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塞缪尔·理查逊的道德小说《帕梅拉》中塑造了具有坚定贞洁信仰的女性帕梅拉。他通过意识差异、融合而引起的矛盾对话反映帕梅拉的女性美德自省,并利用大众阅读后产生的心理共鸣进行道德说教。具有女性意识的帕梅拉的自我塑造及自我提升过程反映了的中产阶级上升论及关怀女性的道德论。  相似文献   
塞缪尔—贝克特的荒诞剧《等待戈多》为我们引入了两个重要的哲学概念:存在主义和荒诞主义。并依托这两个概念而反映人类在寻找生存意义过程中难以排解的迷茫与绝望的意义。  相似文献   
论贝克特对品特创作的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品特的戏剧创作受贝克特的影响在早期作品中特别明显,尤其在《送菜升降机》中最为突出。《送菜升降机》从主要人物、剧本主题和人物对话上看,与贝克特的《等待戈多》有着惊人的相似之处。这两个剧本的主要人物都为了等待而从头至尾做着没有意义的无聊动作,都有一个从未出场的类似于上帝一样的神秘的人物。剧中人的命运都由一个神秘的人或一种神秘的力量控制,他们对自己的命运一无所知,也无能为力,只是生活在等待中。此外,两个剧本的语言都使用了多次重复、停顿和沉默的手法。  相似文献   
This paper argues for three distinct, albeit mutually illuminating theses: first it explains why well informed eighteenth-century thinkers, e.g., the pre-critical Immanuel Kant and Richard Bentley would have identified important aspects of Newton’s natural philosophy with (a species of modern) Epicureanism. Second, it explores how some significant changes to Newton’s Principia between the first (1687) and second (1713) editions can be explained in terms of attempts to reframe the Principia so that the charge of “Epicureanism” can be deflected. In order to account for this, the paper discusses the political and theological changes in the wake of the Glorious Revolution (1688); Bentley plays a non-trivial role in these matters. Third, the paper argues that there is an argument in Kant’s (1755) Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens that undermines a key claim of Newton’s General Scholium that was used to discredit Spinozism by Clarke in A demonstration of the being and attributes of God.  相似文献   
In this paper I ague against John Henry's claim that Newton embraced unmediated action at a distance as an explanation of gravity (Henry, 1994, 1999, 2011, 2014). In particular, I take issue with his apparent suggestion that the fact, as he sees it, that two of Newton's prominent followers, namely, Richard Bentley and Samuel Clarke, embraced unmediated action at a distance as an explanation of gravity provides significant supporting evidence that Newton did as well (see Henry, 1994 and 1999). Instead, I argue that while Bentley did ultimately defend the notion of unmediated action at a distance as an explanation of gravity, Newton himself accepted that notion neither in his correspondence with Bentley, as Henry has maintained, nor in any of his later works. I also provide evidence that suggests that Newton did, in fact, accept both the principle of local causation and the passivity of matter. Finally, I argue that whatever the case may be with respect to Newton on the matter, it is clear from his correspondence with Leibniz, as well as from his Boyle lectures, that contrary to what Henry has maintained, Clarke was a stalwart opponent of unmediated action at a distance due to his strong commitment to both the principle of local causation and the passivity of matter.  相似文献   
贝克特的戏剧作品中存在着大量精神及外形异常的人物形象。剧中人物的精神病症候主要体现在幻听与幻视、施虐与受虐以及妄想等方面,躯体异常主要表现为身体残疾及功能衰弱。存在主义哲学、医学心理学和精神病学的研究结果揭示:贝克特此举是力图从内容到形式全方位地展现人类在对抗荒诞的外部环境时的脆弱和无力。  相似文献   
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