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The formation of public opinion on the network is a hot issue in the field of complex network research, and some classical dynamic models are used to solve this problem. The signed network is a particular form of the complex network, which can adequately describe the amicable and hostile relationships in complex real-world systems. However, the methods for studying the dynamic process of public opinion propagation on signed networks still require to be further discussed. In this paper, the authors pay attention to the influence of negative edges in order to design a two-state public opinion propagation mechanism suitable for signed networks. The authors first set the interaction rules between nodes and the transition rules of node states and then apply the model to synthetic and real-world signed networks. The simulation results show that there is a critical value of the negative edge ratio.When the negative edge ratio exceeds this critical value, the evolutionary result of public opinion will change from a consistent state to a split state. This conclusion is also consistent with the distribution result of opinions within communities in the signed network. Besides, the research on the network structural balance shows that the model makes the network evolve in a more balanced direction.  相似文献   
耗散结构理论为研究复杂系统的性质和规律提供了新的思想和方法。近几年来,从自组织理论出发,利用动力系统、分支理论等数学工具,揭示生物化学、生态学、流行病学等领域内复杂系统的结构和演化规律取得了不少成果,在政治、经济、教育、城市演化等社会科学领域也作了初步尝试,从定性和定量两方面都得到了一些有意义的结果。教育系统作为一个内部存在着复杂相互作用的体系,可以应用耗散结构理论,通过对其内部各子系统之间相互作用的讨论和研究,利用动力系统的数学  相似文献   
1. Introduction In the past decades, the evolutionary perspective has contributed lot to the economics (Arthur and Durlauf et al 1997, Dosi and Nelson 1994, Aruka 2001). The economy is studied as an evolving complex system with many features in complexity such as nonlinear interactions and emergent properties. In reality, the economic system consists of many adaptive agents. They learn from each other, and their values may be influenced by others’ values and actions. These interactions amo…  相似文献   
评价论文影响力是科学计量学领域的重要内容.科学引文网反应了论文之间的相互引用关系.本文基于H指数的思想对于评价论文影响力提出"H算法",进而提出改进后的"H+算法"用以解决H算法简并度高的问题.把算法应用在美国物理学会(APS)提供的科学引文网中,实验结果表明,两种算法计算出的评价指标呈现高端幂律分布.这两种算法比PageRank算法的时间复杂度都要低;在评价优秀论文方面的表现上,"H算法"准确率优于PageRank算法.  相似文献   
Evaluation of seedling emergence is a common method used to investigate the vegetation restoration potential of soil seed banks. Previous studies have primarily been conducted in the laboratory using a single water treatment. However, when this method is used, it is difficult to optimize the water conditions for the needs of the individual species of seeds. Additionally, the germination conditions for seedlings in the laboratory are different from those in nature. To avoid these issues, we conducted experiments to activate soil seed banks in the field using different water treatments. The results revealed that: (1) generally, the number of species and quantity of seedlings decrease gradually as the water supply decreases, but that for several species most seedlings did not appear when they were provided with the greatest amount of water, and (2) different species present different germination characteristics. According to the rate of seedling emergence, the species were classified into two germination types: fast and slow. In addition, each species also had a unique climax period of emergence, which was delayed with a decrease in water supply. Therefore, the amount of water provided is vital to seedling emergence, and various water treatments should be evaluated when studying the characteristics of different species in soil seed banks. For the lower reaches of the Tarim River, the optimal soil moisture for seedling emergence ranged from 23% to 28%, and seedling conservation should be strengthened during the climax period of emergence (9–15 days from the day when water became available). These results highlight the importance of the use of an optimal water treatment and demonstrate the danger of using a single treatment method. Our results also emphasize the need for a preliminary study prior to conducting studies to evaluate seed banks.  相似文献   
从复杂网络的角度,研究了北京大学Maze网这一复杂系统.Maze网属于P2P网络,其中的个体具有网络用户和网络资源提供者双重属性.我们应用两种网络模型对其进行了实证分析.第一种是二分网络模型,即用户--资源提供者网络;另一种是单顶点网络模型,即用户--用户网络.我们分别统计了Maze网在这两种网络模型下的度分布和集聚系数分布,同时对二分网络模型进行了聚类分析,这些结果对深入研究Maze网提供了有力支持.  相似文献   
关注最大熵原理的期权定价模型,首先应用Black-Scholes公式的虚构数据验证完全风险中性市场条件下该模型的适用性,然后应用中国市场中"宝钢认购权证"实际交易的数据进行实证分析,并探讨了投资者预期对期权价格的影响,表明了最大熵期权定价模型的实际可行性.  相似文献   
元胞自动机法寻找社团结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种 "元胞自动机"方式寻找社团结构的方法.该方法基于Radicchi等人于2004年提出的"强社团"定义,并对寻找该定义下的社团结构有极佳的效果,在128个格点的经典人工网的应用中可以达到100%正确划分.该方法具有较低的复杂度:O(N2lgN).  相似文献   
在生物及人类社会中,自组织聚集是十分普遍而且重要的集群行为,也是近年来蓬勃发展的交叉领域.为了定量地深入研究自组织聚集的宏观规律,我们用实验方法研究了草地铺道蚁的自组织聚集与其密度之间的关系,采用层次社会熵和样方法的统计手段测量蚂蚁群体的聚集度,以定量度量其自组织聚集程度.精确控制的实验以及基于实验数据的统计分析表明,蚂蚁群体在低密度下呈现近随机分布状态,高密度下稳定于显著的聚集状态,即蚂蚁聚集的程度是密度依赖的.实验给出的佐证在后续探究蚂蚁聚集的微观机制研究中将起到至关重要的作用,能够引起聚集行为涌现的简单机制是与密度密切相关的.  相似文献   
包含人力资本的宏观经济增长模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构造含有人力资本的生产函数,建立反映人力资本积累的宏观经济学模型,对其进行动力学分析,探讨了人力资本与经济的关系中存在的非线性因素对于经济系统演化的影响,表明经济增长中存在着起飞现象,说明人力资本的实际意义.  相似文献   
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