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两栖仿生机器鱼Ⅰ的建模及推进机构设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
仿生机器鱼技术为研发高效、高机动性和低噪声的水下运载器提供了一种方法.受两栖动物启发,完成了一种多模态仿生两栖机器鱼I的设计,并成功试制了样机.该两栖机器鱼能巧妙地利用转体机构实现仿鱼和仿海豚游动的结合,实现了二种运动模态的自由切换,其鳍肢/轮桨机构的引入不仅能使机器鱼在地面爬行或仿轮式运动,而且提高了水中运动的机动性.  相似文献   
种子学是高等农林院校农学类专业的必修核心课程之一。但是,传统的种子学实验教学由于受作物生长季节、实验场地和教学经费等条件的限制,在实验教学内容选择上具有很大的局限性,导致学生的创新能力和动手能力较弱,教学效果不佳。分析了目前种子学实验教学中存在的问题和虚拟仿真平台在种子学实验教学中的优势,探讨了基于虚拟仿真平台的种子学实验教学改革策略,以期为培养创新型和应用型现代种业人才,推动高校实验教学改革提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
我国高新技术产品国际竞争力探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
虽然从量上来看,我国高新技术产业发展很快,但从质上来说,国际竞争力依然弱小,需要多方面努力,提高我国高新技术产品的国际竞争力。  相似文献   
高校实验室安全问题不容忽视,必须引起有关部门的高度重视。本文主要分析了高校实验室目前存在的主要问题,并针对如何构建一个安全、高效、舒适的实验室提出相关建议,旨在为相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
A new real-time algorithm is proposed in this paper for detecting moving object in color image sequences taken from stationary cameras. This algorithm combines a temporal difference with an adaptive background subtraction where the combination is novel. When changes occur, the background is automatically adapted to suit the new conditions. For the background model, a new model is proposed with each frame decomposed into regions and the model is based not only upon single pixel but also on the characteristic of a region. The hybrid presentation includes a model for single pixel information and a model for the pixel's neighboring area information.This new model of background can both improve the accuracy of segmentation due to that spatial information is taken into account and saliently speed up the processing procedure because portion of neighboring pixel can be selected into modeling. The algorithm was successfully used in a video surveillance system and the experiment result shows it can obtain a clearer foreground than the single frame difference or background subtraction method.  相似文献   
缩小知识差距对于发展中国家实施赶超战略是至关重要的 ,因此已经上升为许多国家的国家战略。缩小知识差距要从三方面着手 :一是在知识的获取方面既要学习外国的先进知识 ,又要努力在国家内部创造知识 ;二是在知识的吸收方面 ,要使教育体制更加符合经济发展的需要 ;三是在知识的交流方面 ,应努力打破垄断 ,使新的信息技术能以低成本进入平常百姓家。  相似文献   
A new real-drie algorithm is proposed in this paperfor detecting moving object in color image sequencestaken from stationary cameras. This algorithmcombines a temporal difference with an adaptivebackground subtraction where the combination isnovel. When changes occur, the background isautomatically adapted to suit the new conditions. Forthe background model, a new model is proposed witheach frame decomposed into regions and the model isbased not only upon single pixel but also on the  相似文献   
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