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通过对原油乳化液导电性能的分析,提出了采用高频脉冲电脱水供电装置,解决了油田3次采出液脱水难的问题.详细介绍了高频脉冲原油电脱水供电装置的结构、工作原理以及现场应用中所取得的效果.与常规电脱水装置相比高频脉冲电脱水装置在电场平稳性及处理效果方面有明显的优越性,在生产中取得了良好的效果,解决了复合驱采出液的脱水难题.  相似文献   
一水合草酸铵脱水的热分析动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2步法研究了一水合草酸铵脱水的热分析动力学三因子: (1) 通过迭代的方法或KAS法求出较为准确的反应的活化能Ea;(2) 结合Coats-Redfern 法与 Achar 法与所得活化能值比较进一步得出反应的最概然机理函数和指前因子A. 研究发现该反应的最概然机理函数为:f(α)=1或g(α)=α,此法所得的计算结果合理且具有很好的重现性.  相似文献   
Two metamorphic processes, i.e. subsolidus dehydration and partial melting occurring in MORB, metasediments and peridotite of subducted oceanic lithosphere are discussed on the basis of available experimental work and phase equilibrium modeling. Phase diagrams of hydrous MORB show that in most cold subduction P-T (pressure-temperature) regimes a large portion of water in the basic layer has released below the onset of blueschist facies (〈 20 km), and at a depth (60--70 km) of transition from lawsonite blueschist to lawsonite eclogite facies through glaucophane dehydration; only a smaller portion of water will escape from the slab through dehydration of lawsonite and chloritoid in the depth range suitable for arc magma formation; and a very small portion of water stored in lawsonite and phengite will fade into the deeper mantle. The role of amphibole for arc magma formation is still arguable. In cold subduction P-Tregimes, the dehydration of chlorite and talc in AI-poor metasediments, and chloritoid and carpholite in AI-rich metapelites at a depth around 80--100 km will make some con- tributions to the formation of arc magma. Comparatively, dehydration of serpentine in hydrated peri- dotite occurs at depths of 120--180 km, playing an important role in the arc magmatism. Subduction of oceanic crust along warm P-T regimes will cross the solidi at a depth over 80 km, resulting in partial melting under fluid-saturated and fluid-absent conditions in the metasediments involving biotite and phengite, and in the basic rocks involving epidote and amphibole. The melt compositions of the basic crust are adakitic at pressures 〈 3.0 GPa, but become peraluminous granitic at higher pressures.  相似文献   
基于贝叶斯学习的关联向量机及其在软测量中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种与支持向量机(SVM)函数形式相同的稀疏概率模型--关联向量机(RVM),其训练是在贝叶斯框架下进行的,在处理具有噪声的函数回归时,RVM具有很出色的性能.与SVM相比不仅解更稀疏,而且无需调整模型参数,核函数选择也不受限制.将RVM应用于PTA装置溶剂脱水塔塔顶塔底组分软测量建模,仿真结果表明:该方法预测精度较高,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   
This review discusses the state-of-the-art in molecular research on the most prominent and widely applied lantibiotic, i.e., nisin. The developments in understanding its complex biosynthesis and mode of action are highlighted. Moreover, novel applications arising from engineering either nisin itself, or from the construction of totally novel dehydrated and/or lanthionine-containing peptides with desired bioactivities are described. Several challenges still exist in understanding the immunity system and the unique multiple reactions occurring on a single substrate molecule, carried out by the dehydratase NisB and the cyclization enzyme NisC. The recent elucidation of the 3-D structure of NisC forms the exciting beginning of further 3-D-structure determinations of the other biosynthetic enzymes, transporters and immunity proteins. Advances in achieving in vitro activities of lanthionine-forming enzymes will greatly enhance our understanding of the molecular characteristics of the biosynthesis process, opening up new avenues for developing unique and novel biocatalytic processes. Received 9 April 2007; received after revision 31 August 2007; accepted 28 September 2007  相似文献   
采用渗透侧抽真空的方式对膜法乙炔脱湿进行了系统的研究.考察了不同处理量下,渗透侧真空度对渗余气含水量、回收率、分离因子和水蒸气、乙炔渗透通量的影响.当处理量为2.4 mL/s,原料气压力为180 kPa,渗透侧压力为20 kPa时,经过膜分离器处理后的乙炔水含量可由1%降至0.4%以下,渗透气量小于5%,便于循环利用.  相似文献   
植物中的DREB类转录因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DREB转录因子属于AP2/EREBP转录因子家族.AP2/EREBP转录因子是特异存在于植物中,与植物发育密切相关的一类转录因子的总称.该家族有五个亚家族,其家族成员的蛋白质序列均含有保守的AP2 domain.其中,DREB转录因子特异地与DRE顺式作用元件相结合,在调节低温,干旱和高盐等胁迫反应时具有重要作用.一个DREB转录因子可以调控下游的多个抗逆基因,从而使植物产生抗逆性.植物抗逆反应是一个非常复杂的过程,目前人们对其信号转导正在进行进一步的探究.  相似文献   
稀土硝酸盐高水合物脱水行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备11种稀土硝酸盐高水合物,研究它们在不同浓度H_2SO_4和P_4O_(10)干燥气氛中的脱水行为,探讨了晶体颜色、高水合物的脱水产物和熔点变化的规律。给出了它们的M·P,IR和x衍射特征值。  相似文献   
孙旭东  冯玉 《高师理科学刊》2002,22(1):40-41,47
破乳剂作为一种表面活性物质 ,在原油脱水生产中起着不可替代的作用 ,破乳剂成本也占脱水生产成本的很大部分 .因此 ,随着生产平稳运行与降低生产成本的需要 ,有必要对生产设备与工艺进行技术改造 ,以提高破乳剂利用率  相似文献   
用气相色谱法分离和测定失水山梨醇各组分的相对含量.试样先用硅醚化试剂硅醚化,生成易挥发、低极性的三甲基硅醚衍生物,气相色谱分析使用柱内填充5%OV-17的101白色担体,氢火焰离子化检测器检测,检测温度260℃,汽化室温度270℃,柱温240℃,载气为氮气,氢气压力为0.05 Mpa,空气压力为0.1 Mpa.  相似文献   
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