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本文对我校本部633名职教工健康检查结果进行了分析,并就其发病原因和防治对策提出了建议。  相似文献   
省下尿常规检查的8元,结果因为员工在职期间罹患尿毒症需花费治疗费用80万元;少个体检项目,在职员工被查出白血病,矛头直指供职企业……一些企事业单位原本是想省下健康体检中几个项目的费用,不想却因职工入职后病发,让双方都付出巨大代价。长沙市疾控中心日前发布去年该中心对全市1万余名企业工人进行上岗前职业健康检查结果,并发表3类典型案例。案例一:节约8元钱,付出80万元  相似文献   
正胸透是体检中常见的项目,老幼通吃。那么胸透会致癌吗?"无关紧要"的胸透是否该停歇了在体检项目中,胸透往往是必备的。在美国、英国、日本等大多数发达国家,早已被淘汰的胸透,在我国的使用率高达61%,超过英国的300倍,我国个别地方甚至把胸透作为学生体检的"保留项目",极大危害了孩子们的健康。胸透到底是什么,它对我们的健康危害有多大?通俗形象地讲,患者在一个黑屋子里转来转去,这就是胸透。胸透最大的优点是可以适时地观察器官的运动情况和功能状态,且可任意改变体位、方向和角度,从而获得立体影像,以鉴别不同部位的病变。如医生可通过胸透,对病灶进行多方位动态观察,以帮助诊断。  相似文献   
靖边县疾病预防控制中心,现有职工40人,其中高级职称3人,中级职称18人,初级职称15人。内设八科两室一门诊。拥有200MAX光机,半自动生化分析仪,754分光光度计,十万分之一分析天平,超净工作台,心电图机,B超机,肺活量计,疫苗运输车,卫生监测车等万元以上设备二十多台(件)。三十多年来,该中心始终坚持“预防为主”的工作方针,全面开展了计划免疫、传染病管理、预防性健康检查、学校卫生监测、  相似文献   
夏季是传染病高发季节。哪些传染病在夏季容易传播?预防性健康检查有何重要性?本文为读者解疑释惑。  相似文献   
Compared to data on adolescents and adults, limited research has been conducted on biological corre- lates among young children with possible psychological difficulties, especially in Asian countries. By focusing on various peripheral biochemical indicators, we investigated potential biological correlates of psychological states in a community sample of Taiwanese school children aged 6-10 years. In total, 307 students (159 obese children and 148 normal-weight children) were selected from first- and fourth-grade school children in eight elementary schools in the Taipei metropolitan area in 2009. These children underwent a comprehensive health examination, including a physical examination, blood sample analysis, and questionnaire administration in a hospital. Differences in anthropometric and serum biochemical readings were compared between children with average and worse levels on each of the five psychological domains. We found that interleukin (IL)-1β [β = 1.29, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.50-2.09], IL-10 (β = 1.61, 95 % CI 〈0.01-3.24), fasting blood glucose (β = 0.08, 95 % CI 0.01-0.15), homocysteine (β = 0.63, 95 % CI 0.09-1.18), and aspar- tate transaminase (AST) (β = 0.15, 95 % CI 〈0.01-0.31) were significantly positively associated with anxiety. In addition, IL-113, insulin, AST, and alanine aminotransam- inase (ALT) were significantly positively associated with depression. Anger and disruptive behaviors were also related to specific biological correlates. Specific biological correlates, including AST/ALT, cardiovascular disease- related variables, and specific cytokines, were linked to particular psychological states among young children in this Asian population. These might provide a route for better understanding the biological aspects of children's mental health and might contribute to research on diag- nostic or predictive biomarkers for psychiatric diseases in young children.  相似文献   
通过分析孕前优生健康检查结果,为防范出生缺陷、提高孕育质量提供重要参考依据。对850例有怀孕计划的夫妻实施孕前优生健康检查,并针对检查结果进行详细分析。对850例夫妻行孕前优生健康检查后发现,高风险人群检出42例,占比4.94%,其中妻子单方高危23例,丈夫单方高危11例,共同高危8例;此外在高风险因素中,妻子生殖道感染7例(16.67%),TORCH筛查异常5例(11.90%),血糖异常2例(4.76%),病史及不良生活习惯26例(61.90%),中度贫血1例(2.38%),母儿血型不合1例(2.38%)。提高有怀孕计划夫妻的健康意识,并安排其孕前接受优生四项(TORCH)、体格检查、临床实验室检查等方面的检查,可有效评估其风险,进而降低其出生缺陷发生率,提高其孕育质量。  相似文献   
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