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This study presents noble gaseous data of the corundum megacrysts from the Cenozoic basalts in Changle, Shandong Province, eastern China. It is known that no noble gaseous data of corundum megacryst have been documented before. The 3He/4He ratios (1.13-7.37 Ra) of the corundums from Changle vary from atmosphere to MORB values; the 20Ne/22Ne (9.67-10.75) and 21Ne/22Ne (0.0280-0.0372) data define two linear trends on Ne three-isotope diagram, respectively, along the MFL and the correlation line between atmosphere and MORB; the 38Ar/36Ar (0.177-0.194) ratios, the 40Ar/36Ar (280.9 -404.2) ratios and the 128-136Xe/132Xe ration with obvious 129Xe excess are generally higher than at-mospheric component, but the 40Ar/36Ar ratios are much closer to atomospheric ratio. The isotopic compositions of noble gases (particularly for He and Ar) of the corundums are similar to those of py-roxene, anorthoclase megacrysts, and mantle-derived xenoliths from this area, and those of man-tle-derived xenoliths from several areas in eastern China. Therefore, the noble gases trapped in the corundums probably are from mantle source, representing a ‘mixed fluid' produced by the interaction between the lithospheric mantle and fluids releasing from the convective plate. Both the noble gas isotopic compositions and the oxygen isotopic compositions of the solid corundums are not the characteristics of crustal source. These suggest that the corundums crystallized from mantle-derived magmas with minimal crustal contamination.  相似文献   
金红石与石榴石浮选分离及调整剂作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现金红石与主要脉石矿物石榴石在无污染条件下的有效分离,采用浮选方法研究了金红石和石榴石的分离,并采用红外光谱和X光电子能谱分析等手段研究了分离过程中调整剂六偏磷酸钠的作用机理。结果表明,以烷胺双甲基磷酸(ATF1024)为捕收剂,六偏磷酸钠[(NaPO3)6]为调整剂,可以实现金红石与石榴石之间的浮选分离。(NaPO3)6对石榴石的抑制作用存在两种机理:其一,(NaPO3)6与石榴石表面Fe2 发生化学键合导致其牢固吸附而使石榴石表面强烈亲水;其二,(NaPO3)6选择性溶解石榴石表面Ca2 导致石榴石与捕收剂作用的表面活性质点减少。  相似文献   
Hydrogen isotope compositions of mantle-derived amphibole megacrysts from Qilin, Guangdong Province have been obtained by ion micro-probe. δD and H contents are constant both among different samples and within single sample, demonstrating that their formation condition is very stable. High δD values suggest the presence of a component recycled from crust which is possibly related to the subduction of Pacific Plate beneath Eurasian Plate in Mesozoic.  相似文献   
The garnet megacrysts from Yingfengling basalts are characterized by high FeO (>20%), CaO (7.02% –8.16%) and low MgO (5.88%–10.87%). Significant composition variations are observed in these megacrysts, of which Ni, V, Sc, Co, and HREE are positively correlated with their Mg#, and Zr, Hf, Ga, Y, Sr, Nb, Zn and LREE-MREE are negatively correlated with Mg#. Megacryst parent magma is a highly evolved residual melt with strongl depletion in Ti, Sr, Hf, Nb and HREE. This parental magma was generated by more than 60% of crystallization fractionation of clinopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase and ilmenite from quartz tholeiitic magma. It has not erupted to the surface, but stayed at the upper mantle and formed the megacrystic cumulate. Megacrysts and their host basalt are in disequilibrium.  相似文献   
胶州大西庄晚白垩世碱性玄武岩中发现有单斜辉石巨晶,其矿物化学成分较为均一,SiO2含量在46.2%~47.6%之间,A1203为8.4%~9.0%,MgO为12.8%~14.6%,CaO为16.9%~17.5%,Mg^11值在72~76之间。除了SiO:含量稍低以外,和中国东部新生代玄武岩中单斜辉石巨晶化学成分的变化范围内一致。Wo值〈459/5,属于为铝普通辉石。辉石巨晶的KD(Fe-Mg)值为0.2~0.4,和碱性玄武岩浆平衡,平衡温压分别为1396~1422℃和2.4~2.6GPa,表明其是寄主岩浆在高压下结晶的产物。大西庄单斜辉石巨晶和中国东部中新生代玄武岩中单斜辉石巨晶成分及成因上的相似性,揭示了该地区晚白垩世至新生代处于一致的动力学背景。  相似文献   
用X衍射分析、探针分析等方法,对可可西里和芒康岩区透长石和石榴子巨晶进行了研究。结果表明,可可西里粗安岩及芒康粗面英安岩中透长石巨晶内部光性均一,无环带和双晶,X光束见出溶条纹,矿物边部及核部成分变化很小,属高温极低有序度结构状态的钾透长石类型;石榴子石巨晶以Alm和Pyr为主要的二种端元组分,其结晶深度大约相当于中地壳。  相似文献   
We performed a combined study of He–Ar isotopes and element geochemistry for pyroxene megacrysts and mantle xenoliths from Cenozoic basalt in the Changle–Linqu area in western Shandong.The results are used to trace the evolution of subcontinental lithospheric mantle after destruction of the North China Craton.The3He/4He ratios of pyroxene megacrysts,websterite,and dunites are 7.0–7.7 Ra,7.4 Ra,and 7.0–7.7 Ra,respectively.They are related to the origin of host basalts,and are slightly lower than that of mid-ocean ridge basalts(MORB).Their40Ar/36Ar ratios are much lower than that of MORB and close to that of air.The lherzolites and wehrlites represent the fragments of the newly accreted lithospheric mantle,and their REE and trace elements indicate that they experienced melt metasomatism and partial melting.The3He/4He ratios of their olivine are slightly lower than that of MORB,but3He/4He ratios of their clinopyroxene are low(2.3–7.1 Ra)and display an inverse correlation with(La/Yb)N.The40Ar/36Ar ratios of these clinopyroxene are much lower than that of MORB and close to the air ratio.Combining existing studies of petrology,Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes,O isotopes,trace elements,and Mg isotopes,we infer that the juvenile lithospheric mantle in the Changle–Linqu area was metasomatized by oceanic crust-derived melts,which transfer the supracrustal Ar isotope signatures to the mantle sources.The low4He abundance and low3He/4He ratios of clinopyroxene in the lherzolites and wehrlites are ascribed to metasomatism by crustal melts from the subducted Pacific plate.  相似文献   
福建明溪是我国和火山岩有关的锆石巨晶的典型产地.通过对该地的锆石巨晶晶体形态及其包裹体的研究发现,福建明溪锆石巨晶四方柱明显较双锥发育,表面有熔蚀结构,内部结构均匀;锆石巨晶中发现的斜锆石包裹体和其它产地斜锆石相比具有贫大离子半径元素U,Th,Y,Zr/Hf高的特点.巨晶中的锆石包裹体的拉曼光谱有两种不同类型,其中一类锆石包裹体的拉曼谱和变质及热处理锆石相似,说明锆石巨晶形成时曾经历过变质作用过程.锆石巨晶及其包裹体特征暗示锆石巨晶不是玄武岩结晶产物,和伴生的刚玉巨晶相比其来源可能更深,是壳一幔物质相互作用产物.  相似文献   
In Tuoyun area of southwestern Tianshan, mantle and lower crust xenoliths are present in the volcanic rocks with ages of 101–123 Ma. Mantle xenoliths include mineral megacrysts such as kaersutite and pargasite, feldspar, biotite, and rare pyroxene and rock fragments such as perodotite, pyroxenite, amphibolite, and rare glimmerite. Lower crust xeno-liths are mainly banded and massive granulite. The volcanic rocks were produced by within-plate magmatism. Occurrence of hydrous and volatile mineral megacrysts, amphibolite, and some pyroxenite containing hydrous and volatile minerals indicates that mantle metasomatism was intense. Undoubtedly, this discovery is very important to understanding of the crust-mantle structure and geodynamic background in depth in southwestern Tianshan and geological correlation with adjacent regions.  相似文献   
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