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李兴刚 《世界知识》2012,(19):38-39
伊朗的"拉美攻略"有四个战略目标:打造西半球的反美联盟、破解美欧的经济封锁、构筑抗美斗争的前沿基地、获取至关重要的铀矿资源。伊朗真能实现包抄美国"后院"的愿望吗?近日,伊朗核危机愈演愈烈,以色列和伊朗的调门都日益升高。9月16日,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡称伊朗"大约六个月就可以完成90%"研制核武器所需的浓缩铀,希望美国为对伊朗动武设定"红线"。在战火如此逼近的紧急时刻,盟友对于伊朗就显得分外重要了。然而,自中东剧变以来,伊朗屈指可数的中东盟友皆陷入岌岌可危境地,  相似文献   
伊朗算计得很清楚:自己手里有"牌",一旦开战,受损的不仅是伊朗,西方乃至整个地球也必然被祸及。在一场没有赢家的较量中,西方国家会轻易出手吗?伊朗与西方围绕核问题的激烈博弈成为2012年国际局势的开场大戏之一。一方面,伊朗在核问题上立场坚定,大有不达目的誓不罢休之意;另一方面,西方国家挟利比亚战争获胜之气势,不但施压和制裁举措一再加码,而且对伊动武之声喧嚣尘上。面对空前未有之困  相似文献   
有关现代工业化生产中男西装制作技术的几点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就衣片归拔,复衬,开袋,敞袖等主要工艺,进行传统工艺与先进设备工艺的比较分析。同时对柔性吊挂传输系统与传统生产流水线作了时间数量对比和浮余指标分析,体现出现代工艺,先进设备和高新技术的优越性。同时提出了进一步改革男西装现代化工业化生产技术的设想。  相似文献   
The paper analyzes the principle of positioning of waves by notching at the bottom of the waves hi garment draping from the dynamic perspective, and search for the best molding effect under 45?to fabric grain as the model baseline. Wavy and ring deformation laws are proved by the sample photographs.  相似文献   
论述了当前国内外服装款式变化的一些特点,提出了有关人体测量、原型建立的原理和方法以及服装结构设计中的一些新观点,旨在为建立起科学、合理、正确的服装结构设计的理论和方法而进行探索.  相似文献   
Sleeve pattern design of men' s tailored - suit is one of the most difficult problems of clothing pattern design. Based on the experimental studies of armhole girth, the difference of armhole width and crown height, crown angle, under sleeve curve's diagonal line length, crown ease and its distribution rule, this paper mainly deals with the sleeve pattern design of tailored - suit for Chinese men. The influences of these factors are discussed and furthermore, some qualitative, quantifiable conclusions are drawn to design perfect pattern of men' s tailored - suit sleeve.   相似文献   
The characteristics of body build of middle - and old -aged women and its rule of variations as well as the basic sizes of various parts are discussed. All these are based on the body measurements of this age group, and also on the statistical studies of the measurement data. By setting the regression equation, the calculating formulae of various control parts are obtained, thus establishing the prototype of this age group for women.  相似文献   
As for the theory and method in garment structural design according to human figures,a principle for garment design,i.e.body-fitting without added allowance,and a combination of draping and planar design (DPD hereunder) for young ladies has been put forward,and,also,a DPD garment prototype for them has been established.And the applied formulae for extensively-practicing operation have been set up,which proves to be,with actual samples,a systematic and practical garment structural designing theory and approach.  相似文献   
“阿拉伯之春”周年祭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
始自突尼斯一次自焚事件的“阿拉伯之春”已持续一年有余,虽然这波大规模抗议浪潮可能已经开始消退,但对该地区已经造成广泛而深远的影响.西方人眼中的三个独裁政权,突尼斯的本阿里、埃及的穆巴拉克、利比亚的卡扎菲已经崩溃,也门的萨利赫也黯然退出政治舞台,叙利亚政府则岌岌可危.其余中东国家也因之均出现不同程度的动荡和冲击.然而,在西方为这场“民主革命”欢呼雀跃之时,他们可曾料到,这一浪潮的后果,还包括中东地缘政治和战略的重构、阿以和平进程被束之高阁、土耳其和伊朗扩大和提升自己的影响力、美国在中东的影响力则不升反降……这些后果是美国和西方愿意看到的吗?  相似文献   
在充当相关邻国代理人并为之服务的同时,亦藉此推进自己的民族主义目标。库尔德人能否在中东大动荡中找到新机遇?在中东几国跨境而居、一直梦想着建立一个自己的祖国的库尔德人,由于当前叙利亚的动荡局势似乎获得了一个新机遇:在充当相关邻国代理人并为之服务的同时,亦借此推进其民族主义目标。现在,土耳其境内的库尔德工人  相似文献   
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