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引用本文:韩贵峰. 人—人管理系统的理论基础——管理心理学浅说[J]. 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版), 1987, 0(1)
作者单位:北京轻工业学院 副院长
摘    要:管理心理学是心理科学的一个分支,是研究管理活动中人的心理活动规律的一门科学。它的主要理论基础是心理学、社会学、人类学和管理学。它的基本内容是运用上述学科中的有关理论和方法,研究个体和群体在管理过程中的心理及行为规律。目的在于充分调动和发挥人的积极性、主动性和创造性,解放生产力,使人力资源、物资技术设备的潜力最大限度地发挥作用,提高工作、生产效益。同时,我们还要认真总结多年来的实践经验,建立起具有中国特色的管理心理学体系,为提高我国管理水平和管理效益服务。本文从管理心理学及其发展,管理心理学的理论基础,管理心理学的基本内容,研究管理心理学提高管理水平等方面加以简要论述。

Abstract:Management psychology is a branch of psychology. It is a science. concerning human activities in management. The main theoretical basis are psychology, sociology, anthropology, and management. Basically speaking, theories and methods of the subjects mentioned above are used as tools to study human activities, either as an individual or as a group, in management process. The purpose is to mobilize human positiveness, intiativeness, and creativeness, and to liberate productive force, in order that potential work forces, material resources and equipments may be brought into play within the qreatest possibilies. By so doing both business and production will be benefited. At the same time, reviewing and summing up of experiences gained during the past years will certainly help for the setting up of a management psychology system with Chinese features, to provide and benefit management activities.
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