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Recent study revealed that the so-called Neogene Gansu System in the western Loess Plateau contains loess-soil sequences of Miocene age. A most complete sequence (QA-I) covers a time interval from ~22 to ~.6.2 Ma BP, consisting of more than 230 visually definable paleosols interbedded with loess layers. A loess-soil sequence of late Miocene-Pliocene age, synchronous with the Hipparian Red Clay in the eastern Loess Plateau, was also recognized, and extends the Miocene sequences into the Pliocene, ~3.5 Ma BP. Recently, Miocene eolian deposits were also reported from the high terraces near Xining.  相似文献   
通过对中印度洋海盆GC18孔沉积物元素地球化学特征和微体化石组合进行分析,恢复了该区域碳酸盐补偿深度(Carbonate Compensation Depth,CCD)的演变及环境演化历史.结果表明,GC18孔从上到下可分为五段.第Ⅰ段(0~30 cm)CaO含量和总无机碳(Total Inorganic Carbon,TIC)从表层向下呈显著下降趋势,SiO2呈显著上升趋势,微体化石主要是有孔虫碎屑,还含有少量钙质超微化石Calcidiscus leptoporus(弱脐钙盘藻)和Ceratolithus cristatus(具冠毛角石藻),沉积时代为第四纪.第Ⅲ段(150~280 cm)CaO和TIC含量少于第Ⅰ段,两者从上到下经历了上升-稳定-下降的过程,SiO2变化趋势相反,含钙质超微化石,主要为Discoaster deflandrei(德佛兰盘星石藻),沉积时代为中中新世晚期或更早.第Ⅴ段(300~415 cm)沉积物组分波动相对较大,CaO和TIC平均含量达到最高,SiO2含量较低,钙质超微化石非常丰富,以...  相似文献   
对QA-I剖面中新世黄土-古土壤序列的石英颗粒进行扫描电镜观察和粒度测试, 并与第四纪典型黄土样品进行了对比. QA-I剖面石英颗粒以次棱角状和棱角状为主, 与第四纪黄土一致; 粒度以小于50 μm的粉砂级组分占绝对优势, 最大粒径小于120 μm, 进一步支持QA-I剖面为典型风尘沉积. 古土壤层的石英和全岩粒度均小于黄土层, 指示它是加积型古土壤, 具有季风环境下土壤的典型特征. 本研究为中新世黄土的成因和形成过程提供了新的沉积学证据.  相似文献   
内蒙古大青山晚中生代以来的隆升-剥露过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大青山东段4件基岩样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹研究,获得该区晚中生代以来的隆升?剥露历史,并探讨大青山现代地貌的形成。样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄为57.7±3.8~50.4±3.3 Ma,封闭径迹长度分布在10.7±0.4~9.9±0.1μm之间。热历史模拟结果表明,大青山地区存在晚白垩世(约100~90 Ma)和中?晚中新世(13.5~7 Ma)以来两个快速抬升冷却阶段,13.5~7 Ma以来是本区剥露最快的时期,这一阶段的隆升造就现今大青山的地貌格局。  相似文献   
The Yuanmou Basin of Yunnan Province is a hotspot for the research of early homind evolution and its environmental background.During the implementation of the Program“Research of the Origin and Evolution of Early Man and Its Environmental Baqckground” from 1998 to 2001,a huge quantity of hominoid and mammal fossils were collected.The present report systematically describes an Euprox robustus sp.nov.identified during the recent laboratory work on the collected material.Euprox is a group of earliest cervids with true antlers.The new species is the third one of the genus discovered in China.Judged by its morphologic characteristics,the new species feed on juicy and tender leaves of dicotyledon.It implies that the vegetation of its epoch in the Yuanmou Basin is a kind of southern subtropical evergreen forest and the climate is humid and temperate with evident seasonality.The latter is mostly influenced by the monsoon and secondly by the latitude.  相似文献   
When, where and from which hominoid the human originated has been one of the key subjects in the study of human natural history. It is therefore very important to learn the chronological, geographical and taxonomic distribution of all hominoids. Yunnan Pr…  相似文献   
对发现于甘肃临夏盆地的一件晚中新世大型猛禽化石标本进行了详细的对比描述.该标本较之前在我国发现的晚中新世大型猛禽类江苏泗洪的顾氏中新鹫(Mioaegypius)、山东山旺的泰山齐鲁鸟(Qiluornis)和甘肃鹫(Gansugyps)的个体均小,骨骼反映出的形态结构和前后肢比例及头骨比例也与其它鸟类有所差异.系统研究表明,它是甘肃鹫属一新材料.这一大型猛禽的发现,为研究早期猛禽类的演化、鸟类多样性以及临夏盆地晚中新世柳树组地层与古环境提供了重要的实物材料.  相似文献   
甘肃发现中新世鸵鸟化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯连海  周忠和  张福成  王赵 《科学通报》2005,50(12):1286-1288
最近, 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所的古哺乳动物学家们在甘肃临夏盆地工作时, 采到一件属于晚中新世地层中的大型地栖鸟类的腰带骨骼. 经研究, 这一大型鸟类属鸵鸟类的一个早期代表, 可归入鸵鸟属(Struthio). 从中新世至上新世, 鸵鸟化石通常和三趾马动物群共生. 化石产出地区临夏新生代沉积盆地从渐新世至全新世的地层保存连续完整[1,2], 产大量哺乳动物, 其中也含不少鸟类化石. 其生存环境为广阔的湿地和草原........................  相似文献   
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