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This article takes the two segments of the Ming Great Walls, Dabian and Erbian, and their associated barracks and forts as geographical references. Based on a detailed scrutiny of historical records of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and on field surveys, the southern boundaries of the sand dunes and sand shifts of the Mu Us Desert in the Ming and Qing dynasties are carefully reconstructed. A comparison of the southern boundaries of the sand dunes and sand shifts of the Mu Us Desert in Ming and Qing with the modern boundary revealed in remote sensing imagery clearly shows that the southern boundary of dunes and shifts in the Mu us Desert has expanded only in a few areas and on a small scale. In the area to the south of Changle Fort, along the direction of annually prevailing winds, sand drifts have penetrated through the Jialu River valley into the loess region and have formed a sand strip of 32 km long and 3 km wide. To the east of Qingping Fort, sand drifts penetrated toward the eastern loess region through the Luhe River valley and have formed another sand strip of 8 km long and 2 km wide. Generally speaking, though the intensity of human activity has been increasing in this area since the Ming Dynasty, the Mu Us Desert has not significantly expanded toward the southeast or southwest. The sand-loess boundary in the southern fringe of the Mu Us Desert has been almost unchanged since the Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   
清代拉萨札什城兵营历史考略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章立足于原始史料,结合实地考察,对清代拉萨札什城兵营的建造、规模、变迁及其遗迹等历史情况作了初步研讨。拉萨是藏族文化的中心,清代的汉藏文化交流十分密切,札什城兵营、札什城关帝庙,以及在此址上形成的扎基寺等历史遗留,不仅是汉藏文化交流的真实反映,而且也是清朝中央政府对西藏地方行使主权的历史见证。这种历史文物值得关注,这类问题也值得深入研究。  相似文献   
兵营制的完善与否直接关系到藏军的发展和西藏地方的稳定,因此在清代西藏地方发展史上占据了重要的地位。藏兵营制经过乾隆(1736—1795)末年福康安的建立和道光年间(1821—1850)琦善的进一步变革后成为清廷治藏的基本制度之一,为藏军的日常运行提供了基本的制度规范。藏兵营制的建立和完善不仅构成了清代治藏体制的重要组成部分,而且大大加强了清代中央政府维护西藏地方稳定和安全的实力。  相似文献   
高校大学生管理模式的新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校目前对学生采取的管理模式对规范大学生的行为,培养其优良意志品质起到了积极的作用,但也存在着效果难以持久的问题。究其原因是大学生学习、生活缺乏内在的目标和动力。鉴于此,作者提出“大学生成材工程”这一设想,力求探寻一种新的管理模式。本文阐述了成材工程设计和实施的四项原则和具体实施的三个步骤以及该模式的政治、哲学、教育学和心理学的理论基础。  相似文献   
兵营里住着的都是天不怕地不怕的战士,是给人感觉最安全的地方,但其实,有些兵营里也有过不平静的时候。以下就是一位战士对自己亲身经历的讲述。楼顶的上士我是2000年入伍的。我才下到武警机动中队的时候,有一个事情很不理解,是几乎每个月我们的司务长都要在楼顶晾衣服的地方去放一挂鞭炮。我问我们班长,这个传统是怎么来的,班长笑而不语,我也就没多问。一直到几个月后,一个和我同  相似文献   
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