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Based on the analysis of data on temperatures and moisture of soils in the active layer at four different permafrost sites in the source areas of the Yellow River(SAYR)in 2010–2012,the freeze–thaw processes of soils in the active layer were compared and contrasted for understanding the spatiotemporal variations.At the four studied sites,the thickness and mean annual temperature of permafrost are different.The temperatures at the top of permafrost(TTOP),i.e.,the maximum depth(s)of seasonal frost and/or thaw penetration,are-1.9°C at the Chalaping site(CLP),-0.9°C at the site on the southern bank of the Zhaling Lake(ZLH),-0.4°C at the Maduo Town site(MDX),and 1.1°C at the site on the northern bank of the Eling Lake(ELH).Differences in the mean annual ground temperature of permafrost and TTOPs may be responsible for the differentiations in the freeze–thaw processes of soils in the active layer.With rising TTOPs,the ground thawing started earlier:CLP in early June,ZLH in late May,MDX in early May,and ELH in mid-April,while the freezing began later:CLP in early October,ZLH in early to midOctober,MDX in mid-October,and ELH in the mid-to late October.With increasing TTOPs,the freeze-up periods for permafrost sites were shortened:202 days at CLP,130 days at ZLH,100 days at MDX,and the period of complete thaw was 89 days at ELH.At the CLP and ZLH sites,the two-directional ground freezing(downwards from ground surfaces and upwards from the permafrost table)and thawing finished in the same year,but the ground freezing at the MDX continued to the end of the nextJanuary,with very slow freezing rates in the end.At the ELH site,ground freezing kept on until early May when thawing began on the surface,and upward and downward thawing became increasingly stable in late June to early July.At each site,with rising TTOPs,the downward freezing accelerated in comparison with the upward freezing,and with an increasing proportion of downward frozen depth,and with the larger ratios of freezing to thawing duration.In summary,the patterns of thawing and freezing processes in the active layer in the SAYR differ from those in other parts of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau to a noticeable extent.  相似文献   
冻土温度场计算中热间断面处理的理论分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了冻土温度场计算中经常涉及的三类位置固定的热间断面的温度衔接条件和计算处理方法,间断面在冻土温度场计算中通常被简化成一个厚度趋于零的薄层,导致系统热性能在此发生突变,热参数成为空间位置坐标的奇异子函数.根据间断面介质热传输过程满足的能量守衡定律和三类间断面的传热机制,应用积分原理和中值定理,推出一般条件下热间断面的温度衔接条件.将导出的一般条件下的温度衔接条件应用于三类热间断面,得出具体处理此三类间断面的温度场计算方法.  相似文献   
冰冻圈是气候系统的重要组成部分,其变化与影响已受到了全社会的普遍关注。本文介绍了北半球冰川、冻土、积雪、海冰近几十年来的时空变化规律,发现夏季在北极中央区出现海冰密集度极低的重要现象,阐明了冰川变化对水资源的影响,明确了积雪、海冰、冻土变化对气候的重要作用,并指出了今后需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
0Preface Permafrostisasoilmediumwhichisextremely sensitivetotemperatureandsurroundingfactors.Themostessentialdistinctionbetweenpermafrost andotherrockorsoilisthatitcontainsground ice.Whileconstructinganystructureson permafrost,twomajorengineeringproblemsmustbesolved:freezingheaveinflationandthawing settlement.TheGolmud LhasaSectionofQinghai Tibet Railway,withatotallengthof1118km,hasa totaldistanceof632kmrunningonpermafrost,outofwhichabout550kmiscontinuous permafrost,82kmispatchypermafrost,9…  相似文献   
土壤水是连接大气降水、地表水和地下水的关键水文带,在旱寒区对于维系植被生长起到至关重要的作用.为获取相对精度较高,时空分布更广的土壤含水量数据,本文采用青藏高原2006年MODIS(moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer)植被归一化指数NDVI(normalized difference vegetation index)数据与地温数据LST(land surface temperature)计算出青藏高原全年温度植被干旱指数TVDI(temperature vergetation dryness index);分析TVDI数据与GLDAS各层土壤含水量的相关性以及相关性的稳定性,结果表明:总体上TVDI数据与GLDAS各层土壤含水量数据呈负相关关系,其中TVDI与GLDAS第1层土壤湿度数据相关性最好,且相关性的稳定性较强;利用TVDI和GLDAS第1层数据的相关关系反演出青藏高原2006年每月土壤水分分布图,并利用月均值进行实例分析,结果表明反演结果与GLDAS数据基本吻合,仅在青藏高原南部和北部两个区域存在偏差.与原始GLDAS数据相比,TVDI反演的土壤含水量数据具有更高的分辨率(分辨率为1km),在时间尺度上,可以反演逐月的土壤水分.  相似文献   
冻土退化过程中植被覆盖度的变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全球气候变暖的背景下,青藏高原的多年冻土出现了不断退化的现象.退化的多年冻土隔水作用减弱或消失,并导致依赖于冻结层上水的植被变化.在模拟高原多年冻土分布的基础上,分析了冻土的退化过程植被覆盖度的变化,结果表明,冻土的变化可分为3个阶段:冻土稳定段(80年代)、冻土快速退化段(90年代)和冻土缓慢退化段(最近十几年).同时,采用GIMMS(global inventory modeling and mapping studies)第3代NDVI数据(1982—2012年)分析青藏高原植被覆盖度的斜率变化特征,结果显示:在近31a来,青藏高原的植被覆盖度斜率整体上呈微弱增加趋势;植被覆盖在冻土退化的3个时段内的变化特征为:从20世纪80年代冻土相对稳定期到90年代的冻土退化期,比退化面积增大11%;近十几年来,冻土退化逐步减缓,植被退化的增幅减弱,面积比90年代增大了3%,但退化的区域更为集中.冻土退化与植被的变化机制复杂,本文的分析与发现对理解冻土对生态的影响有一定的意义.  相似文献   
The Impact of Climate Warming on Permafrost and Qinghai-Tibet Railway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Global wanning is an inarguable fact. Permafrost is experiencing a change due to climate warming in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, such as the decreasing of permafrost table, the rising of permafrost temperature, etc. On the basis of analysing the permafrost change under the climate change and engineering action, the thermal regime and spatial distribution of permafrost are predicted for air temperature rising 1℃ and 2.6℃ after 50 years in this paper. The results show that climate change results in the larger change for the thermal regime and spatial distribution of permafrost. Permafrost change will produce the great effect on the Qinghai- Tibet Railway engineering, not only resulting in the decreasing of permafrost table beneath the roadbed, but also resulting in thawing settlement due to the thawing of ground ice near permafrost table. The idea of cooling roadbed and actively protecting permafrost for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway engineering could adjust and control the permafrost thermal state, some better methods are provided to ensure the engineering stability in the areas of warm permafrost and high ice content.  相似文献   
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