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The Qitianling calc-alkaline granite in Hunan Province (South China) has attracted much attention since the discovery of the Furong super-large tin deposit. The present study provides new mineralogical data to address their implications for exploration of tin deposits. In the Taoxiwo granite in the southeastern part of the Qitianling granite body, Sn-rich titanite was identified as an important type of Sn-bearing mineral. The titanite commonly occurs with biotite as euhedral crystals, exhibiting typical envelope-like shape and sector-zoning texture. These indicate that the titanite most likely crystallized in the magmatic stage. Electron-microprobe analyses show that the titanite is enriched in tin up to 1.12 wt% SnO2, with an average of 0.43 wt%. With the crystallization of the granite, primary minerals undertook hydrothermal alteration by magma-derived fluids. Subsequently, in the hydrothermal stage, the primary Sn-bearing titanite was altered (at least partially), but still preserved its typical envelope-shaped outline. Micro-scale cassiterite is a representative product of such alteration; other secondary minerals include fluorite, ilmenite, Sn-bearing rutile and quartz. Therefore, the titanite, commonly present in the calcalkaline granites, can be treated as an important Sn-carrying mineral in the Qitianling granite, reflecting the primary magmatic environment with tin enrichment. The hydrothermal alteration of the primary titanite and subsequent crystallization of cassiterite recorded a process of leaching and accumulation of tin in magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Sn-bearing granite. Thus, this titanite has important implications for tin exploration. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40730423 and 40221301) and Project of China Geological Survey (Grant No. 1212010632100)  相似文献   
研究了 Zn O玻璃系压敏电阻的材料组成对其微观结构和电性能的影响 .发现玻璃料的添加量 w玻璃料 一般在 8.0 %~ 1 0 .0 %时效果最佳 .Sb2 O3的引入可生成 Zn7Sb2 O1 2 尖晶石相 ,抑制晶粒的生长 ,并使压敏场强E和非线性系数 α值增加 .Co和 Mn的添加使界面态密度增加 ,引起势垒升高 ,使非线性特性显著提高  相似文献   
添加CeO2,Li2O和ZrO2对无铅熔块性能的改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用熔融法制备了无铅熔块,应用高温显微镜、热膨胀分析仪、XRD、SEM等方法研究了在无铅熔块中添加CeO2,Li2O和ZrO2等对熔块熔融温度范围、热膨胀系数、弯曲强度以及化学稳定性的影响。结果表明:CeO2可降低熔块始熔温度,提高熔融温度;添加1.5%(质量分数)Li2O后,熔块始熔温度和熔融温度都降低30~50℃;添加ZrO2可提高熔块的化学稳定性;复合使用CeO2和ZrO2等能显著提高熔块的弯曲强度.最后制得了熔融温度为850~900℃、弯曲强度大于70MPa、化学溶解失重小于100μg/cm^2的熔块。  相似文献   
Using newly determined Sm isotopic abundances for correcting the isobaric interference of 144Sm on 144Nd and the established mass bias relationship between Sm and Nd, a series of in situ Nd isotopic measurements were conducted for relatively high Nd concentrations of natural geological materials, including apatite, titanite, monazite and perovskite on a Neptune multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS), coupled to a 193 nm ArF excimer laser ablation system. The results show that Ce has no significant influence on the precision and accuracy of Nd isotopic analyses for LREE-enriched geological minerals and that our approach is efficient in obtaining reliable 143Nd/144Nd and 147Sm/144Nd ratios for those materials with Sm/Nd<1 (147Sm/144Nd<0.6). When combined with trace element and U-Pb isotope data, the in situ Nd isotopic data can provide important information on geological processes.  相似文献   
In situ U-Pb dating of titanite by LA-ICPMS   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Titanite is an ideal mineral for U-Pb isotopic dating because of its relatively high U,Th and Pb contents.Here,we developed a technique for U-Pb dating of titanite using the 193 nm ArF laser-ablation system and Agilent 7500a Q-ICP-MS.Standards of titanite (BLR-1 and OLT-1) and zircon (91500 and GJ-1) were dated using single spot and line raster scan analytical methods.To check the matrix effect,titanite (BLR-1) and zircon (91500) standards were analyzed as the external standards.The weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U ages of OLT-1 titanite are 1015±5 Ma (2,n=24) and 1017±6 Ma (2,n=24) by single spot and line raster scan analyses,respectively,using BLR-1 titanite as the external standard.These ages are consistent with its reference age of about 1014 Ma.However,using 91500 zircon as the external standard,the weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U ages are 917±4 Ma (2,n=24) and 927±5 Ma (2,n=24) for BLR-1 titanite,and 891±4 Ma (2,n=24) and 901±5 Ma (2,n=24) for OLT-1 titanite by single spot and line raster scan analyses,respectively.It is evident that these ages are ~12% younger than their reference values.Our results reveal that significant matrix effect does exist between different kinds of minerals during LA-ICPMS U-Pb age determination,whereas it is insignificant between same minerals.Therefore,same mineral must be used as the external standard for fractionation corrections during in situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb age analysis.In addition,we determined U-Pb ages for titanites from the Early Cretaceous Fangshan pluton,which indicates a rapid cooling history of this pluton.  相似文献   
关于中国古代玻璃研究的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
化学成分体系的确定是中国古代玻璃研究中的一个重要方面。采用外束质子激发X射线荧光(PIXE)、感应耦合等离子发射光谱(ICP—AES)等技术对中国古代玻璃的化学成分进行分析,并结合国内外其他学者对古代玻璃研究的现有成果,从科技研究的角度对中国古代玻璃(主要是东汉以前)研究中存在的相关问题进行探讨。指出:应加强对西周到战国时期中国出土的釉砂、玻砂、镶嵌玻璃珠(含陶胎镶嵌玻璃珠),以及伴随古代玻璃同时出土的绿松石等文物的科技研究,并结合对中国古代陶瓷和冶金技术的研究,以进一步探索中国古代玻璃技术的发展。  相似文献   
针对多层压电降压变压器制作过程中改性钛酸铅(PT)瓷料轧膜成型问题,从理论上分析聚乙烯醇(PVA)溶液对碱性瓷料成型的失效问题,实验中采用水洗陈腐的方法改变钙改性PT碱性瓷料pH值,再利用聚乙烯醇(PVA)粘接剂进行轧制,实验结果表明轧膜成型效果好,烧成的陶瓷压电性能优良,克服了碱性电子瓷料不能采用PVA成型的困难,该方法对于其它碱性瓷料成型也具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
通过对花岗岩类中的铁、钛等副矿物特征及其与花岗岩成岩物质来源和形成条件等关系的研究,提出铁、钛副矿物是复成因多世代的,它们形成于一定的物理化学条件下,具有重要的成因意义。其中磁铁矿和榍石代表偏高的氧逸度和富钙的介质,钛铁矿代表偏低的氧逸度和贫钙的介质。钛铁矿能在氧速度变化幅度较大的范围内形成和稳定。  相似文献   
报导了前驱体溶液的pH值对Bi-Ti溶液的水解特性的影响,并探讨了乙醇胺的催化作用机理。研究表明,乙醇胺可调节溶液的pH值,其机理是与HAc反应,并与Bi+离子生成稳定的络合物.前驱体溶液的pH值是决定溶胶、凝胶质量的主要因素.pH值较小时,溶液容易产生沉淀;pH值较大时,溶液中有大量的浑浊物;只有pH值在2.5~4之间的溶液才能形成均匀稳定的溶胶和凝胶  相似文献   
Using newly determined Sm isotopic abundances for correcting the isobaric interference of ^144Sm on ^144Nd and the established mass bias relationship between Sm and Nd, a series of in situ Nd isotopic measurements were conducted for relatively high Nd concentrations of natural geological materials, including apatite, titanite, monazite and perovskite on a Neptune multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS), coupled to a 193 nm ArF excimer laser ablation system. The results show that Ce has no significant influence on the precision and accuracy of Nd isotopic analyses for LREE-enriched geological minerals and that our approach is efficient in obtaining reliable ^143Nd/^144Nd and ^147Sm/^144Nd ratios for those materials with Sm/Nd〈1(^147Sm/^144Nd〈0.6). When combined with trace element and U-Pb isotope data, the in situ Nd isotopic data can provide important information on geological processes.  相似文献   
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