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The Measure Method of Complaint Theme Influence in View of Netizens' Emotional Resonance
Abstract:On the social network platform, complaints about the public policy formulation and implementation issues arise largely. Through the information aggregation, frequent interaction, word-of-mouth and emotional resonance on online social network, these information will lead to the outbreak of the network complaints. It brings difficulties and challenges in public management. China is under a period of social transformation, and there are various problems and contradictions. Emergency can easily arouse group complaints on online network, and it will lead to network public opinion through inducing social emotional resonance, which is harmful to social security and stability. This paper has built the evaluation index system from four dimensions with complaint text's quality, transmission timeliness, user interaction degree and emotional resonance excited by emergency. Then, we establish the dynamic influence measure model of online netizens complaint theme based on an entropy weight model. The measure model is proved to be reasonable and effective by the empirical research of Sina Weibo data. The model can effectively solve the measure problem of group complaints influence when the emergencies arouse social emotional resonance. It has important theoretical significance and practical value for public policy decision-maker on listening to online group complaints, understanding public opinion, and making public policy.
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