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本文于1986年4—6月测定了58尾团头鲂的红细胞、血红蛋白、比容、血清中葡萄糖、总脂、胆固醇、非蛋白氮、总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白、钙、磷、铁及血浆中肌酐、肌酸等十五项血液学常数。与体重相近的白鲢对应值相比,其总蛋白、血糖、胆固醇均高于白鲢。雌雄团头鲂的比容、血糖、钙、铁有显著性差异。在繁殖期间,雌雄团头鲂的血钙含量出现极明显的变化,说明性腺发育和性激素对血钙有显著影响。  相似文献   
The blunt snout bream(Megalobrama amblycephala)is a major aquaculture species in the Chinese freshwater polyculture system.In this study,complete diallel crossing of three strains(i.e.,Liangzi[LZ],Poyang[PY]and Yuni[YN])was used to evaluate the combining ability and heterosis effect of intraspecific crossbreeding on the growth performance(i.e.,body weight,total length,body length,body height,and Fulton’s coefficient of condition).The offspring produced from the three strains were reared in a communal pond for 20 months,and nine microsatellites were used to assess their pedigree.Of the749 offspring,708(94.53%)could be assigned directly to a single parental pair.Significant differences were observed in body weight(BW)among the different combinations,indicating that the combining ability of BW from each strain was significantly different.The general combining ability(GCA)of BW from the sire was much higher than that from the dam.The GCA for the dam and sire of the LZ and YN were the largest and the smallest,respectively.The special combining ability of YN$9 PY#was the largest,and YN$9 PY#showed significantly positive heterosis effects on all F1growth traits,except for Fulton’s condition coefficient(K)(P\0.05).In addition,significant positive linear correlations were found between the mean BW of corresponding progeny and the H E of the parental generation(y=600.7x-29.472,r=0.8651,P=0.0026),H O(y=1206.9x-518.14,r=0.7436,P=0.0216),and the polymorphism information content(y=1021.3x-331.31,r=0.8245,P=0.0063)as determined by a correlative test.The findings obtained from the study will be important for future considerations of M.amblycephala stock improvement programs.  相似文献   
Gynogenetic diploid was induced in red crucian carp (RCC) (Carassius auratus Red Variety) eggs using UV-irradiated spermatozoa from blunt snout bream (B) (Megalobrama amblycephala) or from mirror carp (C) (Cyprinus carpio. L). Spermatozoa were genetically inactivated by an appropriate UV dosage, and then the maternal DNA was duplicated with cold shock at 0-4℃. When using the spermatozoa of B, the fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival at first feeding were 52.6±3.0 %, 23.6±4.1 % and 15.7±3.4 %, respectively, and the survival at first feeding was significantly higher than that (11.3±2.2%) when using the spermatozoa of C (Cyprinus carpio. L). According to the morphological characteristics, the chromosome number and the degree of gonadal development, gynogenetic RCC could be distinguished from the control hybrids of RCC♀× B♂. The individuals with red body color, 100 chromosomes and normal gonadal development were successful gynogenetic RCC, while the individuals with 124 or 148 chromosomes and delayed gonadal development were hybrids of (RCC× B). The triploid hybrids (RCC× B) (2 years old) were sterile, but the tetraploid hybrids (RCC× B) were sexually mature age of two. In the present study, compared to the spermatozoa of C, the advantages of spermatozoa of B as the activation source were that could increase the survival at first feeding of gynogenetic individuals and simplify the confirmation of gynogenetic status, which suggested that the sperm of B was an effective activation source for inducing gynogenesis in crucian carp.  相似文献   
江苏水域7种重要养殖鱼类的同工酶分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用垂直板不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,研究了江苏水域7种重要养殖鱼类肌肉的数种同工酶(LDH、EST、MDH、ME、ADH、GDH和POX),对这些酶在各鱼种表达的位点与酶带分别作了分析.根据所统计的位点和酶带数目计算出6种鲤科鱼间遗传距离和相似性系数.聚类分析显示,青鱼、草鱼与鲢、鳙先分别汇聚,然后再汇聚成一个单元,团头鲂与翘嘴红鲌汇聚成一个单元,最后这两个单元汇聚在一起,这与分类学结论一致.本文还讨论了各种鱼同工酶酶谱差异、江苏水域重要养殖鱼类资源状况以及鳜和翘嘴红鲌不同种群间酶谱异同.  相似文献   
Gynogenetic diploid was induced in red crucian carp (RCC) ( Carassius auratus Red Variety) eggs using UV-irradiated spermatozoa from blunt snout bream (B) (Megalobrama amblycephaia) or from mirror carp (C) (Cyprinus carpio. L) . Spermatozoa were genetically inactivated by an appropriate UV dosage, and then the maternal DNA was duplicated with cold shock at 0-4℃. When using the spermatozoa of B, the fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival at first feeding were 52. 6±3. 0 %, 23.6±4.1 % and15.7±3.4 % , respectively, and the survival at first feeding was significantly higher than that (11.3±2.2%) when using the spermatozoa of C (Cyprinus carpio. L). According to the morphological characteristics, the chromosome number and the degree of gonadal development, gynogenetic RCC could be distinguished from the control hybrids of RCC♀×B♂. The individuals with red body color, 100 chromosomes and normal gonadal development were successful gynogenetic RCC, while the individuals with 124 or 148 chromosomes and delayed gonadal development were hybrids of (RCC×B). The triploid hybrids (RCC×B) (2 years old) were sterile, but the tetraploid hybrids (RCC×B) were sexually mature age of two. In the present study, compared to the spermatozoa of C, the advantages of spermatozoa of B as the activation source were that could increase the survival at first feeding of gynogenetic individuals and simplify the confirmation of gynogenetic status, which suggested that the sperm of B was an effective activation source for inducing gynogenesis in crucian carp.  相似文献   
通过人工繁殖获得团头鲂受精卵,在体视显微镜下对其胚胎和早期仔鱼发育过程进行了连续观察、拍照与测量.结果显示,团头鲂受精卵呈圆球形,具黏性,卵径(1.18±0.09)mm;在水温(21±1)℃条件下,团头鲂胚胎发育从受精到孵化历时39h10min,经历了胚盘形成、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期和出膜期7个发育阶段;初孵仔鱼体长(3.44±0.29)mm,出膜后第4d仔鱼鳔完全充气,卵黄囊消失;观察时,受精卵至尾鳍出现期胚胎置0.7%生理盐水中,肌肉效应期和后面各时期的胚胎经4%多聚甲醛固定后置3%甲基纤维素中拍照可获得良好效果.该工作为研究团头鲂胚胎早期发育过程提供了实时和动态的图像资料,并为鱼类胚胎发育观察提供了基本技术参考.  相似文献   
首次确诊该病是由累枝虫附生后引起细菌感染的累枝虫病;通过药物试验,得出甲醛防治团头纺累枝虫病的最低有效浓度为1.56×10-6,全池遍洒的安全浓度为25×10-6;设计出了一种网箱养鱼病害防治的施药新方法──PFUM法,从而使该病的治愈率达99%。  相似文献   
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