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Five taxa of talitrid amphipods were found in the archipelago of Bermuda, of which three were recorded there for the first time. Four of these are supralittoral wrack generalists: Platorchestia monodi BOLD:AAB3402, (a unique Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit according to the Barcode Index Number system), a related species recognized by molecular methods, Platorchestia platensis BOLD:AAA2949, Mexorchestia carpenteri carpenteri BOLD:AAC1491 and Tethorchestia antillensis; and one a terrestrial leaf-litter generalist: Talitroides alluaudi. A key is provided to discriminate between the formally described talitrids of Bermuda. Dispersal mechanisms from the American continent to Bermuda were considered for all taxa based on species distributions along the North American Atlantic coast and also investigated by molecular methods, using genetic population differentiation and haplotype network analysis based on the barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. For P. monodi BOLD:AAB3402 the genetic results suggest that some dispersal events occurred before human colonization of Bermuda but are equivocal about the source population and therefore the direction of dispersal. Some very recent synanthropic dispersal is possible with this species. For the other two species studied genetically, P. platensis BOLD:AAA2949 and M. c. carpenteri BOLD:AAC1491, the small population samples analysed support dispersal to Bermuda from the American mainland, before human occupation of Bermuda, although the available sample size was limited for these species. The available limited direct, non-genetic evidence supports synanthropic transport for Talitroides alluaudi. Platorchestia monodi BOLD:AAB3402 is found in the same wrack habitat as P. platensis BOLD:AAA2949 on Bermuda, apparently without interbreeding. No evidence was found that driftwood specialist talitrids had become established in Bermuda.  相似文献   
There are no terrestrial and freshwater molluscs associated with Continental nor Maritime Antarctica. The malacofaunas of the cool-temperate and sub-Antarctic islands of the Southern Ocean are extremely depauperate, comprising a mere 68 site-records of 51 species from 27 genera in 13 families. The South Atlantic records are confined to the Falkland Islands, which harbour nine species (one bivalve, five pond snails and three terrestrial aliens), and South Georgia, where there is one Notodiscus sp. (Charopidae). The fauna of the South Indian Ocean islands of Prince Edward, Crozet, Kerguelen and Heard, comprises two alien slugs and endemic Notodiscus hookeri (Charopidae). The majority of species occur on the South Pacific Ocean Islands of Macquarie, Campbell, Auckland, Snares, Antipodes, Bounty and Chatham to the south and east of New Zealand. The Chatham fauna is dissimilar to that on the other South Pacific Islands, though both represent vicariant remnants of common South Pacific Is./New Zealand Athoracophoridae, Charopidae and Punctidae. There is, other than the broad South Indian Ocean distribution of Notodiscus hookeri, little evidence of Holocene dispersal and colonization. Indeed the Southern Ocean is an effective barrier and the different regional (South Atlantic/Indian/Pacific) faunas are principally vicariant and derived from local survivors of Pleistocene glaciation.  相似文献   
豚草传播特性的初步观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
豚草具有很强的生态适应性,其种子萌发受温度的制约明显,豚草从侵入某一地区到进入稳定阶段以前,其群聚度往往与侵入时间的长短呈正相关,当外界阻力达到或接近足够阻止豚草种群在该地区的继续扩展时,此种群就进入了稳定阶段。建议采取综合防除措施。  相似文献   
珍稀物种的分布特征是物种濒危等级评定和保护策略制订的基础资料.本文利用MaxEnt模型对分布于凉山山系的珙桐Davidia involucrata(包括光叶珙桐Davidia involucrata var.vilmoriniana)种群的生境分布及其影响因素进行了模拟分析,结果表明:在垂直方向上珙桐主要分布在海拔1500~2300m的中山地带;在水平方向上珙桐基本分布在凉山山系东坡的小凉山地区.珙桐总分布面积为1832.446km2,其中最适宜生境面积为958.448km2,次适宜生境面积为873.998km2.刀切法检验结果及限制因子分析表明影响珙桐分布特征的主要环境因子有温度季节性变异系数、海拔、最冷月最低温、最冷季降水量、降水季节性变异系数、到居民点距离.本文建议应加强对凉山山系保护区外的大面积珙桐生境的保护及关键连接区域的恢复,以促进山系内珙桐资源的增长和生境的连接.  相似文献   
首先简要介绍了DRM系统发送端信号处理流程.其次,从能量扩散、比特分配、可删除卷积编码、比特交织、QAM映射五个方面重点阐述了DRM系统信道编码.最后,介绍了DRM信道编码基于PC的软件实现.  相似文献   
本文通过对风险概念的进一步分析,说明了风险权衡在项目风险分析中的重要作用。并且阐述了多阶段项目风险权衡的两个基本目的,即评估各阶段风险权衡策略的综合效果,以及根据预期风险控制要求,产生各阶段的风险权衡策略。同时,通过给出一些基本假设,引出了一个多阶段项目的风险权衡模型,并且给出了几种简单实用的求解方法:搜索法和启发式法等。最后,就本文所讨论的方法进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   
以接种松材线虫的1年生抗性黑松苗为实验材料,用感病黑松苗作对照来研究松材线虫在抗性黑松体内的移动及寄主水势变化.结果表明:接种初期,松材线虫在树体内的数量少,移动速度慢;在抗病黑松体内,线虫主要向下移动,且虫体数量明显少于在感病黑松体内的数量;在感病黑松体内线虫自接种点向上、下移动,且向下移动的速度和虫体数量明显大于向上的.随着时间的推移,线虫开始繁殖,扩散能力增强.水势测定结果显示,感、抗病黑松水势变化总趋势是先上升后下降再上升.  相似文献   
We have investigated the ciliated protozoa living in the crater-lake of an extinct volcano in Australia. Our principal objective was to discover if such a habitat— geographically distant and isolated from Europe (the latter having provided most of the diversity on which ciliate taxonomy is based)— could yield species that were unusual, and perhaps new to science. Numerous samples were taken from the superficial layer of lake sediment, and examined fresh in the laboratory. Thereafter, the samples were manipulated to encourage growth of rare and cryptic ciliate species. Eighty-five species of ciliated protozoa were identified. None of these was new, all having been found previously in fresh-or brackish water, sea water, or soil. All, apart from one (Oxytricha salmastra), are already known from Europe. In order to test our ability to discover new ciliate species, we examined a variety of water samples from other lakes, including those known to harbour endemic algae. One new ciliate species (Lembadion curvatum) was discovered in a lake in Western Tasmania. We conclude that the ciliate fauna of Australia is remarkably similar to that in Europe and other parts of the world. This is supported by the example of those ‘endemic’ ciliate species described in the literature which have, in response to additional sampling, been found elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   
不同光照强度对豚草生长发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究表明豚草最适于在全日照下生长,当光照降低到一定程度时,豚草的生殖生长受到明显影响,花粉量减少,生活力降低,不能繁衍后代。豚草生长受光因子制约的特性为替代性防除提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
聚羧酸超塑化剂在高性能混凝土工程中的试验及应用,表明该类产品在保塑性、缓凝性、减水率、强度和耐久性同萘系相比具有优势,特别是在一些技术要求比较高的工程中具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   
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