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十九世纪后期 ,法国批判现实主义代表作家莫泊桑执著地追求探索自己观察、表现人生的独特轨迹 ,在《羊脂球》中更注重加深向人物心灵世界的透视力度。莫泊桑把他的主人公放在重大历史事件和普通小事的对立统一中揭示他们内心的行为准则 ,反映处于不同社会地位、持有不同道德观念的人不同的人生追求。莫泊桑直接深入到人物的无意识领域 ,揭示出隐藏在人物思想深处的本能冲动和欲望 ,写出生命力在现实条件下的痛苦适应和变相发泄  相似文献   
应雪婷 《科技信息》2009,(18):91-92
Jane Eyre is a distinctive figure in literature history. Her appearance changes the stale impression of woman in literature in people's mind,also her self-esteem and her independence arose praise,discussion,love and thinking in readers. No doubt,Jane Eyre is a bright star shining on the way of women's liberation and growth.Jane Eyre is a vivid and well-developed figure. She has substantial internal world. There is not only self-esteem and independence but also sense of inferiority as well as longing for beauty and classy life in her. She develops her character in series of conflicts between her internal world and the reality. Jane Eyre steps through these conflicts to find the balanced state in her life bravely. The equality is always what she longs for whenever she is an orphan or the governess. She regards this as the essence of life. In her emaciated body there is a sensible and stanch heart full of fierce emotion. Jane Eyre is a self-governed woman who is very faithful to her own sense and feeling. Every change in her life; every decision she makes at the pivotal moment show her strong will. She leads her own fate and achieves the dreamed life and love finally. Jane Eyre is plain looking while her self-respect,her independence,her pursuing for love and equality and her wisdom make her unforgettable.  相似文献   
Jane Eyre is a distinctive figure in literature history. Her appearance changes the stale impression of woman in literature in people's mind,also her self-esteem and her independence arose praise,discussion,love and thinking in readers. No doubt,Jane Eyre is a bright star shining on the way of women's liberation and growth.Jane Eyre is a vivid and well-developed figure. She has substantial internal world. There is not only self-esteem and independence but also sense of inferiority as well as longing for bea...  相似文献   
本文说明了如何结合物理教学对学生进行爱国教育和理想教育。  相似文献   
采用问卷法研究学生运动参与、运动享受及自我知觉的性别差异,调查结果显示:运动活跃的男女生比例分别为84%和63%,运动享受程度比例为87%和63%;运动活跃男生具有正向的运动能力、身体外貌和自我价值知觉,运动活跃女生具有正向的运动能力知觉但身体外貌和自我价值知觉为负向,运动不活跃男女生则具有消极的运动能力、身体外貌和自我价值知觉.可见,女生的运动参与不活跃,其自我知觉比男生消极.此外运动参与、运动享受与自我知觉间具有相关性.  相似文献   
元杂剧中知识分子的悲剧意蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
元杂剧塑造了一系列读书人的形象,他们迫于世俗的教化,不自觉中落入了难以自拔的悲剧氛围,演绎着人生的历史性悲剧。他们为了自身的利益,失去自尊,扭曲真性,顺从世俗观念对他们的人生要求,让人们看到所谓顶天立地的男子汉,原来同样逃脱不了人生的巨大悲哀。  相似文献   
简·爱的经历,形成了她高度自尊后面潜抑着深深的自卑这一独特的心理特征;而简的出走应该是一种宿命,是她自尊与自卑的性格事先决定了的,疯女人的存在只是为简的出走提供了契机;简的愤怒来自于出身地位的不平等和超越自卑的焦虑,实则是她心中自卑与自尊的较量。  相似文献   
罗尔斯主要在以下三个方面继承和发展了休谟的正义观:一是正义的环境观念,二是正义的相互性概念,三是正义的作用观念。研究罗尔斯对休谟正义观的继承与发展,为把握西方正义思想的发展脉络和基本走向,具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
从人性发掘的角度,探究夏洛蒂·勃朗特以及她所塑造的简·爱丰富而又复杂的内在精神世界,才能体现文学批评的多元化,进一步开启夏洛蒂·勃朗特饱满而丰富的内心世界。  相似文献   
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