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现行《化学教学论》教材将典型教学示例放在化学教学原则之后,致使整本教材缺乏逻辑性,不符合当前创新能力培养的要求,不利于坚定师范生从事教育事业的信心,笔者认为应先讲教学示例、后授教学原则。  相似文献   
本文在原有破译仪的基础上,研制了GAL器件的编程系统,扩充了原系统的编程和复制功能,使用户能对任何GAL16V8或GAL20V8编程的GAL芯片进行破译、编程和复制,在用户自己的开发环境中设计所需的逻辑系统。  相似文献   
随着高校毕业生就业压力的增大,部分专业的毕业生实际动手能力弱、创新意识较差的问题不同程度地暴露了出来,并在一定程度上影响了他们的竞争力.如何通过加强实践教学环节,通过实验教学内容及方法的改革,全面提高学生的素质,培养出具有创新意识、实践能力强的复合型人才,亟待我们高等工科教育工作者去认真地研究和探讨.本文讨论了在专业实验教学中怎样通过实验教学环节的改革和开设创新性实验增强学生的创新意识和实践能力.  相似文献   
文山州人口素质现状与人才开发的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从文山州人口的受教育程度可以反映出,文山州目前的人口素质现状是令人担忧的,在此基础平台上,文山州人才资源的学历结构、地域分布、民族分布、行业分布等存在着严重的不平衡,这种状况,极大地制约着文山经济社会的发展。为此,开发文山人才资源,尤其是盘活文山现有人才资源就具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   
极小子群的完全条件置换性与有限群的超可解   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
(H,T)表示由H和T生成的G的子群,即群G的包含H和T的最小子群.群G的子群H称为G中的完全条件置换子群.如果对G的任意子群T,存在元素:x∈(H,T),使HT^x=T^xH.利用极小子群的完全条件置换性给出了一个群为超可解群的判别准则:设G是有限群,N←△G,且G/N超可解,若N的所有极小子群及4阶循环子群都是G的完全条件置换子群,则G是一个超可解群。  相似文献   
Sensor networks consisted of low-cost, low-power, multifunctional miniature sensor devices have played an important role in our daily life. Light and humidity monitoring, seismic and animal activity detection, environment and habitat monitoring are the most common applications. However, due to the limited power supply, ordinary query methods and algorithms can not be applied on sensor networks. Queries over sensor networks should be power-aware to guarantee the maximum power savings. The minimal power consumption by avoiding the expensive communication of the redundant sensor nodes is concentrated on. A lot of work have been done to reduce the participated nodes, but none of them have considered the overlapping minimum bounded rectangle (MBR) of sensors which make them impossible to reach the optimization solution. The proposed OMSI-tree and OMR algorithm can efficiently solve this problem by executing a given query only on the sensors involved. Experiments show that there is an obvious improvement compared with TinyDB and other spatial index, adopting the proposed schema and algorithm.  相似文献   
随着我国经济体制改革的深化,企业间的合并活动日益频繁,但对与企业合并密切相关的商誉问题的处理却不够规范,为此从商誉的含义入手对合并商誉进行了研究,通过对商誉在企业合并后的会计处理方法的探讨,认乌拿兰商誉是由购买价格超过拥有的净资产公允价格的差额确认,确认后的商誉应在规定的年限内用直线法摊销。  相似文献   
本文介绍与GAL器件破译仪主机运行有关的软件,包括异步通信程序模块、数据的二次处理和逻辑化简程序模块,以及菜单和附加功能程序模块。本文采取了一些措施,使破译时间得到减少。  相似文献   
凡纳对虾淡化养殖健康虾池水体生态研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对20个凡纳对虾Litopenaeus vannamai淡化养殖健康虾池水体理化及生物因子进行调查,调查结果健康虾池大小(0.48±0.19)hm2,水深(145±13)cm,最适放苗密度(148±30)万尾/hm2,盐度(2±2)‰,水温(30.6±3.3)℃,溶解氧(5.5±1.5)mg/L,pH值8.5±0.7,透明度(19±5)cm,氨氮(0.65±0.76)mg/L,亚硝基氮(0.15±0.17)mg/L,化学耗氧量(21.52±5.45)mg/L.虾池藻类种类数为43±8种,密度(1.51±0.76)×10 8个/L,多样性指数2.15±0.49,藻类优势种12种,蓝藻6种,硅藻2种,绿藻3种,隐藻1种,健康虾池优势种以螺旋藻Spirulina sp.为主,种群丰富度高而稳定.虾池原生动物种类数为14±3种,密度(2.71±1.79)×10 5 个/L,多样性指数2.01±0.47,优势种9种,圆筒状拟铃壳虫Tintinnopsis cylindrata、毛板壳虫Coleps hirtus和海洋帆口虫Pleuronema marinuum为常见优势种,优势种主要是食细菌-碎屑类.健康虾池水体异养菌群数量(2.37±1.83)×10 7 cfu/L,弧菌数量(11.77±13.86)×10 5 cfu/L,底泥异养细菌总数(7.90±29.08)×10 8 cfu/L,弧菌总数(1.18±3.27)×107cfu/L.  相似文献   
The combined adjustment project of the nationwide astronomical geodetic networks and 2000' national GPS control network involve 48519 terrestrial observational stations and 2666 GPS observational stations. In the terrestrial network, 25107 stations are height fixed and 23412 stations are in three dimensions. 440793 terrestrial observations and 183668 unknowns are involved in the adjustment. The three-dimensional observational models for the adjustment have been established. The crustal deformation influences and corrections are researched. Fast methods of solving partitioned adjustment for super large-scale geodetic network have been studied. The standard deviations of three-dimensional coordinates for all stations are evaluated. As a result of the combined adjustment, a unified national geodetic network with nearly 50000 stations is established, the high accurate three-dimensional geocentric coordinates are obtained. The standard deviation for geoid is averagely 0.2 m, for vertical deflection is about 1.5″, for the horizontal position is about 0.12 m, for the geodetic height is about 0.14 m, and for the three-dimensional position is averagely 0.3 m.  相似文献   
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