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作者单位:江西农业大学植保系 南昌330045 (盛金坤),江西上饶地区林业局 江西334000(俞云祥)
摘    要:本文记述了平腹小蜂属Anastatus两新种短翅平腹小蜂Anastatus(A.)meilingensis sp.nov和黄氏平腹小蜂Anastatus(A.)huangi sp.nov。寄生松毛虫卵,采于江西上饶,玉山,模式标本保存于江西农业大学植保系。

关 键 词:旋小峰科  平腹小蜂属  新种

Authors:Sheng Jinkun
Abstract:This paper deals with two new species of the Genus Anastatus, The material is col-lected from Jiangxi, China. Type specimens are deposited in the Department of Plant Protection, Jiangxi Agricultural University. 1. Anastatus (Anastatus) meilinqensis sp. nov. (Fig. I) Female: Body length 2. 6 ?. 9mm. This new species resembles A. gastropachae, but the latter with width of head about 1. 96 times as long as its length, and the length of mesoscutum 1. 8 times as long as its mid lobe. This new species also rsembles A. ruficaudus, but the latter with the funicles longer, the length of 7th funicle about 1. 3 times as long as its width, the ovipositor about 1/3 as long as the length of abdomen. Holotype (?) , Allotype (?), Shangrao, 1984, VI. 15, Yu Jingting: Paratypes: 28(?)(?) ,same data as holoytpe; 40(?)(?), 1(?) , Yushang, 1984. V. 2-17, Yu Jingting; 10(?)(?) -?, 1 (?) , Nan-chang (Meiling), 1972, VI. Sheng Jinkun: 3(?)(?), Nanchang (Meiling), 1972. XI. Shen Guangpu. Host: Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura and D. punctatus (Walker) (egg) 2. Anastatus (Anastatus) huangi sp. nov. (Fig ? ) Female: Boby length 1. 8 ?2. 0 mm. This new species resembles A. (A) meilingensis, but differs in the forewing a little shorter than the end of abdomen; the antennal club about as long as the preceeding 3 segments com-bined; the width of head about 1. 90 times as long as its length; eye not shrunken: body smaller. Holotype(?) , Allotype(?),Paratypes 5??, 4(?)(?) , Jiangxi, Wanzai, 1996??) ?5, Yu Yunxiang. Host: Dendrolimus punctatus (Walker) and D. kikuchii Matsmura (egg).
Keywords:Hymenoptera  Eupelmidae  Anastatus  new species
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