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Retrievals of atmospheric boundary layer temperature and moisture profiles by using Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) measurements in Shouxian
作者姓名:Linjun Pan  Daren Lii
作者单位:Key Laboratory for Middle Atmosphere and GlobalEnvironment Observation, Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
基金项目:This work was supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA05040300) and the External Cooperation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (GJHZ1207). Obser- vation data were provided by the AMF collaboration between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and US Department of Energy (DOE). The authors would like to thank Dr. Jun Li, Wayne F. Feltz, Weilin Pan, and Alan Z. Liu for their helpful editing and suggestions.
摘    要:The ground-based Atmospheric Emitted Radi- ance Interferometer (AERI) was deployed in Shouxian, China in 2008 to measure down-welling infrared radiances with high resolution. Based on AERI observations, we propose a new method for retrieving vertical temperature and water vapor profiles in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The method exclusively uses NCEP-2, a global reanalysis data as a first-guess profile in an iterative recursive algorithm. The PBL profiles of temperature and moisture under clear sky conditions in Shouxian have been retrieved using this new method. Compared with coinci- dent radiosonde measurements, we find that AERI is able to obtain more accurate temperature and water vapor pro- files in the PBL. The retrieval results with high temporal resolution can be used to monitor the PBL stability and evolution.

关 键 词:AERI·PBL·Temperature profile·Water vapor profile·NCEP-
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