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对我国50年代末期有代表性的边勘测,边设计,边施工的“三边”工程之一-古田溪三级电站运行30多年来,其大坝基础状况及部分扬压力孔发生异常等情况作了分析研究,提出一些建议,对处理类似的三边工程具有实际意义。  相似文献   
为研究地震破坏中储油罐损坏与罐体翘离的关系,设计了储油罐模型在不同地基上的静态倾斜试验,分别采用梁的小变形法和非线性有限元法,建立了储液罐翘离反应的力学模型,并进行储油罐翘离静力分析.结论为:非线性有限元法与梁的小变形法计算结果接近;软基上罐的翘离量大约是硬基上的2倍多,但硬基上罐壁轴向压力约为软基上的1.1~1.4倍;容量3000m^3及小于3000m^3的高罐比大容量的矮罐受翘离的影响大.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地古隆起的形成和油气控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塔北、巴楚和塔中隆起是塔里木盆地不同世代盆地原型结构复合的产物,对油气的分布起着重要的控制作用.其中,塔中、塔北隆起,为海西期油气运聚的主要指向区,具有良好的储盖条件,是油气重要的聚集场所.中新生代昆仑山崛起,塔西南挤榨前渊形成,致使克拉通内拗陷转化并反转形成巴楚隆起,与塔西南前渊迭加的古生代源岩构成统一的成藏系统.  相似文献   
南充构造处于川中隆起斜坡位置,又是龙门山构造带、大巴山构造带和华蓥山构造带等不同方向不同时期构造交汇叠置地区。为研究分析川中地区南充构造,基于区域地质资料、地震资料及物理模拟实验对南充构造成因机制进行分析。研究表明,南充构造形成于燕山晚期,在喜马拉雅期改造定型,通过设计实施构造物理模拟实验,验证了在隆升作用下南充构造形成的可能性。  相似文献   
Meng  XianWei  Xia  Peng  Zheng  Jun  Wang  XiangQin 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(6):547-551
Evolution of the East Asian monsoon and its response to uplift of the Tibetan Plateau has been investigated in the study of global change. Core sediment samples drilled in the South China Sea during ODP Leg184 are the best materials for studying long-term variability of the East Asian monsoon. R-mode factor analysis of major elements in the fine grain-sized carbonate-free sediments (<4 μm) of the upper 185 mcd splice of ODP Site 1146 drilled during Leg184 in the South China Sea shows that Ti, TFe2O3, MgO, K2O, P, CaO, and Al2O3 are representative of a terrestrial factor. The variation in the terrestrial factor score is subject to chemical erosion in the source region and thus indicates the evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon. The terrestrial factor score has three stepwise decreases at ~1.3 Ma, ~0.9 Ma, and ~0.6 Ma, indicating the phased weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon is related to wholly stepwise, quick uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau since 1.8 Ma. The periodic fluctuation of the terrestrial factor score since ~0.6 Ma indicates that the glacial-interglacial cycles have been the main force driving the evolution of the East Asian monsoon. As in the case of Chinese loess, the long-term evolution of the East Asian monsoon recorded in sediments of the South China Sea reflects a coupled effect of the glacial-interglacial cycle and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
对我国浙江沿海多个风灾频发区域进行深入调研,全面地确定了新农村典型低矮建筑双坡屋盖的外形几何参数.基于此进行了刚性模型测压风洞试验,研究了屋盖升力系数极值的变化规律,讨论了最不利屋盖升力系数随建筑外形几何参数的变化,用多参数非线性最小二乘法将最不利屋盖升力系数拟合为屋盖坡角、高宽比和厚宽比的函数,并对拟合函数进行了误差...  相似文献   
粤北诸广山岩体为印支-燕山期形成的多期多阶段复式岩体,其南部发育浅层次热隆伸展构造。本文根据该岩体密下水地区出露岩性的宏观韧性变形与镜下微观证据、岩石学特征及构造年代学约束,认为区内燕山期花岗岩为同构造侵位岩体,能为区域热隆伸展构造的形成与演化提供可靠的年代学约束,可准确限定热隆伸展构造活动的时间下限。研究表明,区域热隆伸展运动启动于燕山早期(~160 Ma),较前人利用中基性侵入脉岩限定的时限提早了约20 Ma;区域铀成矿时代从早期(~150 Ma)至晚期(~40 Ma)与区域伸展构造活动的时间具有高度耦合性,揭示出区域热隆伸展构造的形成与演化过程对区域铀成矿具有控制作用;同时,该期同构造花岗岩与构造前花岗岩的接触带是早期高温铀成矿的有利部位。  相似文献   
本文在分析刚性块法(Rigid Block Method)和分块法(Partition Method)的基础上,提出了一种复合滑动面岩体稳定分析方法—分解平衡法(Decomposing Equilibrium Method).该法克服了RBM法不考虑垂直于滑动方向上的横向剪力而使阻滑力偏大的缺点,考虑了PM法所没有考虑的楔形体整体作用;导出了用等K值法计算岩体稳定的计算公式;并编制相应的计算程序.最后结合工程实例用三种方法进行了稳定计算.DEM法求得安全系数K_(DEM)居RBM法和PM法之间.  相似文献   
利用磁化率各向异性系统地研究了黄土沉积时的近地面风向。根据兰州、临夏、武都三个典型剖面共计140个风成黄土样品的磁化率各向异性的研究发现青藏高原东北边缘地区各时代黄土沉积的近地面风向是各不相同的,自早更新世中期到中更新世直至晚更新世,随着时间的推移,古风向都存在着一个明显的逆时针方向的改变。究其原因,这可能与青藏高原的隆起和局地特殊的地形效应以及环流形式的调整有关。  相似文献   
Carbon isotopic composition of pedogenic carbonate can be used to estimate the proportion of C4 and C3 plants. Here we present carbon isotopic data of carbonate in a red earth section at Xifeng, central Loess Plateau. Results show that C4 vegetation increased in ∼4.4 Ma B.P., stabilized between 4.0 and 3.0 Ma B.P. The character and timing of C4 expansion on the Loess Plateau are similar, but different with other localities, e.g. Pakistan and Africa, implying that regional climate changes were main factors driving the expansion of C4 plants. This event is comparable in timing with increased aridity evidenced by Xifeng grain size and North Pacific eolian dust records. Therefore we argue that the Pliocene expansion of C4 plants in northern China might have been caused by the increased aridity, which in turn might be related to rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
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