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纵观历史,影响高校尤其是欠发达地区高校稳定的原因很多,但其中一个重要原因就是高校中存在的不公问题。本文分析了欠发达地区高校师生对不公正待遇的表达方式,研究了在公正问题上影响欠发达地区高校稳定的几个主要因素,并对消除社会不公、做好欠发达地区高校的稳定工作提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
采用自制的调查问卷,考察了284名大学生对教育公平问题包括招生与就业问题的看法。结果表明:大学生普遍认为招生和就业过程存在不公平,尤其对招生制度不合理、招生中的腐败问题和就业中的性别歧视、院校差别以及用人方看重外貌、只重学历不重能力等问题反映强烈。  相似文献   
胃镜检查是发现胃息肉的主要方法。传统的人工检查方式存在准确率低,易漏诊、误诊的情况。本文提出了一种基于深度学习的YOLOv5-SE胃息肉检测网络。该网络在目标检测算法YOLOv5的基础上进行了改进,引入注意力机制,将SE Block加入到主干网络的最后一层,增强网络的特征提取能力。改进后的YOLOv5-SE胃息肉检测网络的平均精度均值(mAP)达到了94.5%,相比原网络提高了3.1%,推理速度达到67fps,在满足实时性要求下较好地完成了胃息肉检测的要求。YOLOv5-SE胃息肉检测网络具有在实时性、自动检测的精度和速度等方面有一定提升,对促进胃息肉的自动检测有重要意义。  相似文献   
 Analyzing the characteristics of the Tethyantectonic field, the authors think that the Tethyan tectonicfield underwent three evolutional stages: closing of Pa-leo-Tethys and rifting of Neo-Tethys from early Permian tolate Triassic, subduction of Neo-Tethys and collision betweenthe Indian plate and the Eurasia plate from Jurassic to earlyof low Tertiary, and collision between the Arab plate and theEurasia plate and the A-type subduction of Indian plate fromlate of low Tertiary to the present. Combining the evolutionof the Tethyan orogenic belt with the characteristics of theNorthern Margin basin, it is suggested that the sedimentaryand tectonic characteristics and types of the Northern Mar-gin basin are controlled by the formation and evolution ofthe Tethyan orogenic belt and the ingression of Tethys. Theevolution of Northern Margin basin can be divided into threedevelopment stages: back-arc foreland basin from late Per-mian to Triassic, the back-arc fault subsidence and depres-sion from Jurassic to the early of low Tertiary, and the reac-tive foreland basin from the late of low Tertiary to the pre-sent. The Northern Margin basin in the Tethyan tectonicfield is an important region for natural gas accumulation,and the Tarim Basin is a part of this region.  相似文献   
本文对硬脂酸纳、硬脂酸锌、硬脂酸镁、聚乙二醇(4000)等作为固化剂所研制的固体化学燃料进行了性能指标的测试,探讨了不同种类的固化剂对固体化学燃料性能的影响,筛选了适宜的固化剂组成,确定了制备固体化学燃料的合适配方和合理的工艺流程。  相似文献   
从"娶"字可以看出中国古代汉族男主女从、女依男居的婚姻关系,女人在婚姻关系中有生育义务,中国古代汉族存在抢婚制和陪嫁婚制。  相似文献   
基于供应链网络的风险分析与评估方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从供应链中各企业内部、企业间合作关系及外部环境三个方面来考察供应链的风险,并分析了各类风险的出现概率和对整个供应链的影响程度.采用模糊评价的方法确定风险出现的概率以及影响程度,并用两者的乘积来表示该风险因素的大小,最后,将上述各值相加之和作为整个供应链的可靠度.采用这种方法,可以比较客观地比较不同供应链之间风险的大小,为企业供应链管理提供支持.  相似文献   
招生与就业中的教育公平问题调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自制的调查问卷,考察了284名大学生对教育公平问题包括招生与就业问题的看法.结果表明大学生普遍认为招生和就业过程存在不公平,尤其对招生制度不合理、招生中的腐败问题和就业中的性别歧视、院校差别以及用人方看重外貌、只重学历不重能力等问题反映强烈.  相似文献   
Nanosized tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) with different phase formation and morphologies has been successfully synthesized by two different soft chemical methods: combustion synthesis from the aqueous tin and indium nitrate solution containing urea as the fuel and hydrothermal treatment of the solution with the urea as the mineralizer. The sub?micrometer ITO nanoclusters with stratified morphology were obtained by calcining the obtained precursor from combustion process at 600℃ for one hour. However, by utilizing urea as the mineralizer during the hydrothermal treatment, the obtained ITO powders exhibit a composite morphology consisting of spheres and rods after calcining at 600℃ for one hour. Both of the processing routes yield a two-phase mixture consisting of rhombohedral and cubic forms of ITO.  相似文献   
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