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Summary Titres of juvenile hormone (JH) have been determined in both hemolymph and whole body extracts of femaleDiploptera punctata during the first gonotrophic cycle using a method employing gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for qualitative and quantitative analysis. JH III is the sole JH found in both adult and last instarD. punctata. Maximum values of 1500 ng/ml (6M) were observed at the middle of the gonotrophic cycle, when basal oocyte growth rate was greatest. Changes in rates of JH release in vitro by corpora allata paralleled closely the changes in JH titre, suggesting that biosynthesis is a major regulator of titre. JH levels per animal were calculated from observed JH titres, and at certain time points in the gonotrophic cycle JH levels obtained from analysis of whole bodies were significantly greater than those predicted from hemolymph titres. These results suggest the existence of a nonhemolymph JH pool inD. punctata. Decay in JH titre after allatectomy of 5 day females has also been studied. Following a rapid initial decline, the rate of decay slowed appreciably 4 h post-operation. Thus, use of a first-order rate constant to estimate half-life of JH significantly underestimated the longevity of the hormone. The apparent persistence of JH following allatectomy may be due to the existence of a nonhemolymph JH pool.  相似文献   
3种常见有机磷农药对麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼的急性毒性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
开展了三唑磷、乙酰甲胺磷、增效水胺硫磷对麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼的急性毒性试验,结果表明:三唑磷对麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼24h,48h,72h,96h的半致死浓度分别为0.080mg/L,0.065mg/L,0.060mg/L,0.050mg/L;乙酰甲胺磷对麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼24h,48h,72h,96h的半致死浓度分别为113.783mg/L,114.451mg/L,113.366mg/L,113.214mg/L;增效水胺硫磷对麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼24h,48h,72h,96h的半致死浓度分别为0.736mg/L,0.549mg/L,0.469mg/L,0.280mg/L。麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼对三唑磷、乙酰甲胺磷、增效水胺硫磷96h安全质量浓度分别为0.005mg/L、0.028mg/L和11.321mg/L,3种有机磷农药的毒性大小依次为三唑磷、乙酰甲胺磷、增效水胺硫磷。最后,还就三唑磷、乙酰甲胺磷、增效水胺硫磷对麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼的急性致毒效应特征以及麦瑞加拉鲮鱼幼鱼对三唑磷、乙酰甲胺磷、增效水胺硫磷的安全浓度进行了评价。  相似文献   
以5~7日龄的中华鳖稚鳖为试验动物,采用静水停食实验法,在水温(27.4±1.3)℃条件下,开展了乐果、三唑磷、氟虫腈对中华鳖稚鳖的急性毒性试验。结果表明,3种农药对中华鳖稚鳖均呈现以蓄积为主导的急性毒发效应,乐果对中华鳖稚鳖的急性致毒高峰期略滞后于三唑磷和氟虫腈;3种农药毒性强度大小依次为三唑磷、氟虫腈、乐果,其对中华鳖稚鳖96 h的半致死质量浓度分别为0.28μg/L、0.28 mg/L和124.4 mg/L;所构建的中华鳖稚鳖累计死亡概率与质量浓度和实验时间间数学模型和半致死时间—质量浓度回归方程可作为侦查和分析农药排放时间和致中华鳖稚鳖大量死亡时间的重要计算工具。  相似文献   
中国鲎人工培育的幼体对不同环境适应性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国鲎由于具有很高的经济和药用价值,遭受大规模滥捕乱杀,鲎数量急剧锐减,目前我国鲎资源已面临枯竭的危险.人工育苗及海区放流是一种保护和恢复鲎资源种群有效可行的措施.我们从2004年7月至9月,在厦门水产技术推广站进行鲎人工授精,并以人工授精培育的鲎幼体为材料,模拟海区生态环境,自2004年10月14日至2005年3月15日进行鲎幼体钻沙、钻泥实验,并比较幼鲎在不同生态环境生长发育情况,共计152 d.结果表明,幼鲎具有钻入沙或泥的生活习性,且幼鲎在含沙或泥的海水比在普通海水中生长发育的情况更好.本实验结果为鲎苗海区人工增殖放流提供了实验依据.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1915-1925
Once common as a fishery resource, adult horseshoe crabs of two species occur in Hong Kong. A third, Tachypleus gigas, can no longer be found. Once common too were breeding and nursery beaches for horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong but overfishing of adults, pollution and coastal reclamation have reduced these to but three identified sandy mudflats and only one where juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda are sympatric. Nothing is known, however, of the conservation requirements of these two species locally and this study of the diets of these juvenile horseshoe crabs on two such nursery beaches aimed at providing information on this most elementary aspect of their biology. Gut contents of juvenile horseshoe crabs, i.e. nine Tachypleus tridentatus (8.5–67?mm prosoma width) and two Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (50 and 52?mm prosoma width), were analysed and compared with the composition of the ambient assemblage of meiobenthos on a nursery beach at Pak Nai, Hong Kong. The obtained data suggest that juvenile horseshoe crabs of both species are selective benthic feeders and subsist mainly on insect larvae, polychaetes, oligochaetes, small crabs and thin-shelled bivalves. A strong, positive, preference for insect larvae (Chironomous sp.: Diptera: Chironomidae) was recorded, but with no preference for meiofauna over macrofauna.  相似文献   
美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚及我国港澳台地区的未成年人犯罪非刑罚矫正制度都比较完善,相比之下,我国大陆此方面制度简单而滞后。我国大陆应该在制度的完备性、独立性、方式的多样化与灵活性、参与主体的广泛性和矫正原则贯彻的力度应对上述国家和地区的作法上进行借鉴。  相似文献   
正手击球是网球技术中最常用的击球方法,也是每个网球选手所必须掌握的基本技术之一,许多网坛高手都是以此作为主要进攻手段。少年网球选手要想在比赛中控制比赛节奏并取胜,就必须拥有良好的正手击球能力。本文通过对沈阳市少年网球选手生理、心理和技术特点的分析,针对训练时存在的问题及原因提出建议,为提高少年选手正手击球能力和整体实力水平奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   
随着竞技体育的发展,每个竞技项目的科技含量越来越高,势必要求业余体育训练也要进行科学训练。采用实验法、文献资料法和逻辑分析法,针对青少年长跑运动员的特点,运用科学监控手段与科学训练方法有机结合,进行深入的实践和研究,达到提高运动成绩的效果。  相似文献   
由α-蒎烯合成一些昆虫保幼激素类似物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由α-蒎烯得到的蒎酮醛、龙脑烯醛、2,2-二甲基-3-乙基环丁基乙醛为起始原料,经Wittig或Wittig-Horner反应合成了昆虫保幼激素类似物4-(2,2-二甲基-3-乙基环丁基)-丁-2-烯酸乙酯(Ⅰ),6-(2,2-二甲基-3-乙基环丁基)-已-2,4-二烯酸乙酯(Ⅱ),6-(2,2-二甲基-3-乙基环丁基)-已-2,4-二烯酸甲酯(Ⅲ),6-(2,2-二甲基-3-乙酰基环丁基)-已-2,4-二烯酸甲酯(Ⅳ),6-(2,2,3-三甲基-环戊-3-烯基)-已-2,4-二烯酸甲酯(Ⅴ),3-甲基-8-(2,2-二甲基-3-乙基环丁基)-辛-2,6-二烯酸乙酯(ⅤⅢ)。它们的结构经红外光谱、1~H核磁共振和元素分析鉴定。  相似文献   
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