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结合国内外近年来生物科学领域中的迅速进展以及个人多年研究多种菌毛株的经验,作者于1984年建成一株“绿脓杆菌MSHA菌毛株”。本菌毛株具有跨菌属的广谱免疫原性。使用此新型菌毛株,1985年制成“绿脓杆菌MSHA菌毛株菌苗”(简称PA菌毛株菌苗)。经基础实验研究、动物实验、志愿者人体验证及临床试用,均获得良好效应。  相似文献   
钙调素是一种具有多种调节功能的钙结合蛋白质,其免疫原性很弱,本文采用两次基础免疫和多次加强免疫的方法,获得了免疫花椰菜天然钙调素抗血清,用免疫双扩散法鉴定,其效价为1:32钙调节不易与固相载体结合,我们先用0.2%戊二醛处理聚苯乙烯板载体,再用于包被钙调素,在上述基础上建立了定量测定植物钙调素的竞争性酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)技术及检测动物血清中抗钙调素抗体的间接ELISA技术。  相似文献   
The coding regions of Ag85B MPT-64, and ESAT-6 secreted proteins were cloned initially into the eukaryotic expression vector pJW4303, then transformed to E. coli Top 10 strain for plasmid DNA extraction and further analysis. Plasmids containing the right insertion were sequenced to confirm their identity. COS7 cells were transfected with a mixture containing serially diluted plasmid DNA encoding three secreted proteins and Lipofectin (Gibco). The supernatants and pellets prepared from various cell lines were run on SDS-PAGE gel and the expression of these proteins in COS7 cells were demonstrated by immunoblot using polyclonal or monoclonal antiserum of M.TBH37Rv. 21 days after first vaccination of C57BL-6 mice by all three recombinant eukaryotic expressing vectors, antibody titer for Ag85B reached 1∶3200. 21 days after second vaccination, the antibody titer reached 1∶102400. The highest antibody levels induced by multivalent vaccines after the second injection were equal to or even greater than the highest antibody levels of single DNA vaccine reported in literature after third injections. Antibody titer of MPT-64 was 1∶50 after the first injection and it reached 1∶200 after the second injection. No antigen-specific antibody against ESAT-6 was detected in sera harvested from immunized mice 21 days after both injections. Antigen-specific IFN-g level of Ag85B was 110 pg/mL while no antigen-specific IFN- g level of ESAT-6 and MPT-64 was detected even after third injections. To our knowledge, it is the first time that studies of polyvalent recombinant DNA vaccines against TB were carried out in C57BL-6 mice. Our results indicated that multiple DNA vaccines could be used to enhance protective responses against M.TB.  相似文献   
Two recombinant plasmids, pUTA2P1 and pUTAL3CP1, were constructed by inserting structural protein precursor P1-2A and proteinase 3C of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) into fowl-pox virus (FPV) recombinant vectors pUTA-2 and pUTA-16-LacZ respectively, and two recombinant FPVs (vUTA2P1 and vUTAL3CP1) screened by the RT-PCR, IFA assay and Western blotting assay were obtained successfully. Mice injected respectively with rFPVs were induced high level specific anti-FMDV antibodies, increasing of T subtypes, and higher cytotoxicities of splenocytes than those of control groups. These results indicated that a new method was used to construct a potential candidate vaccine of FMDV.  相似文献   
Embden goose (GEWL) and Barbary duck (DEWL) egg white lysozymes possess different amino acid sequences corresponding to the g-type and c-type, respectively. GEWL was shown to be a better immunogen than DEWL in both rabbits and mice. The antigenicity of the two lysozymes was tested using different technique (i.e. indirect ELISA, inhibition tests and immunoabsorption experiments). Injection of either GEWL or DEWL into rabbits and mice induced both specific antibodies and cross-reacting antibodies. Moreover, anti-GEWL antibodies, in contrast to anti-DEWL antibodies, did not cross-react with hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL), a c-type lysozyme. While the structure of GEWL was not modified after binding to plastic, DEWL was denaturated, but it did keep some native epitopes. It was concluded that g-type and c-type lysozymes, which have different amino acid sequences, exhibit strong common antigenic properties.  相似文献   
为提高HBVpreS1aa21 47的免疫原性,将1~6拷贝的preS1(21 47)片段以串联方式插入HBcAg的aa78和aa82之间,在大肠杆菌中进行表达和纯化.携带1~3拷贝的重组抗原CI、CII和CIII的表达产量约占菌体总蛋白的20%,而携带4~6拷贝的重组抗原则未见明显表达.电镜检测显示重组抗原CI、CII和CIII可以形成形态与HBcAg类似的类病毒颗粒,颗粒直径在30~34nm之间.ELISA分析显示这3种VLP抗原具有很强的preS1抗原的免疫反应性,而对HBc单克隆抗体则基本失去反应性.提示外源多肽pre(21 47)可被有效地递呈至类HBc颗粒的表面,且外源多肽的插入使HBc主要的免疫优势表位遭到了破坏.这些证据表明利用HBcAg的专一性呈递能力来构建多价抗原可作为免疫原设计时的一种策略.  相似文献   
用酶联免疫吸附技术,用长角血蜱三个龄期的虫体蛋白检测其幼虫、若虫和成虫多次叮咬后的兔血清效价.结果表明不同生活阶段的虫体之间存在免疫交叉反应.用SDS-PAGE方法分析了几种蜱类的蛋白质,结果表明长角血蜱不同发育期虫体共有的主要蛋白质有5种,分子量分别为97.4、94、63、37和32kDa;越南血蜱幼虫和微小牛蜱幼虫与长角血蜱不同发育期虫体共有的蛋白质有2种,分子量为97.4、94kDa.用酶联免疫印渍技术研究发现:长角血蜱三个龄期虫体分别叮咬兔产生的抗血清与长角血蜱不同发育期虫体蛋白质印渍,显示出共同蛋白质带,分子量为94kDa.三种抗血清与越南血蜱幼虫印渍显示出的蛋白质,其分子量为97.4、94kDa;与微小牛蜱幼虫蛋白反应显示的蛋白质带,分子量为83、63kDa.实验结果表明不仅长角血蜱三个龄期虫体之间存在免疫交叉反应,而且与微小牛蜱幼虫和越南血蜱幼虫之间也存在免疫交叉反应.  相似文献   
狂犬病毒核蛋白在昆虫细胞中的表达及免疫原性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的在昆虫细胞中表达出狂犬病毒核蛋白(NP),并探讨重组NP的免疫原性.方法采用杆状病毒表达系统在Sf9昆虫细胞中表达狂犬病毒核蛋白,用直接免疫荧光(DFA)、SDS-PAGE和Western blot对表达产物进行检测和分析,以感染重组杆状病毒的昆虫细胞裂解液免疫小鼠,检测表达产物的免疫原性.结果重组杆状病毒在昆虫细胞中获得表达,免疫小鼠可产生抗核蛋白抗体.结论在Sf9昆虫细胞中表达出狂犬病毒核蛋白,重组产物具有生物活性.  相似文献   
重组诺如病毒P颗粒的表达纯化及免疫原性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过构建重组质粒并表达纯化目的蛋白,用SDS-PAGE、Western blot和NativePAGE检测蛋白,用Superdex~(TM)200凝胶色谱层析分析目的蛋白的多聚体,用动态光散射以及透射电镜对目的蛋白颗粒进行分析,并通过小鼠免疫,用四免血清进行酶联免疫吸附实验检测蛋白的免疫反应.结果表明:成功构建了质粒pET26b-PP-3copy-Aβ1-6-loop123,并成功表达目的蛋白;目的蛋白存在3种寡聚体形式,分别为24聚体、12聚体和二聚体;蛋白颗粒约为20nm,并对β淀粉样蛋白有免疫反应.  相似文献   
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