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In all eukaryotic cells, the cytosolic concentration of calcium ions ([Ca2+]c) is tightly controlled by complex interactions among transporters, pumps, channels and binding proteins. Finely tuned changes in [Ca2+]c modulate a variety of intracellular functions, and disruption of Ca2+ handling leads to cell death. Here we review the human genetic diseases associated with perturbations in the Ca2+ signaling machinery. Despite the importance of Ca2+ in physiology and pathology, the number of known genetic diseases that can be attributed to defects in proteins directly involved in Ca2+ homeostasis is limited to few examples, which will be discussed. This paucity in contrast with the wide molecular repertoire may depend on the extreme severity of the phenotype (leading to death in utero) or, conversely, on functional compensation due to redundancy. In the latter case, it stands to reason that other genetic defects in calcium signaling have yet to be identified owing to their subtle phenotype.  相似文献   
Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are a major cause of familial Parkinsonism, and the G2019S mutation of LRRK2 is one of the most prevalent mutations. The deregulation of autophagic processes in nerve cells is thought to be a possible cause of Parkinson’s disease (PD). In this study, we observed that G2019S mutant fibroblasts exhibited higher autophagic activity levels than control fibroblasts. Elevated levels of autophagic activity can trigger cell death, and in our study, G2019S mutant cells exhibited increased apoptosis hallmarks compared to control cells. LRRK2 is able to induce the phosphorylation of MAPK/ERK kinases (MEK). The use of 1,4-diamino-2,3-dicyano-1,4-bis[2-aminophenylthio]butadiene (U0126), a highly selective inhibitor of MEK1/2, reduced the enhanced autophagy and sensibility observed in G2019S LRRK2 mutation cells. These data suggest that the G2019S mutation induces autophagy via MEK/ERK pathway and that the inhibition of this exacerbated autophagy reduces the sensitivity observed in G2019S mutant cells.  相似文献   
Parkinson's disease is a widespread condition caused by the loss of midbrain neurons that synthesize the neurotransmitter dopamine. Cells derived from the fetal midbrain can modify the course of the disease, but they are an inadequate source of dopamine-synthesizing neurons because their ability to generate these neurons is unstable. In contrast, embryonic stem (ES) cells proliferate extensively and can generate dopamine neurons. If ES cells are to become the basis for cell therapies, we must develop methods of enriching for the cell of interest and demonstrate that these cells show functions that will assist in treating the disease. Here we show that a highly enriched population of midbrain neural stem cells can be derived from mouse ES cells. The dopamine neurons generated by these stem cells show electrophysiological and behavioural properties expected of neurons from the midbrain. Our results encourage the use of ES cells in cell-replacement therapy for Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
The polo-like kinase Plk4 (also called Sak) is required for late mitotic progression, cell survival and postgastrulation embryonic development. Here we identified a phenotype resulting from Plk4 haploinsufficiency in Plk4 heterozygous cells and mice. Plk4+/- embryonic fibroblasts had increased centrosomal amplification, multipolar spindle formation and aneuploidy compared with wild-type cells. The incidence of spontaneous liver and lung cancers was approximately 15 times high in elderly Plk4+/- mice than in Plk4+/+ littermates. Using the in vivo model of partial hepatectomy to induce synchronous cell cycle entry, we determined that the precise regulation of cyclins D1, E and B1 and of Cdk1 was impaired in Plk4+/- regenerating liver, and p53 activation and p21 and BubR1 expression were suppressed. These defects were associated with progressive cell cycle delays, increased spindle irregularities and accelerated hepatocellular carcinogenesis in Plk4+/- mice. Loss of heterozygosity occurs frequently (approximately 60%) at polymorphic markers adjacent to the PLK4 locus in human hepatoma. Reduced Plk4 gene dosage increases the probability of mitotic errors and cancer development.  相似文献   
Resumen Se infundió bilirrubina no conjugada en tres grupos de ratas: normales, totalmente hepatectomizadas y Gunn homocigotas, observándose la aparición de bilirrubina conjugada en la mucosa intestinal de los dos primeros grupos. Dichos experimentos, confirmados con el uso de bilirrubina-14C, demuestran que la bilirrubina no conjugada sérica puede ser captada y conjugada por la mucosa intestinal de la rata.

This work was supported in part by a grant from C.O.F.O.I.C., Pcia. de Santa Fe, República Argentina. We thank Mr.J. Rassero for his invaluable technical assistance.  相似文献   
S100A6 protein belongs to the A group of the S100 protein family of Ca2+-binding proteins. It is expressed in a limited number of cell types in adult normal tissues and in several tumor cell types. As an intracellular protein, S100A6 has been implicated in the regulation of several cellular functions, such as proliferation, apoptosis, the cytoskeleton dynamics, and the cellular response to different stress factors. S100A6 can be secreted/released by certain cell types which points to extracellular effects of the protein. RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation endproducts) and integrin β1 transduce some extracellular S100A6’s effects. Dosage of serum S100A6 might aid in diagnosis in oncology.  相似文献   
Chloroquine is thought to act against falciparum malaria by accumulating in the acid vesicles of the parasite and interfering with their function. Parasites resistant to chloroquine expel the drug rapidly in an unaltered form, thereby reducing levels of accumulation in the vesicles. The discovery that verapamil partially reverses chloroquine resistance in vitro led to the proposal that efflux may involve an ATP-driven P-glycoprotein pump similar to that in mammalian multidrug-resistant (mdr) tumor cell lines. Indeed, Plasmodium falciparum contains at least two mdr-like genes, one of which has been suggested to confer the chloroquine resistant (CQR) phenotype. To determine if either of these genes is linked to chloroquine resistance, we performed a genetic cross between CQR and chloroquine-susceptible (CQS) clones of P. falciparum. Examination of 16 independent recombinant progeny indicated that the rapid efflux phenotype is controlled by a single gene or a closely linked group of genes. But, there was no linkage between the rapid efflux, CQR phenotype and either of the mdr-like P. falciparum genes or amplification of those genes. These data indicate that the genetic locus governing chloroquine efflux and resistance is independent of the known mdr-like genes.  相似文献   
Resumen La inyección de bilirrubina conjugada a ratas Gunn con ligadura coledociana, produce un aumento de la excreción urinaria de bilirrubina C14 exógena o de la endógena sintetizada a partir de la inyección de ALA-C14 en dichos animales. Dicho aumento fue probado por la cristalización de la bilirrubina radioactiva de muestras de orina y por la radioactividad presente en el azopigmento A separado por cromatografía sobre papel. El aumento de pigmento I, demostrado en el suero por partitión química y en la orina por columna cromatográfica de fase inversa, permiten suponer la formación de un complejo de bilirrubina no conjugada radioactiva y de bilirrubina conjugada, como mecanismo del pasaje mencionado.

This work was supported by grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, República Argentina, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., USA and Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social de la Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina.  相似文献   
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