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An investigation of rock magnetic properties using the temperature-dependence of susceptibility (TDS) and the coercivity of different IRM components was conducted on samples of the Malan loess (L1) and the last interglacial soil (S1) along an E-W transect of the Chinese Loess Plateau. We find that the behavior of the TDS is useful in identifying maghemite (γ-Fe_2O_3) in both loess and paleosol, and that it can be used as a new proxy of the degree of pedogenesis, which is closely linked to climatic conditions. Based on results from the TDS, we conclude that (1) the detrital magnetite grains predominate in the L1 unit to the west of Liupan Mts, where the weathering and pedogenetic processes were weakest; (2) a comparable degree of pedogenesis exists in the L1 at the east of the Liupan Mts and the S1 at the west of the Liupan Mts; (3) a higher concentration of maghemite is found in the S1 unit at the eastern sections, suggesting that the local climate was warmer and more humid in this interval. In addition, we propose that TDS measurements can be used as a rapid means of determining the reliability of the paleomagnetic secular variation (PSV) record in loess/poleoso/sequenees.  相似文献   
芜湖—江阴地区三万年来的植被、气候与环境的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据芜湖—江阴地区7个钻孔和露头剖面的孢粉分析结果和地层层序,并配合~(14)C测年数据,揭示了最近三万年来的植被发展曾经历了七个阶段,冷暖干湿气候交替12次。最低气温出现在18000a.B.P.前后,当时年平均气温比现在低8℃以上;海平面也处于最低时期,并伴随地面强烈切割。大约在11000a.B.P.前后,气候开始转暖,海面回升,沉积速度加快,进入全新世早期。中全新世早中期(9000—6000a.B.P.),曾出现过高海面期,但最高温时期却出现在中全新世后期,故本区高海面期与高温期不是同步出现的。全新世泥炭发育时间,分别在早、中、晚全新世,主要发育在10000a.B.P.前后,4500—5000a.B.P.左右,4000a.B.P.以后三个时期。更新世与全新世界线,作者认为放在11000a.B.P.为宜。  相似文献   
利用介形虫化石群的分异度确定了湖盆的古水深;利用孢粉的古生态环境推断了早第三纪古气候;利用孢粉和介形虫化石组合及有关地化指标研究了湖盆的古盐度.研究结果表明,研究区早第三纪湖盆前期水体深、盐度大、气候温湿;湖盆后期水体浅、盐度低、气候干旱炎热,从而为准确研究东濮凹陷东南部早第三纪湖盆的岩相古地理和石油地质综合概况提供了可靠的地质基础.  相似文献   
川西地区位于上扬子台地边缘,区内发育滨岸、缓坡型台地、镶边台地、陆棚-盆地及陆表海型台地共5种沉积体系。研究区中二叠统-中三叠统地层生物礁、滩相十分发育,拥有巨大油气勘探潜力。通过对研究区中二叠统-中三叠统地层中采集到的80件层位样品进行常量、微量元素测试,结合沉积体系分析,旨在探索本区古海平面升降、氧化还原条件、古气候及古盐度的演化规律。研究发现,本区古环境共经历了3个较大的相对氧化→相对还原→相对氧化旋回,但各沉积期存在若干短期的次级旋回;古气候总体为热带-亚热带气候,繁育了众多暖水型生物群落,在P与T交界处存在由温湿过渡为干热的1次重大变革。上述演化过程在岩性及生物群落特征上都有显著体现。  相似文献   
杭州湾作为我国大陆沿海地区第四系厚度较大的沉积区之一,历来是我国地学、生物学和气候学研究的重点区域;但其南岸研究比较薄弱。在对杭州湾南岸第四系BZK1钻孔岩芯沉积物特征、地质年代、孢粉、有孔虫和介形类分析基础上,探讨了杭州湾南岸第四纪地层对比、古环境演化和海平面变化特征。钻孔揭示全新世沉积始于孔深22.00 m(约10.77 ka B P.),其下至孔深44.60 m为晚更新世地层,全新世沉积速率大于晚更新世。研究表明:古环境变化可划分为4个阶段:29.6~10.8 ka B P.晚更新世时期,以针叶、阔叶混交林为主,为气候温暖较湿的滨海河口湾半咸水环境;10.8~9.5 ka B P.早全新世早期,以针叶与常绿阔叶林为主,推测属亚热带温暖湿润气候下的潮上带湖沼环境;9.5~5.9 ka B P.全新世早中期,以常绿阔叶与针叶林为主,气候温和较湿,受海水波及;5.9~0.5 ka B.P.全新世中后期,以常绿阔叶与针叶林为主,属滨海-内陆架环境,该阶段后期海水已退出本区,气候由温暖湿润渐渐转凉。结果显示杭州湾南岸气候-环境-海平面-沉积速率之间具有较好的对应。上述研究可丰富杭州湾南岸第四纪地层学、环境地质学研究内容,为邻区晚更新世生物地层对比以及古植被和古环境分析提供证据。  相似文献   
陕西关中黄土地层中第一层古土壤的孢粉组合及其意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过陕西省武功尚家坡和蓝田段家坡两个黄土剖面中的第一层古土壤不同发生层段的孢粉分析,发现古土壤粘化层为孢粉稀少带,淋溶层为孢粉相对丰富带。枫杨(Pterocarya)、山毛榉(Fagus)、石松(Lycopodium)以及大量环纹藻(Concentric-ystes)等孢子和花粉在淋溶层中的存在,证明关中地区第一层古土壤形成时期(距今约10~11万年)的气候温暖湿润,年平均温度14~16℃,年平均降水量在800mm以上。  相似文献   
Loess-paleosol sequencesin South Germany were used to reconstruct the evolution of the paleoclimate and the chronology of river terraces formation. It was demonstrated that the classical Riβ glacial period issubdividedintoat least 3 glacial/interglacial cycles. In consequence, it is probable that the Holsteinian t Loess-paleosol sequences in South Germany were used to reconstruct the evolution of the paleoclimate and the chronology of river terraces formation. It was demonstrated that the classical Riβ glacial period issubdividedintoatleast3 glacial/interglacial cycles. In consequence, it is probable that the Holsteinian period can be classified as the isotope stage 11.  相似文献   
Molecular hydrogen isotope analysis preformed on modern and fossil plants has made a significant impact on diverse research fields in biology and geology. Using living and fossil Metasequoia as an example, we review the technology of online GC-IRMS that made the molecular analysis of hydrogen isotope possible and discuss critical issues concerning with the studies of molecular dD and its applications. The apparent hydrogen fractionation factors between lipid molecules and source water (ewater–lipid) vary across plant taxonomy and differ among biomolecules and are affected by multiple environmental factors in which precipitation dD values exercise the first order of control. Eco-physiological factors and environmental parameters are also known to influence dD in plants. Molecular hydrogen isotope analysis of chemically stable lipid molecules, such as n-alkanes, finds a wide range of applications in detecting source sediments, reconstruction of paleoclimatic parameters, inference of air-mass trajectory, as well as in petroleum industry and environmental studies.  相似文献   
河北阜城地区晚第四纪孢粉组合及其古植被和古气候演替   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对阜城地区阜101孔孢粉研究,划分出三个孢粉组合带,从孢粉组合特征清楚地反映出阜城地区自晚第四纪以来古植被、古气候的三个演替阶段。自下而上依次是:1.晚更新世是以松、冷杉、云杉为建群种的针、阔叶混交林-草原,此时气候冷而稍干。2.全新世中期是以松、栎、榆、桦占优势的针、阔叶混交林,为温暖、湿润的气候。3.全新世晚期是以蒿、藜、松和桦为主的疏林-草原,此时气候温凉、略干与现代相近。  相似文献   
The magnetic susceptibility in the Chinese loess is considered to have recorded the history of pedogenesis or land-surface stability, and has thus been used as an acute proxy of the summer monsoon intensity. With regard to pedogenesis, most authors failed to appreciate the complexity of weathering processes. Specifically, not acknowledged are local redox conditions, carbonate concentration and leaching. Pre-depositional pedogenesis may be another factor undermining the legitimacy of using the susceptibility as an acute proxy of the summer monsoon intensity. These factors may not necessarily reflect the degree of pedogenesis although they have definitely affected the susceptibility signature. Some contributors to the susceptibility are demonstrated to be inorganic iron and other organically complexed iron. The organic iron associated with decomposed plant litter is proven to be the most important contributor to the susceptibility in modern loess. But, magnetotactic bacteria are believed to be the major generators of the ultrafine ferromagnetic particles responsible for the susceptibility signature in the Quaternary loess and paleosols. The factors affecting susceptibility signature may well be site- and time-dependent even within the Chinese Loess Plateau. Therefore, a more comprehensive model and a more comprehensive approach are needed to address the relationship between the paleoclimate and the proxy.  相似文献   
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