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我国西部柴北缘地区发现榴辉岩   总被引:92,自引:7,他引:92  
柴达木盆地北缘 榴辉岩呈透镜体产在中-上元古代的片麻岩中。岩石主要由石榴石,绿辉石,多硅白云母和金红石等矿物组成,石榴石包含44%-62%的铁铝榴石、15%-33%的钙铝榴石和12%-30%镁铝榴石分子,  相似文献   
同步辐射X射线(白光)微束激发晶态物质和非晶态物质时,其中晶态物质的衍射线将严重影响元素的X射线能谱分析。其最有效的解决办法是采用同步辐射单色光激发样品,或在样品与Si(Li)探测器之间加入一准直器以消除衍射作用的影响。  相似文献   
河南“冷”榴辉岩中P2/n,P2,C2/c结构绿辉石的电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王启明 《科学通报》1994,39(21):1974-1974
绿辉石是具有复杂结构和复杂成分的辉石矿物,通常在榴辉岩中大量出现,其成分大致上由50%透辉石分子和50%硬玉分子组成(Di_(50)Jd_(50)),另外还含有少量锥辉石分子(Ac).通常用Di-Jd-Ac图来投影其成分,投影点落在Di-Jd联线的中间.在绿辉石与透辉石和硬玉端元之间有两个不混溶区,但许多电子探针成分点都落在不混溶区内(例如Di_(75)Jd_(25)),造成解释上的矛盾.绿辉石的结构也很复杂,主要为C2/c结构,也有P2结构和P2/n结构.C2/c结构是  相似文献   
刘晓春 《科学通报》1995,40(23):2171-2171
铬透辉石是超镁铁岩和金伯利岩中的常见矿物,而钠铬辉石目前仅发现于墨西哥铁陨石和缅甸玉中.成分上介于两种矿物之间的变种在前苏联西伯利亚金伯利岩中曾有过报道.作者近来在大别山毛屋方辉岩中也识别出一种富铬钠钙辉石(铬绿辉石),充实了透辉石(CaMgSi_2O_6)-钠铬辉石(NaCrSi_2O_5)类质同象系列的假说.同时,如此高铬单斜辉石在超镁铁岩中尚属首次发现.毛屋镁铁-超镁铁杂岩位于大别地块东南部,与其它超高压变质杂岩伴生.岩体呈透镜  相似文献   
The oriented lamellar K-rich exsolutions within clinopyroxene host were recognized in garnet peridotite massif at Zhimafang in the Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrane, eastern China. EMP and TEM analyses revealed that the composition and the index of electron diffraction for this exsolution are corresponding with phlogopite, and the shape is the lamellae with 1 μm in width and 5 to 30 μm in length. Moreover, the topotaxy is that the (001) of K-rich exsolution parallels to (I00) of the clinopyroxene host. The electron diffraction analyzing shows the exsolution is of a 1M polymorphism. The high-resolution lattice fringe image displays the stack features along [001], which only a layer mineral shows. We conclude that the clinopyroxene with IM and K-rich exsolution was probably derived from mantle depths over 240 km, thus resulting from decompressional exsolution in the initial stage of slab exhumation.  相似文献   
Dissolution of pyroxene in garnet at ultrahigh pressures produces supersilicie garnet with the coupled substitutions of Si^Ⅵ M^Ⅵ= A^Ⅵ A^Ⅵ and Si^Ⅵ Na^Ⅷ=A^Ⅵ M^Ⅷ,which are enhanced by rising pressure. The supersilicic garnet and exsolution of pyroxene, rutile, apatite and quartz in garnet during decompression were found in natural rocks,pointing to the importance in studying mantle-derived rocks and ultrahigh pressure metamorphism related to plate deep subduction. Ti, P, K and H2O enters garnet via the substitutions of Ti = Si, P^Ⅵ Na^Ⅷ = Si^Ⅵ CaⅧ, Si^Ⅵ K^Ⅷ = AI^Ⅵ M^Ⅷ, and [(OH)4]^4- = [SiO4]^4- or [4H]^4 = Si^4 respectively. The possible entering of Eskola pyroxene component M0.5AlSi2O6 in clinopyroxene, together with the common pyroxene component M2Si2O6, into garnet can lead to the presence of the substitution of Si^Ⅵ 0.5□^Ⅷ= A^Ⅵ 0.5M^Ⅷ in garnet structure, which plays a key role in the exsolution of rntile, apatite and quartz in garnet. Two new breakdown reactions are thus proposed on the basis of the new coupled substitution, which can be regarded as a theoretical model for the exsolntion of the 3 minerals in garnet. The real exsolution may be a combination of several breakdown reactions.  相似文献   
夏林圻 《科学通报》1989,34(13):1010-1010
海相火山岩系的重要组成部分——细碧-角斑质火山岩组合的成因,长期以来一直处于争论之中,其焦点是钠质的来源问题。作者等曾根据在细碧-角斑岩中发现无序-过渡型钠长石,以及在石英角斑岩石英斑晶中发现原生富钠质岩浆包裹体,证明细碧-角斑质火山岩极有可能是从一种富钠、富水的岩浆中结晶产出。最近,作者又于甘肃省永登县石灰沟奥陶系辉石细碧玢岩的单斜辉石斑晶中发现了原生富钠质岩浆包裹体,现报道如下。  相似文献   
云南保山核桃坪铅锌多金属矿床的成因一直存在争议,本文通过电子探针分析对核桃坪铅锌多金属矿床主矿体1号矿体中的辉石进行分析并进行晶体化学计算认为核桃坪铅锌多金属矿床中的辉石主要以锰-铁次透辉石、铁次透辉石为主,个别为次透辉石及锰-钙铁辉石。将核桃坪铅锌多金属矿床中的辉石与国内一些典型的矽卡岩铅锌多金属矿床中的辉石矿物成分特征及Mn/Fe比值、Mg/Fe比值特征进行对比,认为核桃坪铅锌多金属矿床属接触交代型钙矽卡岩矿床,矿床纵向分带由地表至深部为Pb-Zn-Cu-Fe矽卡岩分带系列,矿床中的辉石含锰可认为是铅锌矿化的重要标志。  相似文献   
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