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抑郁症是一种最普遍,但又不容易被认识的精神疾病。到目前为止,有许多人对抑郁症认识不清,往往使病情拖延,影响治疗。西方国家统计资料表明,每1000人之中有3~5人患抑郁症。而且,近年来抑郁症的患病率有上升的趋势,尤其是在城市,这种情况应引起我们的重视。抑郁症的主要表现是情绪低落、思维迟缓或郁郁不乐。此时,甚至对一切,包括平常喜欢的工作或娱乐都丧失兴趣,或者是体验不到工作、生活或娱乐中的快乐感。病人看起来疲乏倦怠、表情悲伤,甚至双眉紧锁,整个生活充满了无精打采和懒散的气氛。患者需要费很大的精力才能完成日常的工作,并尽量…  相似文献   
本文对1985~1995年187名休退学大学生的有关资料进行统计分析,发现传染病休退学率逐年下降,精神疾病休退学率逐年上升,针对这一现象,着重讨论了大学生患精神疾病的原因,提出一些预防保健措施  相似文献   
许多人,甚至小学生都知道身体感冒的多种症状,但了解“心灵感冒”症状的人却少之又少。精神障碍,也叫做精神疾病,一直是人们谈之色变、讳莫如深的一个话题。可惜的是,在人们希望精神障碍“有多远滚多远”的时候,它却早就偷偷藏在了我们身边。  相似文献   
Endophenotypes are heritable quantitative traits that are associated with disease liability, can be measured in both affected and unaffected individuals, and provide much greater power to localize and identify risk genes for mental illness than does affection status alone. Traditionally, endophenotypic markers for psychiatric illnesses include in vivo neuroanatomic and functional magnetic resonance imaging measurements and indices of neurocognitive abilities. However, neurocognitive and neuroimaging measures are by no means the only classes of endophenotypes that could be useful for identifying genes for mental illness. Given the advantages of endophenotype-based strategies for elucidating the genetic underpinnings of psychiatric disorders, it would seem prudent to develop a wide range of putative endophenotypes. In order for a measure to be considered a valid endophenotype, it must meet a number of criteria. Specifically, the trait must (1) have moderate to high heritability, (2) be associated with the illness, (3) be independent of clinical state, and (4) impairment must co-segregate with the illness within a family, with non-affected family members showing impairment relative to the general population. While each of these criteria is critical, the heritability and co-segregation requirements are really what differentiate an endophenotype from a simple biomarker. At this time, one requires an experimental design that includes families to demonstrate both heritability and co-segregation. The assertion that novel endophenotypes can not be fully established without family data does not preclude work in unrelated individuals, rather that unrelated samples will only be able to nominate potential candidate endophenotypes that subsequently need to be confirmed in family-based experiments.  相似文献   
新事新言谁都想当王公贵族。——面对国债危机,意大利政府决定合并全国近两千个小镇,以节省开销。罗马东方的山丘小镇菲力亭诺想借此独立,镇长赛拉利如此表示。(日本)最后一名有能力的首相是小泉纯一郎。--9月5日的美国《纽约时报》社论指出,美国政府已就应对日本频繁更换首相感到厌烦。  相似文献   
被称为精神病学圣经的《神经疾病诊断和统计手册》(Diagnostic and Statisiical Manual of Mental Disorders)已更新至第五版,以下简称DSM-5,并于2013年5月22日开售。记。  相似文献   
精神病是一种精神疾病,本来与政治无关。但是统治者却往往出于政治目的把政治观点和他们不一致的人看做精神不正常的人,也即精神病人。  相似文献   
世界卫生组织预测,抑郁症将成为21世纪人类的主要杀手。目前,全世界患有抑郁症的人数在不断增长,而抑郁症患者中有10-15%面临自杀的危险……  相似文献   
作为一个现代知识分子,诗人穆旦有着"自我折磨"与"折磨人"的双重人格品质,他在对中国现实的深入思考中敏锐地洞察到:在中国人身上有着一种沉疴已久的精神疾病--"灵魂饥饿",这是传统的信仰价值体系崩溃后,新的信仰价值体系未曾建立时出现的一种病症.穆旦针对"灵魂饥饿"这一现实,通过对中外文化的对比考察,找到了一条救治这一精神疾病的药方--基督信仰,借以医治自己和别人.  相似文献   
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