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设计并制作了一种新型长光程薄层光谱电化学池,其具有光程长、灵敏度高、重现性好等特点,且组装简便,电极容易更换,溶液未补偿电阻小,溶液用量少.易清洗.电解池以石墨为工作电极,分别用循环伏安、交流阻抗技术、光谱恒电位技术对其性能进行测试,得到比较满意的结果.  相似文献   
浅埋煤层开采中的溃沙灾害研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
分析了浅埋煤层开采的水文条件和工程地质条件,得出了浅埋煤层发生渍沙灾害必须具备的4个条件;根据浅埋煤层中组合关键层的一些参数分析了老顶破断岩块的运动规律,判断了浅埋煤层开采中岩块是否发生回转失稳,探讨了岩块回转触矸后发生滑落失稳的可能性,计算了断裂岩块端角接触面高度,得出了满足裂隙滤沙的合理端角接触面高度;大柳塔1203工作面开采只发生了涌水而未溃沙,这和理论计算的结论基本一致.参8.  相似文献   
研制出一种具有三维网络状结构的悬砂稠化剂,该稠化剂具有极强的悬砂能力,能与山砂以任意的配比形成复合浆体,并将山砂和水固结在一起而不脱水,极大地提高了砂浆防灭火效果;此外使砂不易堵管,大大地降低砂子对管道的磨损,并有利于管道长距离输送.并对悬砂稠化剂流变特性进行了研究,得到该稠化剂是具有剪切稀化特性的假塑性非牛顿流体;当悬砂稠化剂浓度为0.4%时,溶液具有最佳的流体力学特性;同时悬砂稠化剂的粘度与Ca^2+离子浓度、Na^+离子浓度、pH值、温度以及存放时间等因素密切相关.最后,用悬砂稠化剂进行了悬浮山砂的实验,制备出具有优良防灭火性能的稠化砂浆.图7,参8。  相似文献   
The Hexi Corridor is located at the transition zone of the Asian summer monsoon and westerly airflow, and lies in an important position in terms of its ecological fragility and climatic sensitivity. During a recent field expedition to this region, we found a sedimentary mirabilite layer in a number of localities including Suwushan, Yanchi, Baitujing, Yanchi Gaotai, Huahai, Yumen, Halanuo扙r, and Dunhuang (Fig. 1), which have the potential to provide important information about environmenta…  相似文献   
Different land cover types in Otindag Sandy Land and Bashang area of Hebei Province are linked to a material source of sand stormy weather in Beijing based on results of field vegetation and soil survey and laboratory works. Results of grain size analysis show that dust release potential in per unit area of moving sandy land is small,while lowland meadow and meadow steppe in stony hills have high potential of releasing dusts in per unit area during sand stormy weather occurrence. Further considering the effects of vegetation, it is inferred that the moving sandy land served as a material source of past dust storm and the possibility of dust release in per unit area is low in current time.Typical steppe in stony hills is undergoing desertification and its dust release possibility in per unit area is high. Farmland has strong potential of release dusts when they are ploughed in spring, but a large amount of therophytes grow and thus prevent dusts from release when cultivation was terminated.Potentials of dust release in per unit area in fixed sand dunes,stony mountain meadow steppe and low land meadow are lowdue to high cover of perennials. Sand dune reactivation and desiccation of lakes and lowlands under estimated future climatic change will make them serve as a future material source of sand stormy weather.  相似文献   
低含水率沙床的临界起沙风速   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对目前对风沙起动机制的认识有限的现状,采用量钢分析法推导出对湿沙床的起沙有影响的4个无量纲数。经分析得到起沙风速与沙床沙粒粒径和沙床粘结力间的数量关系。通过建立沙床粘结力与含水率、沙粒粒径的关系式,得到临界起沙风速和沙粒粒径,含水率间的定量关系式。认为低含水率沙床的风沙起动风速与颗粒粒径的一次方和沙床含水率的1/4次方成线性关系,此结论与前人的实验结果符合得很好。  相似文献   
阐述稳态变形及稳态强度的基本概念,提出用稳态强度进行震后砂土液化及边坡稳定性分析的思路和方法,即首先根据现场试验资料确定砂土的孔隙比或相对密实度,然后基于室内稳态强度线确定现场稳态强度曲线,最后根据震后驱动剪应力与对应的现场稳态强度的大小对比情况判别震后液化及稳定。另外,基于前人的研究成果给出了详细的计算流程图。  相似文献   
研究了影响负压实型铸造中砂型强度及型壁移动的工艺因素及其影响规律.结果表明:提高真空度或增加吃砂量都可以提高砂型内部压力而使其强度提高,并减少型壁移动;砂型侧面压力远远低于正面压力,通过振动可以提高砂型的侧面压力而有利于砂型在水平方向上的充填;实验得出的真空度、吃砂量与砂型内部压力、型壁位移及由液体产生的外部压力之间的定量关系,为制定铸造工艺参数以消除铸件冲砂缺陷、提高铸件尺寸精度提供了依据.  相似文献   
针对某硫铁矿应用长江砂胶结充填体存在的质量问题,采用向长江砂胶结充填料中加掺合料及减水剂的方法.结果表明,采用这种方法,提高了江砂胶结充填体的强度,为该矿安全采矿、充分回收资源提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
本文分析研究了砂在铸型中的成型条件及光洁内表面的形成机理,并对比研究了覆膜和呋喃自硬砂在铸型内表面形成均匀覆砂层的可行性.  相似文献   
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