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摘    要:据《中国科技期刊引证报告》(2014年)统计,高校自然科学学报总被引频次均值和影响因子均值相对偏低,但略高于数学类期刊.仅有6家学报被美国《工程索引》(EI Compendex)收录,国际影响力不大.对入选2011年版《中文核心期刊要目总览》的62种高校自然科学学报的高被引论文(被引频次25以上)进行统计,结果表明:高被引论文在刊物之间的分布很不均匀,各刊高被引论文所属学科差别较大,并非千刊一面.编辑部要结合自身的学科优势、人才优势、地域优势,积极组织朝阳选题,提升学报的学术影响力.

关 键 词:高校自然科学学报  数据库  被引频次  影响因子  高被引论文

Influence and Highly Cited Papers of University Journal of Natural Science
Affiliation:,Editorial Department of Journal,Xinyang Normal University
Abstract:The mean total citation frequency and the average impact factor of university journals of natural science were relatively lower in《China science and technology journal citation reports(2014)》,but slightly higher than the mathematics journals'.Their international influence was not big,only 6of the journals were included in EI Compendex.Highly cited papers from 62 of university journal of natural science were analyzed.The results showed that the distribution of the highly cited papers in the journals was very uneven and the highly cited papers disciplines had a bigger difference.The editorial department of journal should actively organize subject according to its own discipline superiority,talent advantage and regional advantage to promote the academic influence of journal.
Keywords:university journal of natural science  database  citation frequency  highly cited papers
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