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Summary Using flurbiprofen, a chiral anti-inflammatory and analgesic 2-arylpropionic acid derivative, the enantiomers of which are not converted to each other (less than 5%) in rats or man, we obtained evidence that prostaglandin synthesis inhibition is primarily mediating the anti-inflammatory activity but prostaglandin synthesis independent mechanisms contribute to the analgesic effects. Thus, the S-form inhibited prostaglandin synthesis, inflammation and nociception in rats. The R-form had much less effect on prostaglandin synthesis and did not affect inflammation. It did, however, block nociception in rats almost as potently as the S-form. S-flurbiprofen, in contrast to the R-form, was clearly ulcerogenic in the gastrointestinal mucosa. These results indicate additional molecular mechanisms of analgesia and suggest the use of R-arylpropionic acids as analgesics.  相似文献   
采用水提醇沉法将升巨散制成冲剂,对实验性血小板减少症的治疗,表明升巨散具有升高外周血小板数量之功效,差异显著(P<0.15).相继在出血时问、凝血时间和24h 血块收缩实验中,也间接证实本品有升高外周血小板数量之作用。又在骨髓象检查中,发现升巨散能提高骨髓之巨核细胞及血小板数量,差异显著。本品 LD_(50)及95%可信限为70.88±2.62g/kg。  相似文献   
七彩山鸡胃肠组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过常规石蜡切片,H-E染色,对三只120日龄七彩山鸡(phasianus colchicas)的胃肠道结构进行了组织学观察。结果表明:七彩山鸡胃肠管的黏膜层、肌层和管状消化腺发达,整个消化管黏膜固有层中都有淋巴组织存在。腺胃内有较多的单管状腺和复管状腺,肌胃肌层发达。小肠黏膜层最厚,绒毛致密且有分支,绒毛轴中心未见中央乳糜管,固有膜中单管肠腺丰富,黏膜下层缺如或很薄。大肠管壁具四层结构,有环状皱襞,皱襞上绒毛宽短稀疏,黏膜上皮中杯状细胞增多。将观察结果与其它鸟类进行了比较。  相似文献   
A new dragonfly of family Meganeuridae Shenzhousia qilianshanensis gen. et sp. nov., discovered from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in North China, is described in the present paper. It has an estimated wingspan of about 450?500 mm and may be the largest fossil insect in Late Carboniferous Namurian Stage discovered by far. The new species is referred to Meganeuridae because of the presence of the characteristic oblique vein between anterior branch of radius (RA) and posterior branch of radius (RP) near the base of RP2. It differs from other genera within the family in the following characteristics: Precostal area short and not extending to the midwing; posterior branch of subcostal vein short, merging into costal vein near the level of originating point of IR2; RP forking earlier than anterior branch of media basally; RP1+2 and RP3+4 parallel and close to each other for a long distance, and then diverge gradually surpass midwing.  相似文献   
上隅角瓦斯积聚是采用综呆放顶煤技术开采高瓦斯易自燃煤层必须面对的难题。文章提出了利用工艺巷防止综放面上隅角瓦斯积聚的方法。并且,根据计算流体力学理论建立数学物理模型,模拟计算了综放工作面及采空区内空气、瓦斯流动的规律,有力地论证了该方法的可行性和有效性,为我国高瓦斯易自燃煤层综放工作面的瓦斯防治工作提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
文章提出了一种食管动力检测仪的设计方案,系统介绍了实现的途径和方法,包括食道压力信号的采集、USB控制芯片AN2131SC的应用、EZ-USB固件程序和USB设备驱动程序的设计及上位机软件编写;测试表明,该仪器能够满足实际的医用需求。  相似文献   
地基液化是导致地下结构在地震中发生严重震害的重要威胁之一。以北京某箱型框架式地铁车站上穿一定厚度的可液化土层为工程背景,基于有限差分软件FLAC3D建立了含有可液化土层的场地土-地下结构相互作用数值模型,分析了场地液化分布特征、周围场地位移沉降及矢量特征、地下结构动力反应及上浮特征等。结果表明,地下结构的存在加大了可液化场地的地层变形,但会显著降低结构上方一定范围内地表土体的地震响应;可液化土层中的孔压发展表现为“起始缓慢增长、最后急速增加至峰值并保持一定时间,最后缓慢消散”的规律,孔压达到峰值的时刻与输入地震动的峰值时刻接近;结构的竖向位移变化表现出“起始少量下沉,然后振荡上升,随后急剧上浮,最后缓慢下降”的发展阶段;液化场地中,地铁车站结构附近的土体部分上浮、部分沉陷是造成地表土体开裂的内因;下部可液化土层对上穿的地下结构的地震响应具有一定的隔震效果。  相似文献   
C-isotope analysis of the carbonates in the Upper Neoproterozoic in Keping, Xinjiang indicates that the Qigebrak Formation and the Upper Sugaitbrak Formation mainly record positive C-isotope values, and a distinct positive excursion occurs in the lower part of the Qigebrak Formation. There are three negative excursions in the boundary between the Qigebrak Formation and the Cambrian, the uppermost and lowermost Upper Sugaitbrak Formation. These characters resemble those of the Upper Neoproterozoic in the Three-Gorge area, which suggests that the Upper Sugaitbrak Formation and Qigebrak Formation can be correlated with the middle and upper parts of the Doushantuo Formation and Dengying Formation, respectively. The negative excursion at the top of the Upper Sugaitbrak Formation corresponds to that at the top of the Doushantuo Formation, while the negative excursion at the bottom of the Sugaitbrak Formation can be correlated with that at the middle part of the Doushantuo Formation in the Three-Gorge area and that at the top of the Hangelchaok diamictites in the Quruqtagh area.  相似文献   
研究鄂尔多斯盆地东南部上古生界砂岩储层特征,以及不同的成岩作用类型与储集性能的关系。通过分析取芯井的岩石薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、能谱分析数据,发现储集砂岩中发育有粒内溶孔、粒间孔、粒间溶孔、晶间孔、溶缝等多种孔缝类型,其中最主要的是粒内溶孔和粒间溶孔;主要成岩作用类型有压实作用、溶蚀作用、碳酸盐矿物、硅质矿物和黏土矿物的形成作用。结合不同砂岩组分与孔隙面孔率的相关性,得到如下结论:(1)压实作用是导致砂岩孔隙度较差的重要原因;(2)增加砂岩整体孔隙度最重要的是溶蚀作用;(3)碳酸盐矿物的形成会导致砂岩孔隙度减小;(4)硅质矿物会一定程度减少砂岩粒间孔;(5)高岭石的形成对增加岩石整体孔隙作用有限,水云母和绿泥石对溶孔和晶间孔的形成不利。  相似文献   
拟单调广义向量变分不等式   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
在集值映射T:K→2^L(X,Y)是拟单调和弱上半连续的条件下,考虑了广义向量变分不等式强解存在的强制条件,证明了与广义向量变分不等式非奇异解非空等价的强制条件,同时提出使广义集值向量变分不等式解集非空的极小强制条件.  相似文献   
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