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Yonehara K  Balint K  Noda M  Nagel G  Bamberg E  Roska B 《Nature》2011,469(7330):407-410
Spatial asymmetries in neural connectivity have an important role in creating basic building blocks of neuronal processing. A key circuit module of directionally selective (DS) retinal ganglion cells is a spatially asymmetric inhibitory input from starburst amacrine cells. It is not known how and when this circuit asymmetry is established during development. Here we photostimulate mouse starburst cells targeted with channelrhodopsin-2 (refs 6-8) while recording from a single genetically labelled type of DS cell. We follow the spatial distribution of synaptic strengths between starburst and DS cells during early postnatal development before these neurons can respond to a physiological light stimulus, and confirm connectivity by monosynaptically restricted trans-synaptic rabies viral tracing. We show that asymmetry develops rapidly over a 2-day period through an intermediate state in which random or symmetric synaptic connections have been established. The development of asymmetry involves the spatially selective reorganization of inhibitory synaptic inputs. Intriguingly, the spatial distribution of excitatory synaptic inputs from starburst cells is significantly more symmetric than that of the inhibitory inputs at the end of this developmental period. Our work demonstrates a rapid developmental switch from a symmetric to asymmetric input distribution for inhibition in the neural circuit of a principal cell.  相似文献   
A family of candidate taste receptors in human and mouse   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Matsunami H  Montmayeur JP  Buck LB 《Nature》2000,404(6778):601-604
The gustatory system of mammals can sense four basic taste qualities, bitter, sweet, salty and sour, as well as umami, the taste of glutamate. Previous studies suggested that the detection of bitter and sweet tastants by taste receptor cells in the mouth is likely to involve G-protein-coupled receptors. Although two putative G-protein-coupled bitter/sweet taste receptors have been identified, the chemical diversity of bitter and sweet compounds leads one to expect that there is a larger number of different receptors. Here we report the identification of a family of candidate taste receptors (the TRBs) that are members of the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily and that are specifically expressed by taste receptor cells. A cluster of genes encoding human TRBs is located adjacent to a Prp gene locus, which in mouse is tightly linked to the SOA genetic locus that is involved in detecting the bitter compound sucrose octaacetate. Another TRB gene is found on a human contig assigned to chromosome 5p15, the location of a genetic locus (PROP) that controls the detection of the bitter compound 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil in humans.  相似文献   
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A (CMT1A) is a hereditary demyelinating peripheral neuropathy, associated with a DNA duplication on chromosome 17p11.2. A related disorder in the mouse, trembler (Tr), maps to mouse chromosome 11 which has syntenic homology to human chromosome 17p. Recently, the peripheral myelin protein-22 (pmp-22) gene was identified as the likely Tr locus. We have constructed a partial yeast artificial chromosome contig spanning the CMT1A gene region and mapped the PMP-22 gene to the duplicated region. These observations further implicate PMP-22 as a candidate gene for CMT1A, and suggest that over-expression of this gene may be one mechanism that produces the CMT1A phenotype.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis boron transporter for xylem loading   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Boron deficiency hampers the productivity of 132 crops in more than 80 countries. Boron is essential in higher plants primarily for maintaining the integrity of cell walls and is also beneficial and might be essential in animals and in yeast. Understanding the molecular mechanism(s) of boron transport is crucial for alleviating boron deficiency. Here we describe the molecular identification of boron transporters in biological systems. The Arabidopsis thaliana mutant bor1-1 is sensitive to boron deficiency. Uptake studies indicated that xylem loading is the key step for boron accumulation in shoots with a low external boron supply and that the bor1-1 mutant is defective in this process. Positional cloning identified BOR1 as a membrane protein with homology to bicarbonate transporters in animals. Moreover, a fusion protein of BOR1 and green fluorescent protein (GFP) localized to the plasma membrane in transformed cells. The promoter of BOR1 drove GFP expression in root pericycle cells. When expressed in yeast, BOR1 decreased boron concentrations in cells. We show here that BOR1 is an efflux-type boron transporter for xylem loading and is essential for protecting shoots from boron deficiency.  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that the direct connection from the motor cortex to spinal motor neurons is responsible for dexterous hand movements in primates. However, the role of the 'phylogenetically older' indirect pathways from the motor cortex to motor neurons, mediated by spinal interneurons, remains elusive. Here we used a novel double-infection technique to interrupt the transmission through the propriospinal neurons (PNs), which act as a relay of the indirect pathway in macaque monkeys (Macaca fuscata and Macaca mulatta). The PNs were double infected by injection of a highly efficient retrograde gene-transfer vector into their target area and subsequent injection of adeno-associated viral vector at the location of cell somata. This method enabled reversible expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged tetanus neurotoxin, thereby permitting the selective and temporal blockade of the motor cortex–PN–motor neuron pathway. This treatment impaired reach and grasp movements, revealing a critical role for the PN-mediated pathway in the control of hand dexterity. Anti-GFP immunohistochemistry visualized the cell bodies and axonal trajectories of the blocked PNs, which confirmed their anatomical connection to motor neurons. This pathway-selective and reversible technique for blocking neural transmission does not depend on cell-specific promoters or transgenic techniques, and is a new and powerful tool for functional dissection in system-level neuroscience studies.  相似文献   
The bacterial flagellum is a motile organelle, and the flagellar hook is a short, highly curved tubular structure that connects the flagellar motor to the long filament acting as a helical propeller. The hook is made of about 120 copies of a single protein, FlgE, and its function as a nano-sized universal joint is essential for dynamic and efficient bacterial motility and taxis. It transmits the motor torque to the helical propeller over a wide range of its orientation for swimming and tumbling. Here we report a partial atomic model of the hook obtained by X-ray crystallography of FlgE31, a major proteolytic fragment of FlgE lacking unfolded terminal regions, and by electron cryomicroscopy and three-dimensional helical image reconstruction of the hook. The model reveals the intricate molecular interactions and a plausible switching mechanism for the hook to be flexible in bending but rigid against twisting for its universal joint function.  相似文献   
Keller A  Zhuang H  Chi Q  Vosshall LB  Matsunami H 《Nature》2007,449(7161):468-472
Human olfactory perception differs enormously between individuals, with large reported perceptual variations in the intensity and pleasantness of a given odour. For instance, androstenone (5alpha-androst-16-en-3-one), an odorous steroid derived from testosterone, is variously perceived by different individuals as offensive ("sweaty, urinous"), pleasant ("sweet, floral") or odourless. Similar variation in odour perception has been observed for several other odours. The mechanistic basis of variation in odour perception between individuals is unknown. We investigated whether genetic variation in human odorant receptor genes accounts in part for variation in odour perception between individuals. Here we show that a human odorant receptor, OR7D4, is selectively activated in vitro by androstenone and the related odorous steroid androstadienone (androsta-4,16-dien-3-one) and does not respond to a panel of 64 other odours and two solvents. A common variant of this receptor (OR7D4 WM) contains two non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), resulting in two amino acid substitutions (R88W, T133M; hence 'RT') that severely impair function in vitro. Human subjects with RT/WM or WM/WM genotypes as a group were less sensitive to androstenone and androstadienone and found both odours less unpleasant than the RT/RT group. Genotypic variation in OR7D4 accounts for a significant proportion of the valence (pleasantness or unpleasantness) and intensity variance in perception of these steroidal odours. Our results demonstrate the first link between the function of a human odorant receptor in vitro and odour perception.  相似文献   
用焚烧炉进行城市垃圾焚烧处理后余下的粉尘中含有严重危及人类身体健康 ,甚至生命安全的二英。该文利用表面脉冲放电研究了静电除尘器中粉尘的表面化学转化 ,结果发现放电后的粉尘颗粒表面产生物理性脆性变化。这表明脉冲放电引起粉尘及其颗粒的有效脆性化。含量分析结果也表明放电后试品中对人体有害的二英含量明显降低。正脉冲放电比负脉冲放电对粉尘中的二英有更明显的转化作用。可以认为 ,利用脉冲放电 ,特别是正脉冲放电 ,非热平衡等离子体能有效地解除和转换粉尘中有害化学物质。  相似文献   
Site-specific recombination requires conserved DNA sequences specific to each system, and system-specific proteins that recognize specific DNA sequences. The site-specific recombinases seem to fall into at least two families, based on their protein structure and chemistry of strand breakage. One of these is the resolvase-invertase family, members of which seem to form a serine-phosphate linkage with DNA. Members of the other family, called the integrase family, contain a conserved tyrosine residue that forms a covalent linkage with the 3'-phosphate of DNA at the site of recombination. Structural comparison of integrases shows that these proteins share a highly conserved 40-residue motif. V-(D)-J recombination of the immunoglobulin gene requires conserved recombination signal sequences (RS) of a heptamer CACTGTG and a T-rich nonamer GGTTTTTGT, which are separated by a spacer sequence of either 12 or 23 bases We have recently purified, almost to homogeneity, a protein that specifically binds to the immunoglobulin J kappa RS containing the 23-base-pair spacer sequence. By synthesizing probes on the basis of partial amino-acid sequences of the purified protein, we have now isolated and characterized the complementary DNA of this protein. The amino-acid sequence deduced from the cDNA sequence reveals that the J kappa RS-binding protein has a sequence similar to the 40-residue motif of integrases of phages, bacteria and yeast, indicating that this protein could be involved in V-(D)-J recombination as a recombinase.  相似文献   
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