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中国黄土剖面蓝田正极性亚带之确认   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
中国黄土广泛分布于中国北方,是典型的更新世沉积。巨厚的黄土地层较完整地记录了200多万年来地球磁场变化信息,使我们得以通过黄土进行古地磁研究。作者先后对20多个黄土剖面进行了古地磁测量。结果表明:黄土剖面清楚地反映出布容正极性带与松山负极性带的界限(B/M)位于第八层黄土(L_8)中部。松山负极性带与高斯正极性带的界限(M/Ga)恰是更新世黄土与第三纪红粘土的界限。在松山负极性带中清楚地反映出哈拉米洛正极性亚带(J),奥尔都维正极性亚带(O)与留尼汪正极性亚带(R).  相似文献   
研究了具有长方系数矩阵的微分代数方程组的数组稳定性.利用克罗尼克标准型将原系统等价转化,获得了线性多步法和龙格-库塔法求解系统时的渐近稳定性结果.  相似文献   
碧罗雪山东麓茨中村的田野调查材料,以一个村庄为焦点,展现了当地人半农半牧、跑马帮、开客栈、从事渔猎、手工等传统生存策略。当地自然条件的多样性,使人们根据自身对生境的需要,认识物种、使用工具、进行社会分工、开辟交通,从而创立和发展了生产方式,并以此和自然交换能量。每一代村民进入预定的继承序列,也就获得了前人的生态环境、社会因素及生产方式,并在自身活动中添加一些新的内容,从而形成多样化的生计模式。  相似文献   
When, where and from which hominoid the human originated has been one of the key subjects in the study of human natural history. It is therefore very important to learn the chronological, geographical and taxonomic distribution of all hominoids. Yunnan Pr…  相似文献   
The faunal ecological type and sequence in the Tertiary red clay indicate that Hipparion fauna during the period 7.4-6.1 Ma in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is composed mainly of dorcadoides and mixed types. This represents semiarid veld environment with small fluctuation. The fossil assemblages characterized by the abundance of gaudryi types and even the occurrence of some Hominoid and Chalicotherium indicate an obviously warm and humid period since 5.3 Ma. The fossil assemblages during 3.4 Ma show the typical steppe fauna representing dry climate. It is indicated by the changes of ecological sequence that the climatic conditions in Pliocene are drier than that in late Miocene. The clay-skin content of red clay, which has a synchronous change with faunal features, is a rather good replacing palaeoclimatic index.  相似文献   
The faunal ecological type and sequence in the Tertiary red clay indicate that Hipparion fauna during the period 7.4–6.1 Ma in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is composed mainly of dorcadoides and mixed types. This represents semiarid veld environment with small fluctuation. The fossil assemblages characterized by the abundance of gaudryi types and even the occurrence of some Hominoid and Chalicotherium indicate an obviously warm and humi period since 5.3 Ma. The fossil assemblages during 3.4 Ma show the typical steppe fauna representing dry climate. It is indicated by the changes of ecological sequence that the climatic conditions in Pliocene are drier than that in late Miocene. The clay-skin content of red clay, which has a synchronous change with faunal features, is a rather good replacing palaeoclimatic index.  相似文献   
相对于传统网络构架来说,软件定义网络(software-defined networking,SDN)是一种颠覆性的网络技术构架创新,这种网络架构打破了网络领域多年来的沉寂,逐渐成为各个专业领域的热门议题.从电信业(communicationtechnology,CT)和信息业(information technology,IT)的比较出发,对当今网络技术发展的瓶颈进行分析,描述了SDN 和网络功能虚拟化(network function virtualization,NFV)2种典型的标准网络架构,阐述了SDN作为网络重构技术的必要性,详细分析了其核心价值、面临的主要挑战以及应用场景,继而引申到产业链重构的机遇和挑战;阐述了对SDN战略层面的相关思考.  相似文献   
中国黄土区东亚古季风气候与冰期气候对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了中国黄土区冰期气候与季风气候记录;进行了黄土磁化率与大洋δ18O曲线对比,并且将黄土组合—古土壤组合与冰期-间冰期气候进行了比较。结果表明:黄土组合与古土壤组合记录了冰期气候与间冰期气候;中国黄土—古土壤堆积是全球冰期—间冰期气候变化与东亚古季风气候变化共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
讨论了带有多个延迟量的中立型微分方程x(t)=Lx(t)+m∑i=1Mi x(t-τi)+n∑j=1Njx'(t-τ'j)的稳定性.其中L,Mi,Nj∈Cd×d为常数复阵,τi>0,τ'j>0为常数延迟量,i=1,…,m,j=1,…,n.列举的相关数值例子表明得到的结果更具有一般性.  相似文献   
A detailed record of the Matuyama-Brunhes (M-B) transition has been obtained from the loess unit 8 (L8) at Duanjiapo (34.2°N, 109.2°E),Shannxi Province of China. An investigation of the rock magnetic properties using hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic analyses identifies pseudo- single domain magnetite as the main carrier of the remanence, with a small contribution from maghemite and hematite. The paleo-direction records obtained reveal: (ⅰ) The M-B transition was recorded in the middle and lower part of L8, and comprises of five fast reversals. (ⅱ) The duration of the M-B polarity transition related to the directional change is about 4800 a. (ⅲ) The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) path during the transition is confined over Africa, peaked 90° away from the sampling site, in contrast with the results obtained from the Weinan loess section. The different VGPs are probably attributed to the pedogenesis.  相似文献   
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