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韩剧的热播已成为一个不争的事实,它几乎成了韩国对外交流的一扇窗口。在影视产业竞争日益激烈的今天,韩剧异军突起,其成功的原因何在?本文以《大长今》为个案,着重在题材选择、文化内涵、艺术性和商业性的完美结合等方面来探讨其为何如此吸引中国观众,以期对我国的影视剧创作带来些许启示。  相似文献   
Discovery of eclogite at northern margin of Qaidam Basin, NW China   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Eclogite was first discovered at the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin in this study. It occurs as pods in the gneiss sequence of Middle to Upper Proterozoic age and is mainly composed of garnet, omphacite, phengite and rutile. The garnets contain 44%-62% of almandine, 15%-33% of grossular and 12%-30% of pyrope molecules, and the omphacites contain 40%-46% of jadeite. Applying garnet_clinopyroxene thermometry and jadeite geobarometry, the peak conditions of eclogite facies metamorphism occurred at about (722±123)℃ and at the pressure of up to c. 22 ×10 8 Pa.  相似文献   
By comparing PGE patterns of sulfide ores with that of basic-ultrabasic dikes occurring in the Dajing Cu-polymetallic deposit, we discover that there are similar positive slopes between the basic-ultrabasic dikes and the black ores composed mainly of sphalerite and galena, reflecting affinity of their source. The PGE patterns of the yellow ores composed basically of chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrite are actually different. One is close to the pattern of the mantle lherzolite, and others resemble the pattern of the basic rocks. However, the concentrations of Ru are higher in the yellow ores, reflecting that sulfur attains or approaches saturation in their parent magma. The PGE characteristics of ores and dikes show that the magmas derived from the deep of crust and the metallogenic elements were supplied mainly by growth material of the crust. In addition, the mantle-derived magma also offered some elements.  相似文献   
<汉语大字典>与<辞源>、<辞海>和<汉语大词典>并称我国四大辞书.<汉语大字典>的出版结束了我国"大国家小字典"的历史.文章探讨了<汉语大字典>第一卷的部分释义问题,旨在为八卷本的修订工作提供参考.  相似文献   
《汉语大词典》是集古今汉语语词之大成的词典,为学术的发展提供了很大的方便。但美中不足的是词语的溯源失误太多,而在宋代文献方面尤其严重。笔者谨就平时读书所及展列部分材料如次,以引起使用《汉大》者注意,且为《汉大》的修订略作贡献。  相似文献   
A report is presented of SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating data of meta-igneous and meta-sedimentary rocks of the Xinghuadukou Group(Xinlin-Hanjiayuanzi area,Heilongjiang Province)and meta-volcanic rocks of the Zhalantun Group(Zhalantun district,Inner Mongolia).The SHRIMP analyses show that the meta-igneous rocks from the Xinghuadukou Group formed at 506±10―547±46 Ma,belonging to Early-Middle Precambrian,whereas the meta-sedimentary rocks yielded detrital zircons,with ages of 1.0―1.2,1.6―1.8 and 2.5―2.6 Ga,indicative of deposition age at least<1.0 Ga. Meta-basic volcanic rocks from the Zhalantun Group have a formation age of 506±3 Ma.These data suggest that both the Xinghuadukou and Zhalantun Groups formed during Cambrian and/or Neoproterozoic time,rather than Paleoproterozoic time as previously thought.Early Precambrian inherited zircons in the meta-igneous rocks and numerous Precambrian detrital zircons in the meta-sedimentary rocks imply that these rocks were formed proximal to older crust.It is inferred that the Xinghuadukou and Zhalantun Groups represent Cambrian and/or Neoproterozoic vol- cano-sedimentary sequences formed in an active continental margin setting.  相似文献   
将军崖岩画与大汶口陶符是中国发现的重大历史遗迹,它们是东夷太昊、少昊部落集团的历史文化遗存,将军崖岩画呈现的是日、鸟、星等图腾崇拜,大汶口陶符呈现的是日、鸟、山图腾崇拜。虽然二者蕴涵的文化信息有差异,但二者具有远古历史文化的一致性。将军崖岩画与大汶口陶符都是泰山文化的前身文化遗迹,是史前泰山文化的代表。  相似文献   
通过对赵天子(赵善政)本主庙、杨干贞本主庙、大小南山、故酋长段公墓、赵善政墓等调查,确认了赵善政母亲墓的存在,而赵善政行宫的发现,对白族本主崇拜源流提供了重要资料。通过调查否定了段思平墓在旧州的存在,证实它是段思平后裔段山的墓葬,但为王陵课题调查提供了线索。  相似文献   
党怀英是金代著名的文学家、艺术家、政治家。但历来史家对他的研究甚少。本文结合有关文献史料、碑志,认为党怀英其实生于金太宗天会十一年(1133),卒于大安二年(1210),是奉符南城(今山东泰安)人,祖籍应为山西马邑。  相似文献   
陈寿祺是清嘉道年间的代表学者,学通汉、宋,世称“通儒”,因其早年学历、交游以及严谨的治学态度,使其在学术上取得了卓越的成就,而辑佚方面尤为突出。考证陈寿祺生平经历的五个发展阶段、学风衍变的基本过程,并且简略地考释了《尚书大传》、《五经异义》、《三家诗遗说考》等其在辑佚方面的代表性著作。  相似文献   
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