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从家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)通用转称载体pBK283和粉纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(TnNPV)转移载体pSXIVVI+X3系列出发,构建了一个7.2kb能形成多角体且可以用于克隆含不同读码框外源基因的BmNPV通用转移载体系列pBMX3.pBMX3系列以BmNPV多角体结构基因上游的1.9kb和下游1.3kb的片段作为与BmNPV基因组进行体内同源重组的同源序列;pSXIVVI+X3系列的SXIV双启动子用于外源基因的表达;AcNPV的多角体基因作为重组病毒形成多角体的基因.以BmNPV-LacZ(occ-gal+)为出发株病毒,pBMX3系列的重组病毒筛选有occ+和gal-两个遗传标记  相似文献   
The nuclear capsid protein gene (vp39) ofBombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) was amplified successfully by PCR technique and inserted into pGEM 3zf(+). The 5′ and 3′ terminal area of the amplified vp39 gene were sequenced with silver-staining dideoxy method. Bmvp39 gene was sub-cloned into the expression vector pRSET-A, and transformed intoE. coli BL21. This gene was highly expressed by IPTG induction. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the expressed protein is about 38 kd, and the expressed amount reached maxium in 4 h with IPTG induction. Supported by the National Natural science Foundation of China and the Doctoral Foundation of Edn carto Committee Liu Deli: born in 1954, Doctoral Candidate from Huazhong Normal University To whom correspondence should be addressed: (027-7882712-2938)  相似文献   
The nuclear capsid protein gene (vp39) ofBombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) was amplified successfully by PCR technique and inserted into pGEM 3zf(+). The 5′ and 3′ terminal area of the amplified vp39 gene were sequenced with silver-staining dideoxy method. Bmvp39 gene was sub-cloned into the expression vector pRSET-A, and transformed intoE. coli BL21. This gene was highly expressed by IPTG induction. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the expressed protein is about 38 kd, and the expressed amount reached maxium in 4 h with IPTG induction. Supported by the National Natural science Foundation of China and the Doctoral Foundation of Edn carto Committee Liu Deli: born in 1954, Doctoral Candidate from Huazhong Normal University To whom correspondence should be addressed: (027-7882712-2938)  相似文献   
将人尿激酶原(pro-UK)cDNA分别插入家蚕核型多角体病毒转移载体pBK283和pBF4中,构建成两个重组质粒。所构建的这两个重组质粒与野生型家蚕核型多角体病毒DNA(BmNPV genomic DNA)共转染家蚕培养细胞,经病毒斑实验(Plaque assay)筛选出含pro-UK cDNA的稳定重组病毒株BmNPV-pk1和BmNPV-pk2。将此两株重组病毒分别感染家蚕培养细胞和家蚕幼虫4天后,用酶联免疫测定法(ELISA),纤维蛋白平板溶圈测活法和Western印迹法分析细胞培养上清及细胞和家蚕的体液及组织,证实均有pro-UK表达。家蚕培养细胞的表达量分别为0.0012mg/mL(上清液和10~6细胞)和0.0031mg/mL(上清液和10~6细胞),家蚕幼虫体液的表达量分别为0.0100mg/mL和0.0300mg/mL。从以上结果可看出,家蚕幼虫体液的表达量是培养细胞的10倍,以上表达产物在纤维蛋白平板上测活均有溶纤活性。  相似文献   
Thesilkwormexpressionsystemisawell knowneconomicalwayofoverproducingrecom binantprotein .Inthisletter ,thecDNAofamutantofsinglechainurokinase typeplasminogenactivator(rscu PA) gene ,mscu PA(K1 5 1E ,R1 5 4G) ,wasreconstructedtoincludethenaturalurokinase(u PAorUK)sig…  相似文献   
本实验构建了2个用于杆状病毒AcMNPV(苜蓿丫纹夜蛾核多角体病毒)启动子及其调控序列研究的质粒载体:pF SBCAT和pF SBCATPpolh.以此为基础,结合目前对BmNPV(家蚕核多角体病毒)polh(多角体)基因和AcMNPVpolh基因上游增强序列的研究结果,构建了AcMNPVpolh基因上游增强序列部分缺失的瞬时表达载体;以cat为报告基因,利用瞬时转染和CATELISA的方法检测报告基因的表达活性,初步研究了对于polh启动子具有增强作用的AcMNPVpolh基因上游序列的结构.结果显示,与BmNPVpolh上游293bp序列同源性极高的AcMNPVpolh上游293bp片段对于polh启动子没有增强活性;CMVm启动子的AcMNPVpolh上游增强序列部分缺失之后不能够增强AcMNPVpolh启动子.因此,这一序列可能不再被缩短,也不大可能存在独立地起作用和更短的正、负调控元件.  相似文献   
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