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近代知识论真理观从主客体对立的角度出发,将认识者与认识对象之间的某种契合关系定义为真理,结果使真理排除了人性,远离了人们的日常生活。马克思主义哲学立足于实践考察人的认识活动,主张用实践的思维方式,从社会生活的雏度来解决真理问题,使真理具有了现实性的力量,成为人们社会生活中一种重要的实践方式。  相似文献   
无论在革命战争时期还是改革开放以后,实事求是思想一直是我们奉行的实践准则,并以此一步步走向胜利。但在这一过程中,也有人形而上的理解实事求是,难免导致教条与僵化,无法为实践提供正确的指导。因此,我们必须将实事求是置于新时期思想解放运动的语境中来理解,辩证的理解其与解放思想的内在联系,才能真正的把握其哲学意涵,才能充分发挥其指导思想的作用。  相似文献   
It is frequently said that belief aims at truth, in an explicitly normative sense—that is, that one ought to believe the proposition that p if, and only if, p is true. This truth norm is frequently invoked to explain why we should seek evidential justification in our beliefs, or why we should try to be rational in our belief formation—it is because we ought to believe the truth that we ought to follow the evidence in belief revision. In this paper, I argue that this view is untenable. The truth norm clashes with plausible evidential norms in a wide range of cases, such as when we have excellent but misleading evidence for a falsehood or no evidence for a truth. I will consider various ways to resolve this conflict and argue that none of them work. However, I will ultimately attempt to vindicate the love of truth, by arguing that knowledge is the proper epistemic goal. The upshot is that we should not aim merely to believe the truth; we should aim to know it.  相似文献   
科学的任务是探求客体的规律,发现了规律就等于发现了真理。科学成果的形成标志着科学家获得了真理,但人所获得的真理都是相对真理。由于科学技术发展第一定律中的绝对难度与真理的真值成正比,相对难度与真理的真值成反比,因此,科学技术在发展中,绝对难度越来越大,相对难度越来越小这一趋势就表示真理的真值越来越大,越来越逼近逼近绝对真理这个逻辑预设。  相似文献   
在通常的理解中人们常常把"教化"理解为教育,将"真理"看作是关于世界的现成的知识,因而教化就是将真理作为一种现成的知识传授给他人。但是在西方人文主义的传统中,教化与教育是两个不同的概念,教化并不是主体对一种客观知识的掌握和传授,它应该在柏拉图的意义上被理解为以某种"理念"为原型的"造形",教化本质上是人的存在状态的本质性的转变。海德格尔在关于柏拉图洞穴喻的生存论解读中,对教化与真理的关系作出了深刻的辨析。  相似文献   
Defenders of value-free science appeal to cognitive attitudes as part of a wedge strategy, to mark a distinction between science proper and the uses of science for decision-making, policy, etc. Distinctions between attitudes like belief and acceptance have played an important role in defending the value-free ideal. In this paper, I will explore John Dewey's pragmatist philosophy of science as an alternative to the philosophical framework the wedge strategy rests on. Dewey does draw significant and useful distinctions between different sorts of cognitive attitudes taken by inquirers, but none can be used to support the wedge strategy.  相似文献   
《令人不安的真相》(An Inconvenient Truth)是一部有关气候变迁的纪录片,其中特别关注全球变暖现象。电影由戴维斯.古根海姆执导、前美国副总统戈尔主演。此片获得第79届奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录片。影片的影响力非常巨大,它成功地使全球变暖的理论为全球所接受,成为当今国际社会的主流观点。笔者经过深入的调查研究,认为戈尔及他的团队的成功,在很大程度上来源于他们对西方修辞学的深入理解和娴熟运用,并从中产生了极大的说服力量,使全球暖化理论在全世界得到了广泛的认同。本文主要从西方修辞学视角来探讨戈尔和他的团队在电影《令人不安的真相》中运用了的修辞策略。  相似文献   
I challenge Alexander Bird’s contention that the divergence between Kuhn’s views and recent philosophy of science is a matter of Kuhn having taken a wrong turn. Bird is right to remind us of Kuhn’s naturalistic tendencies, but these are not clearly an asset, rather than a liability. Kuhn was right to steer clear of extreme referential conceptions of meaning, since these court an unacceptable semantic scepticism. Although he eschewed the concepts of truth and knowledge as philosophers of science have tended to understand them, this doesn’t mean that, as Bird claims, Kuhn was a sceptic about scientific knowledge. Bird’s claim that recent philosophical naturalism represents a rejection of positivism far more thorough than Kuhn’s is problematic since, from a different perspective, this kind of naturalism can be seen to have inherited some equally important positivistic themes. Finally, it’s not clear that Kuhn should have endorsed a computational approach to the philosophy of science, such as connectionism, since such approaches may be more behaviouristic, and thus unacceptably positivistic, than the original cognitive revolution promised.  相似文献   
道是吾国文化之精神、根本所系,道体现的是整体的、辩证的关系。中国哲学中的道,有天理与伦理两端,道比科学的涵义更加宽广,但与科学是相通的。科学本身并无福祉与灾难之分,福祉与灾难,不在科学,实在人类社会自身之伦理文明。  相似文献   
给出真值行列式的定义、性质、计算及其在带有限制条件的全排列问题和某些概率问题中的应用.  相似文献   
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