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试论新南非语言政策的演变及其对教育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以语言政策最近的发展为背景,讨论了与语言使用现实和执行相关的问题;以全南非语言委员会(PANSALB)遭遇的一些问题、公共场所语言使用情况、家庭使用语的分类以及学校里的教学指导语为案例进行阐释。这些案例表明了在执行语言政策和形成包容性的民族认同方面,南非依然困难重重。  相似文献   
铜鼓广泛分布于中国南方和与之相邻的越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国及马来西亚和印度尼西亚等东南亚国家。铜鼓是这些国家和民族在两千多年的漫长历史中,通过各种形式的交往与融合形成的共同文化载体。  相似文献   
There are abundant coastal wetlands in South China and their main characters are the tidal flats, mangroves and coral reefs. In this paper, the status quo of coastal wetlands in South China is introduced and their degradation trends in the last decades are analyzed based on the existing literatures and information. Their degradation trends are characterized by reduction of coastal wetlands' area, pollution of seawater environment, degeneration of ecological environment, sharp decrease of biodiversity in the wetlands and so on. At the same time, the causes resulting in the above-mentioned degradations are discussed, mainly concluding imperfect systems of management and legislation, deficient property and assessment systems of the wetlands, weak consciousness of protecting coastal wetlands, shortage of basic study and backward management level and so on. Some countermeasures are put forward for the sake of a sustainable use of the coastal wetlands of South China, mainly including establishing and perfecting administrative and legal systems for the coastal wetlands, developing the study on assessment of coastal wetland, heightening the consciousness of public participation, and strengthening scientific research and establishment of wetland nature reserves.  相似文献   
以中日韩自由贸易区为核心和先导的东北亚合作模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年10月中日韩三国领导人在印尼巴厘岛《中日韩推进三方合作联合宣言》的签署之后,东北亚合作的问题日益成为人们关注的焦点,加强东北亚各国的合作不仅有利于促进亚太区域内各国经济的发展,促成亚太地区经济进一步崛起,还会化解东北亚各国之间的矛盾和冲突.东北亚的合作应当加强信任、走制度化的合作道路,创设以中日韩自由贸易区为核心和先导的东北亚合作模式.以次区域合作先行的模式来带动东北亚经济一体化的发展。  相似文献   
Observational study of the circulation in the southern South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CTD data from two oceanographic survey cruises, conducted by “Shiyan No. 3” R/V during two reversing monsoons, were employed to calculate and analyze the distributions of temperature, salinity and geopotential anomaly in the southern South China Sea (SSCS). Based on these distributions, the horizontal structures of the SSCS circulation are described systematically. Study results show that the SSCS circulation structure could be classified as a two-layer (the upper and the lower) pattern, and that the main circulation in the upper layer (0–400 m) is driven by the South China Sea monsoons and is opposite in direction to the reversal of the monsoons. The distributions of principal current systems and their features are presented. Two important local phenomena, local eddy and oceanic front, were observed.  相似文献   
北半球夏季,南海地区是全球大气热状况变化最为激烈的区域之一,而南海夏季风则是该地区最为活跃的天气事件,它的演变必将导致其它地区大气环流的响应.通过相关计算、合成分析等手段,揭示与南海夏季风活动相关联的北半球大气遥相关型的存在.该波列状的遥相关型与东亚地区相连,经北太平洋延伸至北美西岸.最高的相关位于西太平洋副热带高压区域,因而它可能对我国旱涝天气产生重要影响.  相似文献   
台风Utor登陆广东过程的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
台风Utor(0104)于2001年7月6日00时(UTC,下同)在广东汕尾地区登陆,带来比较严重的灾害性天气.以美国国家大气研究中心和宾州大学联合研制的第五代中尺度模式(MM5)为基础设计的台风预报模式比较准确地预报出台风Utor(0104)的移动路径(前24 h的移动路径平均误差为 68 km)和天气现象的分布.在此基础上,设计了3个敏感性试验:①是把华南地区(26°N以南,110°E以东)的陆地变为海洋,②是把华南地区的山地变为平地,③是减小华南地区陆地的粗糙度,即取为近似于静风的洋面上的值.对比数值试验的结果表明:引起台风登陆后减弱的最主要因子是下垫面水汽供应的切断,其次是下垫面粗糙度(摩擦)的影响;地形作用能使迎风坡的降水明显增加,但对台风强度则没有明显的影响.  相似文献   
The correlation of opal content and MAR with oxygen isotopic records of benthonic foraminifera at Site 1143, southern South China Sea indicates that,since about 900 ka,the increasing opal content and MAR during the interglacial periods is inferred to reflect the bigher surface productivity ,for the intensified summer monsoon during the interglacial periods would result in the enhanced upwelling and nutrient supply,Time-sequence spectral analyses of oxygen isotopic record ,opal content and MAR at intervals of 0-900 ka reveal that the changes of surface productivity were dominantly forced by the variations of the earth orbital cycles.  相似文献   
Analysis of the taxonomy and stratigraphic distribution of the Early Cambrian eodiscoid trilobites of the Yangtze Platform indicates that species of Tsunyidiscus and Hupeidiscus can be used for biostratigraphic correlation. T. aclis occurs only in the lower Qiongzhusian, T. armatus occurs in the lower and middle Qiongzhusian, while T. niutitangensis and T. tingi occur mainly in the middle and upper Qiongzhusian, with only T. tingi extending upward into the lower Canglangpuian. H. orientalis first appears in the upper Qiongzhusian, reaching peak abundance in the lower Canglangpuian and becoming extinct above the Drepanuroides Zone. Biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic correlations indicate that the limestone in the lower part of the Mingxinsi Formation, the Upper Member of Jiumenchong Formation, and the upper part of the Middle Member of the Huangbailing Formation, can be correlated with each other as Hupediscus, an index fossil of the lower Canglangpuian, is abundant in all these units. The lower part of the Niutitang and Jiumenchong formations in eastern Guizhou, which mainly represent Qiongzhusian strata, can be correlated with the Lower Member of the Huangbailing Formation. The basal part of the Niutitang Formation, which may be equivalent to the Upper Meishucunian Shiyantou Formation in eastern Yunnan, is very condensed. Well-preserved sponge faunas and non-mineralized fossils in the lower part of the Niutitang and Hetang formations are not older than Qiongzhusian in age.  相似文献   
对南水北调中线的一个调蓄水库--瀑河水库环境质量现状进行评价,利用实验室模拟和WQRRS模型预测蓄水后不同情景下的水库水质状况,分析水库对生态环境、水文泥沙、环境地质等影响,从环境角度论证水库建设项目的可行性。提出了环境改善和保护的对策和建议,为南水北调中线工程的决策提供依据。  相似文献   
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