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引用本文:李婷婷,袁位高,温丽娜,朱锦茹,刘建灵,邱帅,张大伟. 基于HalfsibBV的大叶榉树家系遗传参数估算与综合选择[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 62(4): 8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201807004
作者姓名:李婷婷  袁位高  温丽娜  朱锦茹  刘建灵  邱帅  张大伟
作者单位:(1.浙江省林业科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310023; 2.浙江省云和县林业局,浙江 云和 323600; 3. 杭州市园林绿化股份有限公司,浙江 杭州 310020)
基金项目:收稿日期:2018-07-03 修回日期:2018-10-16 基金项目:浙江省科技计划项目(2017F50005); 浙江省“十三五”农业(林木)新品种选育重大科技专项(2016C02056-11,2016C02056-14)。 第一作者:李婷婷(tingtingli71@163.com),助理研究员,博士,ORCID(0000-0002-6570-2332)。*通信作者:袁位高(zfaywg@126.com),研究员,博士,ORCID(0000-0002-5794-1384)。
摘    要:【目的】对来自浙江、江苏、云南和湖南4个大叶榉(Zelkova schneideriana)产地引进的21个大叶榉树家系进行子代测定,研究家系生长性状的遗传变异规律,估算遗传参数,筛选大叶榉树优良家系和单株。【方法】采用多重比较法、综合指数法,结合整齐度指标的联合选择方法进行优良家系筛选,并采用混合线性模型(generalized linear mixed models,GLMM),以及HalfsibBV程序包计算相应的遗传参数,包括遗传力、遗传相关系数、家系及子代个体育种值。【结果】7年生大叶榉树胸径、树高、枝下高、冠幅和材积的表型变幅分别为6.8~9.5 cm、4.7~7.1 m、1.4~2.1 m、3.0~4.2 m和0.008 2~0.020 6 m3,家系遗传力为0.73~0.87,单株遗传力为0.370~0.817,遗传变异系数为8.35%~24.13%。相关分析表明,除枝下高与调查性状呈中度相关外,其他性状间均为极显著正相关。以30%为入选率,共有8个家系入选,为云10、云15、苏02、苏05、苏14、苏15、湘02和浙07。引入整齐度作为辅助筛选指标,生长性状优良兼顾满足胸径、树高和冠幅整齐度均达80%以上的家系为云10、苏02和苏05。根据育种值选择家系结果与综合选择结果趋势一致,选出来自14个家系的65个优良单株。【结论】大叶榉树各性状在家系间呈极显著差异,家系选育具有很大潜力。采用HalfsibBV软件、综合指数法,结合整齐度指标的联合选择方法可以选出一部分生长优良且一致性高的家系。HalfsibBV软件包可以作为选择优良家系和单株的有效工具。

Estimation of the genetic parameters based on HalfsibBV package and integrated selection for Zelkova schneideriana families
Abstract:【Objective】This study was conducted to analyze the genetic variation and parameters of the growth characteristics of Zelkova schneideriana, based on a progeny test containing 21 families from 4 producing origins in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Yunnan and Hunan. Superior families and individuals were also selected during this research. 【Method】In this study, the integrated selection method of multiple comparisons and a comprehensive index, combined with a regularity index, was used to select superior families. Generalized linear mixed models and the HalfsibBV package were used to calculate the genetic parameters such as the heritability, genetic correlation coefficient, and breeding values of the families and individuals. 【Result】The variation of the diameter at breast height(DBH), height, height under branch(HUB), crown and volume in 7-year-old trees were 6.8 to 9.5 cm, 4.7 to 7.1 m, 1.4 to 2.1 m,3.0 to 4.2 m and 0.008 2 to 0.020 6 m3, respectively. The family heritabilities ranged from 0.73 to 0.87, whereas the individual heritabilities ranged from 0.370 to 0.817, and the genetic variation coefficients ranged from 8.35% to 24.13%. The correlation analysis showed that only the HUB was moderately correlated with the investigated traits, while all other growth traits were significantly positively correlated with each other. Eight families were selected, with 30% as the selection rate; these were Y10, Y15, S02, S05, S14, S15, X02 and Z07. With the introduction of the regularity degree as the auxiliary screening index, the families with excellent growth characters, which could meet the requirement of DBH, height, and crown of more than 80%, were Y10, S02 and S05. Family selection, based on the breeding values, was consistent with the trend of the integrated selection results. Sixty-five superior individuals from 14 families were selected according to the individual breeding values. 【Conclusion】The characteristics of Z. schneideriana were significantly different from each other at the family level, with the family selection having great potential. Some families with good growth and a high consistency can be selected by the combined selection method of HalfsibBV software, a comprehensive index, and a uniformity index. The HalfsibBV software package can be used as an effective tool to select excellent families and individuals.
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