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It is known that some types of ceramics, like Al2O3 and ZrO2, undergo stress corrosion cracking (SCC) or static fatigue fracture under static loading, ever in a rela-tively mild environment, such as moist atmosphere or water at room temperature, which leads to a time-dependent fracture[1—4]. For a transmission electron microscopy specimen of YBa2Cu3O7-x ceramics superconductor, SCC induced by residual stress can occur in an atmosphere with low moisture content[5]. For a lead zirconate ti…  相似文献   
为探究气体保护纯镁及镁合金免于氧化及燃烧的机制,研究了体积分数为3%SO2和97%CO2混合气体在非封闭熔化炉中对熔融纯镁及AZ91D合金的保护行为。借助具有能谱测定(EDS)的扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)分别分析了熔融纯镁及AZ91D合金表面膜的显微组织、化学成分及相组成。结果表明:在680℃AZ91D合金表面膜密集连续,其厚度约为2μm,而纯镁表面膜厚度约为1μm,混合气体对AZ91D合金的保护效果优于纯镁。两种熔体表面膜由MgO、MgS及少量单质C相组成。除AZ91D表面膜含有少量Al外,两种表面膜均含有S、C、O及Mg元素。  相似文献   
基于第一性原理的计算方法研究了掺杂N,F,S的锐钛矿相TiO2的晶体结构、电子结构及光学性质。计算结果表明掺杂后晶格发生了变化,同时导带位置下移导致了TiO2的禁带宽度变小。S掺杂使TiO2在紫外光区和可见光区有更强的光吸收特性。  相似文献   
目的:研究叶酸受体(folate receptor,FR)在血液肿瘤细胞表达的特点,合成叶酸-聚乙烯亚胺(FA-PEI)聚合物,探讨其作为靶向性基因输送载体的可行性.方法:用实时荧光定量PCR(real time PCR)法检测α、β、γ3种FR在血液肿瘤细胞K562、K562/A02、U266细胞株上的表达;利用叶酸(FA)活性酯在微碱性条件下与聚乙烯亚胺(polyethylenimine,PEI)的支链氨基反应,合成FA-PEI共聚物;用葡聚糖凝胶柱G-25分离、纯化;用紫外分光光度计波长扫描法及氢核磁共振谱(~1H NMR)法验证交联是否成功.结果:α、β、γ3种FR在K562、K562/A02、U266 3种细胞株上均表达,其中,α-FR的表达占优势,较β-FR和γ-FR表达量高;紫外分光光度计扫描图谱在365 nm处出现叶酸的特征性吸收峰;核磁共振(~1H NMR)示:在2.5~3.2处出现PEI亚甲基质子的特征性化学位移,在6.5~9.0处出现叶酸芳香质子的特征性氢信号.结论:FR在K562、K562/A02、U266 3种细胞株上均有较高表达;FA-PEI偶联成功,为其作为血液肿瘤治疗中1种潜在的靶向性基因输送载体提供了依据.  相似文献   
Field measurements of air-sea CO2 exchange in three coral reef areas of the South China Sea (i.e. the Yongshu Reef atoll of the Nansha Islands, southern South China Sea (SCS); Yongxing Island of Xisha Islands, north-central SCS; and Luhuitou Fringing Reef in Sanya of Hainan Island, northern SCS) during the summers of 2008 and 2009 revealed that both air and surface seawater partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) showed regular diurnal cycles. Minimum values occurred in the evening and maximum values in the morning. Air pCO2 in each of the three study areas showed small diurnal variations, while large diurnal variations were ob-served in seawater pCO2. The diurnal variation amplitude of seawater pCO2 was ~70 μmol mol–1 at the Yongshu Reef lagoon, 420–619 μmol mol–1 on the Yongxing Island reef flat, and 264–579 μmol mol–1 on the reef flat of the Luhuitou Fringing Reef, and 324–492 μmol mol–1 in an adjacent area just outside of this fringing reef. With respect to spatial relations, there were large differences in air-sea CO2 flux across the South China Sea (e.g. ~0.4 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Yongshu Reef, ~4.7 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Yongxing Island, and ~9.8 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Luhuitou Fringing Reef). However, these positive values suggest that coral reef ecosystems of the SCS may be a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere. Additional analyses indicated that diurnal variations of surface seawater pCO2 in the shallow water reef flat are controlled mainly by biological metabolic processes, while those of deeper water lagoons and outer reef areas are regulated by both biological metabolism and hydrodynamic factors. Unlike the open ocean, inorganic metabolism plays a significant role in influencing seawater pCO2 variations in coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   
讨论了非线性反问题的求解问题,将具有大范围收敛特性的同伦方法引入到非线性反问题的求解之中,籍此克服非线性反问题常规求解过程中局部收敛的缺陷;结合吉洪诺夫正则化方法,以解决计算Frechet导数时病态的问题.在此基础上,提出了一种用于求解非线性反问题的参数微分正则化方法,给出其构造过程,并且证明了参数微分正则化方法解的存在性和收敛性.  相似文献   
流动时库仑分析法克服了电容电流及电极表面性质改变等噪声干扰。10 s内完成一次测定点。在“海水中溶解氧测定仪”的基础上,改为通用型仪器,使之微机化,进行数理统计处理,仪器的可靠性、再现性及灵敏度得到进一步提高,可测0.01 mg/l浓度,相应偏差±0.5~1.0%,进行了水中 Cr~(6+)、Cu~(2+)、O_2、Br~- 等测定,获得良好效果。  相似文献   
为了探索国产陆地探测卫星遥感影像的岩土识别性能,基于CBERS-04遥感影像光学特性分析,应用多种传感器遥感影像进行了青藏高原朗玛村地区的岩土分类研究。对比分析了CBERS-04与Landsat-8陆地成像仪(OLI)数据岩土分类及协同岩土分类的效果,并依据1∶250 000基础地质图和野外地质调查进行了验证分析。结果证实CBERS-04相对Landsat-8OLI的遥感影像岩性分类精度略低,但仍具有较高的分类精度,辅助人工地质解译基本满足中比例尺岩土分类和地质调查图编绘的需要。2种数据源的空间分辨率和光谱分辨率较为相似,且具有互补性,其协同分类可提高岩土分类的精度。  相似文献   
资源一号02C卫星PMS数据处理方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了资源一号02C卫星的基本情况,并对其接收的PMS数据的基本参数及质量情况进行了评价。同时,重点对PMS数据的纠正、配准、融合等几个处理步骤进行了试验研究,总结出一种利用资源一号02C卫星PMS数据进行遥感影像制作的方法。  相似文献   
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