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在耶鲁大学校园中央的一条路边,有一栋外形类似古埃及神庙的奇特花岗岩建筑。整栋建筑只有3层,设有地下室,几乎看不见一面窗户。迎面是一面长期紧闭的铁门,平时看不到有人出入。铁门外的侧墙上,刻着一句话:"谁是笨蛋,谁是智者?不管你是乞丐还是国王,你都是在走向死亡。"  相似文献   
自1905年被命名以来,暴龙就成为最被人关注的恐龙之一。1990年,第一具完整的暴龙化石苏被发掘出来,此后,在经历了一场长达十年的激烈争夺战后,它变得越来越出名。最后,苏带着一身的传奇尘埃落定,在博物馆里与观众见面了。  相似文献   
高飞 《科学大观园》2011,(20):36-36
巴西政府官员表示,他们已经证实亚马孙雨林存在一个不与外界接触的原住民部落。在此之前,卫星在亚马孙西南部靠近秘鲁边境的3个面积巨大的空旷地带发现了这个部落。为此,在当地政府部门——国家印第安基金会的考察队搭乘飞机获取了更多数据之后,这个迷失部落的存在最终得到证实。国家印第安基金会之所以利用飞机是因为不想打扰这个与世隔绝的部落。巴西政府对于这种部落采取的政策是不与之进行接触,以便防止他们的土地遭到入侵,同时也保护他们的自治  相似文献   
民族文化是一个民族全体成员在特定的历史背景下选择和建构的结果,关乎该民族的生死存亡。厄德里克的著名小说《爱药》探讨了当代北美印第安民族内部成员之间如何共处,呈现了印第安民族文化建构过程中的四种文化形态:纵欲轻生的原始文化、苟且偷生的保守文化、爱生护生的女性文化和兼收并蓄的创新文化。小说揭示了爱在凝聚民族力量方面所发挥的...  相似文献   
Hydrothermal plume anomalies along the Central Indian Ridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water column turbidity and temperature were investigated along the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) from 25°19'S to 23°48'S during a December 2005 cruise on board Chinese PJV DayangYihao. Measurements were made using NOAA's MAPR (Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorder) sensors during CTD casts, TV grabber operations, and tow-yo profiles, yielding the following results on hydrothermal plume anomalies: (1) Strong hydrothermal turbidity and temperature anomalies were recorded over the previously discovered Kairei (25°19.2'S, 70°02.4'E) and Edmond (23°52.7'S, 69°35.8'E) vent fields, with the plume anomalies concentrated at depths of 2150--2300 m and 2700--2900 m, respectively. The maximum height of the turbidity anomalies near the Kairei vent field recorded in December 2005 was slightly below 2100 m, which is consistent with the plume depth measured in June 2001, indicating that the Kairei plume may have maintained its buoyancy flux in the intervening 4.5 years. (2) The water column beneath the Kairei plume has background anomalies of about 0.005ANTU, whereas no such background turbidity anomalies were observed below the Edmond hydrothermal plume. (3) No visible turbidity anomalies were detected from 24°42'S to 24°12'S including the Knorr Seamount. Thus 24°12'S marks the southern end of the hydrothermal plume. (4) Significant turbidity anomalies were observed at four individual sections from 24°12'S to 23°56'S at the depth of 2500--3000 m along the eastern rift valley wall. Whether the individual sections of anomalies are connected is still unknown due to the absence of data at the intervening gaps. If the four sections are connected with each other and are linked to the Edmond vent field farther to the north, the total along-axis length of the plume anomaly would be more than 37 km, implying a plume incidence value Ph of 0.38, greater than the predicted Ph of 0.21 --0.25 based on the spreading rate of the Central Indian Ridge.  相似文献   
<正>在美国南达科他州的黑山,有一座以整个山体作为模坯的巨型雕塑。那是一个昂首跨马,目视远方,左手指向前方的印第安人。虽然整个雕像尚未完工,但气势磅礴的人物造型,给人留下深刻的印象。这个雕像所要塑造的,是印第安人的民族英雄"狂马"。  相似文献   
"大地祖母"奥雅娜据说曾有一艘金光闪闪的太空船,从外太空飞到地球上,载来一个名叫奥雅娜的女人。她是来履行"大地祖母"的神圣任务的。奥雅娜只有四根手指头,正好与太阳门楣石上的神像一样。她给地球生了70个小孩,让他们繁衍人类,然后又回到她的星球去了。  相似文献   
北美印第安人原本是2万多年前从亚洲迁徙到美洲的一个古老民族,经过漫长的岁月,印第安人遍布于北美大陆,并在那里繁衍生息。北美印第安人是勤劳、充满智慧的民族。尽管处于一个原始的社会阶段,北美印第安人在生产和文化方面都有着了不起的贡献。他们培养和改良了多种野生植物,使之成为食用作物,发现了多种草药,学会制造陶器和编织精美的织物。  相似文献   
米博士的失误 为了准备这次考察,米博士还特意学习了西班牙语和克丘亚语,但这根本无济于事,秘鲁是个多语种国家,除了官方语言西班牙语外,还广泛使用着30多种印第安土语呢!  相似文献   
印第安人作为北美大陆上的原住居民,有着自己独特的印第安文明和数千种印第安语言。然而,自从欧洲人进入北美洲以来,印第安语逐渐走上衰亡的道路,现已达到几乎无可挽救的地步。这一切都和美国"语言一致性"的文化观以及据此理念而采取的各种措施密切相关。  相似文献   
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