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Limited single-spacecraft observations of Jupiter's magnetopause have been used to infer that the boundary moves inward or outward in response to variations in the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. At Earth, multiple-spacecraft observations have been implemented to understand the physics of how this motion occurs, because they can provide a snapshot of a transient event in progress. Here we present a set of nearly simultaneous two-point measurements of the jovian magnetopause at a time when the jovian magnetopause was in a state of transition from a relatively larger to a relatively smaller size in response to an increase in solar-wind pressure. The response of Jupiter's magnetopause is very similar to that of the Earth, confirming that the understanding built on studies of the Earth's magnetosphere is valid. The data also reveal evidence for a well-developed boundary layer just inside the magnetopause.  相似文献   
Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is an often fatal disease that affects pregnant women who are near delivery, and it occurs more frequently in women with pre-eclampsia and/or multiple gestation. The aetiology of PPCM, and why it is associated with pre-eclampsia, remain unknown. Here we show that PPCM is associated with a systemic angiogenic imbalance, accentuated by pre-eclampsia. Mice that lack cardiac PGC-1α, a powerful regulator of angiogenesis, develop profound PPCM. Importantly, the PPCM is entirely rescued by pro-angiogenic therapies. In humans, the placenta in late gestation secretes VEGF inhibitors like soluble FLT1 (sFLT1), and this is accentuated by multiple gestation and pre-eclampsia. This anti-angiogenic environment is accompanied by subclinical cardiac dysfunction, the extent of which correlates with circulating levels of sFLT1. Exogenous sFLT1 alone caused diastolic dysfunction in wild-type mice, and profound systolic dysfunction in mice lacking cardiac PGC-1α. Finally, plasma samples from women with PPCM contained abnormally high levels of sFLT1. These data indicate that PPCM is mainly a vascular disease, caused by excess anti-angiogenic signalling in the peripartum period. The data also explain how late pregnancy poses a threat to cardiac homeostasis, and why pre-eclampsia and multiple gestation are important risk factors for the development of PPCM.  相似文献   
DNA sequence and expression of the B95-8 Epstein-Barr virus genome   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
The complete (172,282 base pairs) nucleotide sequence of the B95-8 strain of Epstein-Barr virus has been established using the dideoxynucleotide/M13 sequencing procedure. Many RNA polymerase II promoters have been mapped and the mRNAs from these promoters have been assigned to the latent or early/late productive virus cycles. Likely protein-coding regions have been identified and three of these have been shown to encode a ribonucleotide reductase, a DNA polymerase and two surface glycoproteins.  相似文献   
Résumé Les observations faites sur le porc de Yorkshire montrent que certaines perturbations du flot sanguin normal se manifestent dans une zone prédisposée au developpement de lésions athéromateuses et sont accompagnées de pertes de substances endothéliales. Cette destruction des cellules endothéliales permettrait au plasma riche en lipoprotéines de pénétrer librement dans la paroi artérielle, ce qui favorise l'athérogénese.

Supported by NIH grant No. HE 11-11791.  相似文献   
Saturn is a source of intense kilometre-wavelength radio emissions that are believed to be associated with its polar aurorae, and which provide an important remote diagnostic of its magnetospheric activity. Previous observations implied that the radio emission originated in the polar regions, and indicated a strong correlation with solar wind dynamic pressure. The radio source also appeared to be fixed near local noon and at the latitude of the ultraviolet aurora. There have, however, been no observations relating the radio emissions to detailed auroral structures. Here we report measurements of the radio emissions, which, along with high-resolution images of Saturn's ultraviolet auroral emissions, suggest that although there are differences in the global morphology of the aurorae, Saturn's radio emissions exhibit an Earth-like correspondence between bright auroral features and the radio emissions. This demonstrates the universality of the mechanism that results in emissions near the electron cyclotron frequency narrowly beamed at large angles to the magnetic field.  相似文献   
Error is protean, ubiquitous and crucial in scientific process. In this paper it is argued that understanding scientific process requires what is currently absent: an adaptable, context-sensitive functional role for error in science that naturally harnesses error identification and avoidance to positive, success-driven, science. This paper develops a new account of scientific process of this sort, error and success driving Self-Directed Anticipative Learning (SDAL) cycling, using a recent re-analysis of ape-language research as test example. The example shows the limitations of other accounts of error, in particular Mayo’s (Error and the growth of experimental knowledge, 1996) error-statistical approach, and SDAL cycling shows how they can be fruitfully contextualised.  相似文献   
Bile salts are natural detergents required to solubilise dietary fat and lipid soluble vitamins. They are synthesised in hepatocytes and secreted into the luminal space of the biliary tree by the bile salt export pump (BSEP), an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter in the canalicular membrane. BSEP deficiency causes cytotoxic accumulation of bile salts in the hepatocyte that results in mild-to-severe forms of cholestasis. The resulting inflammation can also progress to hepatocellular cancer via a novel mechanism involving upregulation of proliferative signalling pathways. A second ABC transporter of the canalicular membrane is also critical for bile formation. ABCB4 flops phosphatidylcholine into the outer leaflet of the membrane to be extracted by bile salts in the canalicular space. These mixed micelles reduce the detergent action of the bile salts and protect the biliary tree from their cytotoxic activity. ABCB4 deficiency also causes cholestasis, and might be expected to cause cholangitis and predispose to liver cancer. Non-synonymous SNPs in ABCB4 have now been described in patients with liver cancer or with inflammatory liver diseases that are known to predispose to cancer, but data showing that the SNPs are sufficiently deleterious to be an etiological factor are lacking. Here, we report the first characterisation at the protein level of six ABCB4 variants (D243A, K435T, G535D, I490T, R545C, and S978P) previously found in patients with inflammatory liver diseases or liver cancer. All significantly impair the transporter with a range of phenotypes exhibited, including low abundance, intracellular retention, and reduced floppase activity, suggesting that ABCB4 deficiency is the root cause of the pathology in these cases.  相似文献   
Loss of reproductive productivity in hosts of the Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ), a nest parasite, may limit the success of conservation and recovery efforts that focus on restoring avian habitat. We investigated the relationships between parasitism frequency of 2 vireos—the endangered Black-capped Vireo ( Vireo atricapillus ) and the White-eyed Vireo ( Vireo griseus )—and characteristics of the neighboring avian assemblage. Our objective was to identify assemblage characteristics that are useful for predicting parasitism frequency. We hypothesized that parasitism frequency of the vireos would decrease with increasing alternate host abundance and increase with increasing abundance of cowbirds. All Black-capped Vireo nests ( n = 20) and 81% of White-eyed Vireo nests ( n = 27) were parasitized. Parasitism frequency of White-eyed Vireos was positively correlated with the number of cowbirds detected ( r = 0.84, df = 4, P = 0.018). Parasitism frequency of White-eyed Vireos was negatively correlated with abundance of the Black-and white Warbler ( Mniotilta varia; r = 0.891, df = 4, P = 0.009) but was not correlated with abundance of other cowbird hosts. The relationship between Black-and-white Warbler abundance and parasitism frequency may be due to chance, given the small sample size and narrow range of parasitism frequencies, but the relationship may also reflect an interaction (requiring further investigation) between parasitism and the vegetation characteristics associated with Black-and white Warblers. Our results imply that reducing cowbird abundance will reduce parasitism frequency of Black-capped Vireos. When the number of cowbirds in an area predicts parasitism, land managers would benefit from identifying a target cowbird abundance based on the levels of parasitism the host population can tolerate while still meeting productivity and population objectives for the species. La disminución de productividad debido al parasitismo por el tordo negro ( Molothrus ater ) podría limitar el éxito de los esfuerzos de conservación y recuperación de las aves que se centran en la restauración del hábitat. Investigamos la relación entre la frecuencia de parasitismo en el vireo gorrinegro ( Vireo atricapilla ), que está en peligro de extinción, y en otra especie de vireo, el vireo ojiblanco ( Vireo griseus ), así como su relación con las características de la población circunvecina de aves para identificar las características que sirven para predecir la frecuencia del parasitismo. Planteamos la hipótesis de que la frecuencia de parasitismo en los vireos disminuiría con el aumento de la abundancia de huéspedes alternativos y aumentaría al incrementarse la abundancia de tordos. Todos los nidos del vireo gorrinegro ( n = 20) y el 81% de los nidos del vireo ojiblanco ( n = 27) fueron parasitados. La frecuencia de parasitismo en los vireos ojiblancos estaba correlacionada positivamente con el número de tordos detectados ( r = 0.84, gdl = 4, P = 0.018). Estaba correlacionada negativamente con la abundancia ( r = 0.891, gdl = 4, P = 0.009) del chipe trepador ( Mniotilta varia ), pero no estaba correlacionada con la abundancia de otros huéspedes de los tordos. La relación entre la abundancia de chipe trepador y la frecuencia da parasitismo podría ser aleatoria, dado lo pequeño de la muestra y la poca variación en las frecuencias de parasitismo, pero también podría reflejar una interacción entre el parasitismo y las características de la vegetación asociada con el chipe trepador que requiere más investigación. Nuestros resultados indican que la disminución de la abundancia de tordos reduce la frecuencia de parasitismo en el vireo gorrinegro. Cuando el número de tordos en una área predice el parasitismo, los administradores de recursos naturales podrían beneficiarse de la identificación de una abundancia meta del tordo, basada en los niveles de parasitismo que la población huésped pueda sostener y todavía alcanzar los objetivos de productividad y población de la especie.  相似文献   
A four-season live trapping study in the Whirlwind Valley, on the Lander and Eureka county lines near the Humboldt River, yielded two species previously unrecorded from both counties, Ammospermophilus leucurus and Peromyscus truei. Both records represent minimal airline range extension of 113 and 105 km. It is suggested that the distribution of A. leucurus may include the entire northeastern quadrant of Nevada. The occurrence of P. truei in sagebrush habitat 21 km from the nearest pinyon woodland is unusual and suggests that this species may occur patchily distributed throughout the lower elevation ranges in the northern portion of the state.     相似文献   
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