不同机构保种的NIH 小鼠存在差异,需建立相应的生物学特性基础数据库。

关 键 词:<  p>  Tiantanbio: NIH 小鼠   血液生理生化参数   脏器指数   统计分析<  /p>  

Determination of Blood Physiological and Biochemical Parameters and Organ Indices of Tiantanbio: NIH Mice
Abstract:Abstract: Objective Blood physiological and biochemical parameters and organ indices of Tiantanbio: NIH mice were determined and analyzed by difference and correlation analysis methods. Method 4 - week and 8 - week old SPF Tiantanbio: NIH mice ( n = 30 each age) ,half male and half female,were chosen as objectives. After anesthesia,blood was collected for determination of 17 physiological and 13 biochemical parameters. Then the mice were dissected to determine organ weights and coefficients. Differences between groups and correlations of organ weights with body weights were analyzed respectively. Result Results of difference analysis showed that some blood physiological parameters,most biochemical parameters,organ weights and coefficients were affected by both sex and age. Among physiological parameters,WBC,leukocyte subsets,and blood platelet related indices were included. All the organ weights showed significantly positive correlations with body weights excluding thymus,and female liver weights and male kidney weights had close correlation with body weights. Conclusion Both sex and ages could affect blood physiological and biochemical parameters and organ indices. And there were significant differences between mice of different origins,which asked the producers to establish their own biologicalcharacteristic data bases.

Tiantanbio: NIH mice   blood physiological and biochemical parameters   organ coefficients   statistical analysis

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