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通过对云南景谷盆地及陇川盆地新生代生物群特征的对比,探讨了新生代两大盆地环境演变:早中新世到上新世为湖盆发展期→湖盆扩大→萎缩期,气候为早期的干燥→中新世早期的温暖湿润→中新世中晚期的寒冷阴湿→上新世的干燥,而中新世中晚期湖盆的扩大形成的半深湖-深湖环境为油气的形成提供了有利条件。尽管两大盆地在沉积环境的演化上大体一致,但气候和沉积环境的演变和差异决定了两大断陷盆地生物面貌上的差异,从而直接控制了化石燃料形成的类型和质量  相似文献   
作为植物-土壤负反馈的典型现象,作物连作障碍严重制约了农业的可持续发展.概述了植物-土壤反馈理论的发展过程和作用原理,以连作障碍为例总结了该理论在农业生产中应用和发展现状,建议参照自然生态系统中的植物-土壤反馈作用理论,进一步解析农田植物多样性提高作物健康和产量的机制.通过构建多样性种植模式、发展强化根际微生物组功能等...  相似文献   
通过对一类具有竞争机理局部稳定的两种相互作用生态种群模型保解析性的讨论,进一步将生态环境系统的调控严谨化,给一类生态系统的动态分析与调控优化提供了一种有价值的方法与手段.这不仅对于两种互相竞争和互惠互存的生态系统的建模与分析具有重要意义,而且对于更为复杂的生态环境系统的动态分析与宏观调控也具有较大的指导作用与应用价值.  相似文献   
Types and biotic successions of Ordovician reefs in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ordovician reefs are located in the South China,Tarim,and North China blocks,in low-latitude epicontinental marine regions and mostly consist of large-scale carbonate platforms.During the Paleozoic,faunal radiation reef biota diverged and thrived in diverse paleogeographic settings.Algal reefs of the Early Ordovician,Calathium-lithistid sponge-algal reefs of the late Early Ordovician to early Middle Ordovician,and coral-stromatoporoid-algal reefs of the early Late Ordovician,indicate change from Cambrian to Paleozoic biota.Coral-stromatoporoid-algal reefs were the basic communities after 100 Ma.The macroevolution of biotic struc-tures generally shows increased complexity;the evolution of China’s reef biota parallels that worldwide.Important aspects are:(1) The Calathium-algal reefs from the early Tremadocian Nantzinkuan Formation,Zhangjiajie,western Hunan are the pioneer reefs,and the Darriwillian Yijianfang Formation,Bachu are the relic reefs.(2) The bryozoan-dominated reefs of the late Tremadocian Fenhsiang Formation,Middle Yangtze Platform are unique.(3) The early coral-stromatoporoid-algal reefs are highly restricted in China.(4) The algal reefs from the latest Katian on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform,represent an abnormal reef-building environment during the initial stages of Gondwanan glaciations.  相似文献   
简述了水母的早期化石记录,并根据华南寒武系发现的立方水母干群化石,讨论了祖先型水母的辐射对称、躯体构型、生活史、生活习性,以及外骨骼的形成特征,推测水母类在寒武纪大爆发初期先于两侧对称动物基本完成其高级分类单元的宏演化。寒武纪的水母在生活习性上可以分为底栖固着型和游泳型两种。  相似文献   
A SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology study of the tuff at the bottom of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation at Songlin, Zunyi, South China yielded a mean ^206Pb/^238U age of 518±5 Ma. It is significantly younger than the Re-Os ages of 537--542 Ma for the overlying polymetallic Ni-Mo-PGE-rich layer in the basal Niutitang Formation at Songlin, suggesting that the Re-Os ages might represent that of the original magma chamber for the Ni-Mo-PGE-rich layer rather than the formation age of the strata. The intra-basinal stratigraphic correlation also implies that the absolute age of the Chengjiang biota should be younger than 518±5 Ma. Our new result, together with the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age for the K-bentonite in the Zhongyicun member of the Zhujiaqing Formation at the Meishucun section, Yunnan Province, provides a temporal constraint for the Lower Cambrian of the Yangtze Platform in South China.  相似文献   
土壤食物网精准调控是探究和发挥土壤生物生态功能的关键和难点.综述了已有的土壤食物网直接和间接调控方法,讨论了土壤食物网生态功能研究现状及面临的困境,如常用的直接调控措施很难在野外大规模应用;间接调控土壤食物网内在机制复杂,调控效果不易把控;土壤食物网全图模糊不清,关键类群及其权重难确定;土壤食物网的物质循环与能流难量化...  相似文献   
贵州黔东地区中-下寒武统凯里组主要由粉砂质泥岩,页岩及灰岩组成,富产三叶虫,其中台江八郎乌溜-曾家岩的凯时组含著名的中寒武世凯里生物群、早寒武世台江生物群,2001年成为国际中-下寒武统层型界线候选部,对其深入研究具有重大科学和实用意义。就我省黔东地区凯里组的岩石地层,生物地层,年代地层,沉积环境等进行研究及总结,亦确认黔东凯里组是一个十分重要的地层单位。  相似文献   
Five marine organisms in Daya Bay are selected for estimating the dose rates. Internal exposure and its 5 pathways are also considered. The concentrations of 43 kinds of background and additional radionuclides in seawater are from the survey of background radioactivity and the prediction of routine radioactive releases of the 4 reactors. Point source dose distribution functions are used to estimate the dose rates to various organisms from α and β radiation. Monte-Carlo method is used to determine the absorbed fractions in the organisms from γ radiation. Results indicate that the background dose rates are 2.72 mGya · a-1 to phytoplankton and 1.75 mGy · a-1 to zooplankton. The dose rates to other organisms are in the range of 0.31–0. 49 mGy · a-1. The additional dose rates from the routine releases are varied to different organisms. They reach the range of 5.7–6.1 times of the background dose rates to benthic crustaceans and mollusks, which are 8.3%–15.3% to fishes, and only 0.2% to plankton. β internal irradiation from additional radionuclides is the critical pathway to plankton.131I and60Co are the major contributors to zooplankton, while103Ru,60Co and58Co are the main contributors to phytoplankton. γ external irradiation from sediment is the critical pathway to benthic organisms.58Co and60Co are the main contributors. The main pathways to fishes are internal β and γ irradiation.124Sb is the critical radionuclide.  相似文献   
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