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美东地区的罗德河流域遭受着严重的酸沉降侵蚀.在酸性条件下,铝从土壤中大量溶解并迁移到水环境中.地表水中升高的铝浓度对鱼类产生毒害,监测地表水和土壤水中的铝形态及浓度变化已成为问题的关键.本文报导了用化学平衡模式计算法分析美东地区罗德河流域地下水中的铝形态分布,获得了有价值的结论  相似文献   
采用改良的连续提取法(BCR)对巢湖市环城河沉积物重金属总量及其赋存形态进行了测定和分析.结果表明,巢湖市环城河采样点表层(0~10 cm)沉积物中重金属的质量分数分别为29.5~224.3 mg·kg-1 (Pb),21.3~78.1 mg·kg-1 (Ni),67.5~1 126.3 mg·kg-1 (Cr),50.7~217.4 mg·kg-1 (Cu);新城区西环城河沉积物重金属的质量分数明显高于老城区东环城河;其中以Cr的质量分数在不同采样点差异最为显著.不同采样点沉积物中重金属总量随深度变化特征差异明显,西环城河沉积物不同深度重金属的质量分数较低,且随深度变化较小;受污染较严重的东环城河沉积物不同深度重金属的质量分数普遍较高,且垂直变化波动较大;所调查的4个沉积物柱状样能较好表征周边环境现状和污染历程.4个采样点不同深度沉积物重金属的可交换及碳酸盐结合态的质量分数占总量的百分比均不超过5%,Pb主要以铁锰氧化物结合态存在;Ni主要以残渣态存在;Cr主要以有机物及硫化物结合态和残渣态存在;Cu则主要以铁锰氧化物结合态和残渣态存在;不同采样点柱状沉积物各重金属形态垂向分布也存在显著差异,次生相与原生相分布比值(Rsp)法分析结果显示,巢湖市东环城河2个采样点柱状沉积物R.值明显高于西环城河,其重金属潜在污染生态风险较高,其中Pb和Cr属于中度或重度污染水平.  相似文献   
化学浸提法研究中药党参中活性铝的溶出及形态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用KCl,NH4Ac,HCl,NaOH 4种浸提液将中药党参中存在的铝浸提溶出,得到党参中铝的不同形态,采用铬天青S(CAS)分光光度法进行定量测定,得到中药党参中活性铝的形态分布,并对影响铝溶出的若干因子进行了探讨.浸提液中铝的回收率为97.0%~109.3%.  相似文献   
室内模拟研究颤蚓扰动对污染沉积物中镉形态分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内模拟颤蚓在镉污染湖泊沉积物中的生物扰动, 采用Tessier连续萃取法对生物扰动后不同深度沉积物中的镉进行形态分析. 通过研究颤蚓扰动对沉积物不同深度的氧化还原电位及上覆水pH值的影响, 进一步分析其对沉积物中镉形态分布的影响. 结果表明, 颤蚓扰动可以改变其活动区域内沉积物的微环境(如pH值、 氧化还原电位等), 进而对沉积物中镉的主要存在形态产生影响; 颤蚓扰动可提高镉从沉积物内部微孔向溶液中扩散的速率, 进而提高沉积物中镉的纵向迁移能力, 促进镉从铁锰氧化物结合态向可交换态的转移; 颤蚓扰动还能增加沉积物表层碳酸盐结合态及可交换态镉的质量比, 影响水/沉积物界面镉的交换; 有机/硫化物结合态及残渣态镉的质量比较低, 受颤蚓生物扰动影响不显著.  相似文献   
【目的】为探讨北黄海獐子岛附近海域氮、磷的来源及其污染风险状况,对该海域表层沉积物中氮、磷的形态和分布特征进行分析。【方法】采用K2S2O8氧化法和HCl浸取法对獐子岛附近海域13个站位的表层沉积物中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)及其无机和有机态的含量进行分析,并采用单因子标准指数法对氮、磷的污染水平进行评价。【结果】獐子岛附近海域沉积物中TN和TP的含量分别为0.192~1.357 mg/g和0.302~0.489mg/g,有机氮(ON)和无机磷(IP)是表层沉积物中氮和磷的主要存在形式,分别占TN与TP的90.93%和82.84%。沉积物中TN和TP在研究区域南部含量较高,这与沉积物粒度密切相关;而ON、有机磷(OP)两者都与有机碳(TOC)含量具有显著相关性,说明它们具有相似的来源。单因子标准指数法分析表明獐子岛附近海域沉积物中TP含量较低,标准指数均小于1;而TN含量相对较高,其标准指数为0.35~2.47。【结论】獐子岛附近海域沉积物中氮为陆源和自生混合来源,而磷主要是陆源输入;海域沉积物环境受到氮的污染。  相似文献   

We describe two diminutive species of rattlesnakes (genus Crotalus) from small nearshore islands off the coast of Baja California in the western Gulf of California, Mexico. In order to test the hypothesis that some island populations represent cohesive species entities, we applied linear discriminant analysis and uniform validation procedures to multiple classes of intrinsic trait data. By using previously recognised species to establish a threshold for species recognition, we found that assignment of specimens to either new species was as probable as with other established rattlesnake species within the speckled rattlesnake (Crotalus mitchellii) complex. We also found that assignment of specimens from other island populations was not as probable as for the established species, and these populations are referable to C. pyrrhus. The species endemic to Piojo Island is most closely related to other island and mainland populations of C. pyrrhus whereas the species endemic to Cabeza de Caballo Island is apparently most closely related to C. angelensis, a nearby island endemic of large body size. However, patterns from both mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies, and phenotypic variation, indicate that evolutionary trajectories of both of these species have been influenced by introgression from C. angelensis. We speculate that collective evidence based on contrasting patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial evolution supports a hybrid origin of the species from Cabeza de Caballo Island followed by exceptionally rapid mitochondrial evolution. Consistent with small body size, both species show a reduction in various scale counts relative to other species of the C. mitchellii species complex, suggesting that dwarfism is not simply a plastic response to insular conditions.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn.lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FBC8A11B-04A3-4231-85CA-3972DF5A42FF  相似文献   
The mating call of Pelophylax ridibundus and Pelophylax kurtmuelleri from three syntopic and five allotopic populations was studied. All recordings were made during the mating season. We tested the hypothesis that the call of P. ridibundus from allotopic populations would differ from that in syntopic populations with P. kurtmuelleri. For the comparative analysis we used univariate and multivariate statistical methods and the following characteristics: call duration, pulse group duration, pulse group interval, pulse group period, pulse group number, minimum, maximum, fundamental and dominant frequencies and pulse energy. Analyses reveal a trait divergence in most of the studied characteristics of the signals, with stronger differentiation between P. kurtmuelleri and P. ridibundus in syntopic populations than between the two species in allotopic ones. The possible evolutionary implications of this divergence are discussed.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31):2935-2952
The scales of one high Andean eumaeine lycaenid butterfly species with pale dorsal coloration and four species with vivid dorsal colour were investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy. The micro‐ and nanostructures are illustrated, described, measured, and interpreted. The vivid colours in the species are caused by a pepper‐pot nanostructure of Urania‐type scales. This nanostructure is a three‐dimensional lattice within the body of the individual scale. The scales of the non‐vivid orange species are lacking this nanostructure and the surfaces of their scales show high microstructure irregularities. This absence of vivid colour may be correlated with thermal regulation. The irregularity of the scale microstructures suggests a heavy environmental pressure on the populations sampled. Previously unknown structural variations of Urania‐type scales are also described. The existence of closed scale microcell structures, explained as an apomorphic character in the tribe Eumaeini, most probably evolved independently several times. It is hypothesized that scale micro‐ and nanostructure modifications develop syntopically within a population, which in turn can lead to rapid diversification.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1927-1940
Ten populations representing four species of the ‘Carabodes marginatus’ group, as C. marginatus, C. affinis, C. quadrangulus and C. montanus from central Italy have been studied for genetic variation at 16 enzymatic loci by electrophoresis. Morphotypes close to C. marginatus but easily distinguishable by the shorter marginal notogastral setae were also included in the analysis to evaluate their systematic status. Carabodes arduinii, a very different species from the ‘coriaceus’ group, was employed as an out-group. Phylogenetic relationships among different species were studied and inferred data demonstrated that cladogenetic events occurred, even though rates of molecular and morphological evolution do not correlate. Morphotypes related to C. marginatus were genetically very close to the type specimens, but a different pattern of allele frequency was observed in sympatric populations of the two setal forms. Possible explanations for this finding are suggested in relation to historical processes. The rate of gene flow among populations of the two morphs was estimated by both Wright's F st and Slatkin's Nm methods. These two different procedures yielded contradictory results.  相似文献   
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