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  2012年   6篇
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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1171-1231
Nine new species and three new genera, Parandrianellus, Scyphuliger, and James-cookina, are associated with various species of hard corals in the vicinity of Lizard Island, Big Broadhurst Reef, and Bowl Reef on the Great Barrier Reef. These copepods include the lichomolgids Parandrianellus annulatus from Hydnophora rigida, Scyphuliger concavipes from Acropora hyacinthus and Acropora sarmentosa, Scyphuliger manifestus from Acropora hyacinthus and Acropora squarrosa, James-cookina redacta from Echinopora horrida, Panjakus eumeces from Hydnophora rigida, Anchimolgus abbreviatus and Anchimolgus tanaus from Acrhelia horrescens, Anchimolgus exsertus from Echinopora horrida, and Odontomolgus bulbalis from Merulina ampliata. Schedomolgus tenuatus Humes, 1990, recorded from Acropora hyacinthus and Acropora humilis, is transferred to the genus Scyphuliger. Schedomolgus lobophorus (Humes and Ho, 1968) is recorded from Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora humilis, Acropora sarmentosa, and Acropora intermedia; Amarda goniastreae Humes, 1985, from Favia stelligera; and Amardopsis merulinae Humes, 1974, from Merulina ampliata and Leptoria phrygia. The harpacticoid Alteuthellopsis corallina Humes, 1981, is reported from Merulina ampliata and Stylophora pistillata. A list of those copepods previously known to be associated with hard corals in the area and a key to the 81 genera of the Lichomolgidae are provided.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1227-1241
Six species of ergasilid copepods are described, based on material found on 11 species of fishes collected from estuaries and rivers in Kerala, India. Five are new to science, they are: Dermoergasilus varicoleus n. sp. from Liza tade Forskål; Ergasilus parvitergum n. sp. from Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) and Caranx malabaricus (Bloch and Schneider); Ergasilus rostralis n. sp. from Liza tade, L. macrolepis (Smith), and Valamugil seheli (Forskål); Ergasilus uniseriatus n. sp. from Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton) and Xenentodon cancila Hamilton; and Paraergasilus dentatus n. sp. from Glossogobius giuris. Dermoergasilus amplectens (Dogiel and Akhmerov) was recovered in India from six species of hosts: Etroplus maculatus (Bloch), Gerres setifer (Hamilton), Hyporamphus xanthopterus (Cuvier and Valenciennes), Megalops cyprinoides (Broussonet), Valamugil seheli (Forskål), and Chanos chanos (Forskål).  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(4):1025-1034
Three species of fish-parasitizing poecilostomatoid copepods are redescribed based on material collected off the coasts of Mauritania and Senegambia. They are: Bomolochus unicirrus Richiardi from Lichia glauca Linnaeus, Taeniacanthus balistae (Claus) from Balistes capriscus Gmelin, and Chondracanthus brotulae Capart from Molva molva (Linnaeus).  相似文献   
Thirteen new species and one new genus of poecilostomatoid copepods are described from intertidal mud flats in the central west coast of the Korean Peninsula facing the Yellow Sea. Nine species are found in association with invertebrates: Hemicyclops ventriplanus n. sp. from the decapod crustacean Upogebia major (De Haan); Clausia lobata n. sp. from the polychaete Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu); Presynaptiphilus minutus n. sp. from the ophiuroid Amphiura sinicola (Matsumoto); Synaptiphilus longicaudus n. sp. and Enterophilus cercomegalus n. gen. et n. sp. from the holothurian Protankyra bidentata (Woodward and Barrett); Goidelia pelliviva n. sp. from an echiuroid Thalassema sp.; Lichomolgus bullatus n. sp. from the bivalve Striarca (Didimacar) tenebrica (Reeve); Critomolgus nudus n. sp. from the pennatulacean Virgularia gustaviana (Herklots); and Notoxynus tertius n. sp. from the sea anemone Cerianthus filiformis Carlgren. The other four species are found in stagnant water on the mud flat: Kelleria vaga n. sp., Macrochiron anormalum n. sp., Pseudomacrochiron urostenum n. sp. and Pseudanthessius dentatus n. sp.  相似文献   

Robertgurneya smithi nov. sp. is described and figured from near Adelaide; notes are given on other species (including complete figures of the female of R. ilievecensis Monard), followed by a revised key to the members of this genus, of which R. smithi is the first to be found in Australian waters.  相似文献   
Six new copepods are associated with five species of the antipatharian coral Antipathes in the Indo-Pacific. Three asterocherid siphonostomatoids are described. Asteropontius latus sp. nov., from Antipathes sp. at Bohol Island, Philippines, has an unusually broad prosome. Asteropontius bandicola sp. nov., from Antipathes abies (L.) in the Moluccas and Antipathes cf. spinescens Gray in northwestern Madagascar, has rounded lateral margins on the female genital somite and the free segment of leg 5 is elongate with the ratio 2·69:1. Orecturus grandisetiger gen. nov., sp. nov., from Antipathes ericoides Pallas and Antipathes longibrachiata (van Pesch) in northwestern Madagascar, Antipathes reticulata Esper in the Moluccas, and Antipathes sp. at Bohol, Phillipines, has an unusually large seta on the third segment of the first antenna. Three lichomolgid poecilostomatoids are described from Antipathes sp. at Bohol in the Philippines. Visayasia lobura gen. nov., sp. nov., and Visayasia subterna gen. nov., sp. nov., are characterized by having the third segment of the endopod of leg 1 in both sexes armed with I, I, 4. Paramolgus delicatulus sp. nov., has a short caudal ramus and the female genital double somite is indented. The range of Paramolgus insectus (Humes, 1969) is extended from Madagascar and the Moluccas to the Philippines.  相似文献   
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